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     法律的域外效力(extraterritorial effect)有时又称域外管辖权。国际法上的管辖权是一国,相对于其他国家,所拥有的权力,它包括立法管辖权(jurisdiction toprescribe)、裁判管辖权(jurisdiction to adjudicate)和执法管辖权(jurisdiction toenforce)。
     在域外效力问题上,存在着一个“不具域外效力的假设”(the presumptionagainst extraterritorial effects),即所有的法律原则上只具有域内效力。该假设存在以下例外:(1)清晰立法意图的例外;(2)不利后果的例外;(3)行为地点的例外。法律域外效力的建立方式有两种:法律的明确规定;法院在审判过程中的认定。
     法律的域外效力与国际法上的管辖规则有关。在传统国际法上,管辖的依据有属地原则(territorial principle)和属人原则(nationality principle)。属人原则(nationality principle)是以国籍为基础行使管辖权。依据属人原则,国家有权对其国民在外国的行为实行管辖。国籍原则常被引用作为法律域外效力的依据。如美国对其国民自外国取得的收人征税。1927年的“荷花号”案(The Lotus Case)常被引用,作为法律域外效力的证据。该案确立了两项原则:(1)可以根据境外行为在境内的效果赋予法律域外效力;(2)不能根据国际法未明确规定就得出禁止权力行使的结论。
     属地原则被解释成包括客观(objective)属地原则和主观(subjective)属地原则。属人原则被解释成包括积极(positive)人格、消极(passive)人格和居民管辖权(resident jurisdiction)。这些解释大大扩展了经济行政法域外效力的依据。
     二战之后,又出现了一些新的原则,如影响原则、行为归属原则和实施原则。影响(效果)原则(the effects doctrine)是基于国外行为在国内的后果赋予法律域外效力。根据“单一经济体”(single economic entity)说,如果国内子公司依据外国母公司的指示和要求行事,则可以对外国母公司主张国内法的域外效力。依据实施检验说(implementation test doctrine),作为行为环节之一的实施行为在国内时,国内的经济行政法可以域外适用。
     普遍性管辖权(universal jurisdiction)原指对公认的国际罪行,任何国家可以管辖并适用其法律。该原则被用于推行基本劳动标准、金融管制(反恐)法律的域外效力。传统的保护性原则也成了域外效力的依据,它被用于推行出口管制法、本国利益保护法的域外效力。
     对经济行政法能否跨国执行看法不一。否定说提出的否定理由有:惩罚性法律只有域内效力;执行他国法律有损本国利益;违反主权理念、损害公共秩序;用公共秩序审查会激怒外国;外国税法复杂,跨国执法在技术层面不可行。肯定说则认为,国家之间应该携手合作,共同制止违反经济行政法的行为,指望从违反他国法律的行为中获益是不道德的,相互执行是一个对双方都有利的共赢的选择。一些条约和国内法规定,经济行政法可以跨国执行,如《国际货币基金组织协定》规定了外汇管制法的跨国执行,美国和法国、加拿大等签订的税收互助条约规定了税法的跨国执行。国际法学会(The Institute of International Law)在威士巴登(Wiesbaden)通过的决议也认为,经济行政法可以跨国执行。经济行政法跨国执行的方式有间接执行和直接执行,前者指外国执行本国的行政法判决,后者指外国直接适用本国经济行政法。
     经济行政法的域外效力有一些负面效果,如商业上和法律上的不确定性,扭曲贸易和投资,产生不合理的成本,并最终导致就业减少和经济增长放缓。单边的努力和国家之间的合作都能减缓负面效果。单边努力包括采用礼让原则(principle of comity)、合理原则(principle of reason)、国家行为原则(act of statedoctrine)、外国主权强制原则、不与东道国法律冲突原则和从严认定本国公共秩序原则。国际合作和协调是减少冲突的成功方法,具体包括双边协调和多变协调。国际组织制定的示范法对冲突的解决也发挥了重要作用。
Legal effects can be divided into two categories, domestic effects and extrateritorial effects. The former indicates binding effects in the territory the lawmaker, the later beyond the limits of a nation which made it. If the territory is explained to include 'legal territory', binding effects of a law stipulated by mainland China on acts in Hong Kong can be considered as extraterritorial.
     There are two meanings attached to extraterritoriality. The first is binding effects on persons, things and acts in the territory beyond the lawmaker's. The second is the likelihood of extraterritorial application of a law by a nation rather than the lawmaker, ie its extraterritorial enforcement.
     Extraterritoriality is often called extraterritorial jurisdiction in international law. Jurisdiction is a power owned by a nation to describe, adjudicate and enforce.
     Extraterritoriality of economic administrative law can be found in such special situations as followings: (1) the binding effect of a national law in South Pole, arctic pole, the high seas and outer space; (2) the binding effect of a treaty on the third country who is not a contracting party to the treaty; (3) extraterritorial effect based on special arrangements. For example, while a person who enjoys diplomatic privileges is immune from the jurisdiction of host country, he is under the jurisdiction of the nation which missions him. In this sense, the law of sending nation is extraterritorial. Under consular extraterritoriality which once existed in China and Turkey, the acts of foreigners were governed by their national law, thus their national law was extraterritorial.
     There exits a presumption against extraterritorial application in most countries that all laws are territorial except stipulated otherwise. There are several exceptions to this presumption, including clear intent exception, adverse effects exception and location of conduct exception. Exceptions can be established in such ways as express indication from lawmaker and through adjudicating processes.
     Widespread allegation of extraterritoriality of economic administrative law was made after World War II, because the conditions of expansion are met at that time. While economic integration provide a economic base of expansion of legal binding, universal concern about global pollution and decline of labor standard provide a moral base, overwhelming power of some nations provide a political base, lack of express limits on domestic jurisdiction and broad bases for jurisdiction provide a legal base.
     Extraterritoriality mainly concerns international law. Territorial principle and nationality principle are traditional bases for jurisdiction. Under nationality principle, a nation has a jurisdiction over the acts of its subjects. To some extent, nationality principle provides a base for extraterritoriality. For instance, U.S.A imposes taxation duty on the incomes from abroad of its citizens. The Locus Case of 1927 is about criminal penalty, but it is often quoted as a proof for extraterritoriality. In this case, two principles were established. One is that a nation has a jurisdiction over the act occurred in foreign country if it had effects in domestic territory. The other is that prohibition of the jurisdictional power of a nation can not be drawn from the fact that international law hasn't empowered this jurisdiction definitely.
     Territorial principle has been explained to include the objective territorial principle and the subjective territorial principle, and nationality principle has been explained to include positive personality, passive personality, and resident jurisdiction. This kind of expansive explanation contributes a lot to extraterritoriality.
     After World War II, a series of new bases, such as the effect doctrine, act attribution and implementation principles, are established to support extraterritoriality. If domestic subsidiary acts according to a foreign parent company, two companies can be seen as a single economic entity, the nation where the subsidiary situated has jurisdiction over the foreign parent company. Under implementation test doctrine, one of act chains occurred in domestic territory, domestic economic administrative law can apply extraterritorially.
     Some expansion of extraterritorial bases is controversial and causes conflicts. The controversial practices are product nationality, technology nationality and extraterritoriality based on controlling relations between a company and its foreign subsidiary.
     Universal jurisdiction originally means any nation has jurisdiction over international crime. But it is now used as a base for extraterritoriality of basic labor standard and financial regulating (anti-terrorism) act. Traditional protective jurisdiction is now used as a base for extraterritoriality of export regulation and the law of protection of domestic interests.
     Extraterritoriality bases vary in different realm of law. It depends on the effect doctrine, attribution act theory and implementation test doctrine in competitive law, on nationality principle and the effect doctrine in environmental protection law, on universal principle and nationality in labor standard requirement, on the effect doctrine in security law, on resident identity on taxation law, and on people, product and technology nationality and controlling relation in export regulation.
     Except for voluntary abidance, the realization of extraterritoriality depends on enforcement by domestic administrative agency and court of law. As far as natural person and legal person are concerned, the domestic authority can take the measure of frost and seizure of property, order to cease economic relation and refuse visa to enforce regulating law. As for foreign nation, domestic authority can withdraw trade favor treatment, prohibit import of goods and retaliate in trade relation.
     Different opinion exist as for if domestic economic administrative law can be enforced extraterritorially. Some writers think it could not, because of following reasons: penal regulations are territorial; enforcement of foreign law would hurt domestic trade interest and domestic people's interest; it is contrary to sovereignty and public policy; to review foreign law according public policy will irrigate foreign nation while refusing all foreign law risk less; foreign taxation laws are too complex to understand exactly and correctly and so on. Other writers are for extraterritorial enforcement by another country's authority thinking that nations should cooperate to stop violation of economic administrative law. They argue that it is immoral for a nation to benefit from the violating act of other nation's law. All nations can benefit from international cooperation. A lot of treaties and domestic laws provide for extraterritorial enforcement of domestic economic administrative law. Under the International Monetary Fund Agreement, exchange control regulation can be applied extraterritorially. Tax law can also be enforced extraterritorially according to the taxation treaties between U.S.A. and France, Canada etc. The Institute of International Law adopted Wiesbaden Resolution which proposed extraterritorial enforcement of domestic economic administrative law. Extraterritorial enforcement can be achieved directly and indirectly, that is by enforcement of foreign court judgments given according to foreign economic administrative law, or by applying foreign economic administrative law in adjudicating a case.
     Conflict arises while different economic administrative laws of different countries apply to one relation or event. Confrontations include issuing of conflicting orders, diplomatic protests, making of blocking laws, issuing injunction to forbid nationals to participate in foreign procedure and political and economic retaliation. Severity of conflict differs in different fields. Conflict of laws is a conflict of interests of different contries in nature.
     Excessive extraterritoriality is an abuse. It uses other country's resources without acquiring its consent, it is a political manipulation under seemingly just cover, and will lead to double standard or discriminate treatment. Some requirements are necessary to set to prevent the abuse. Requirements needed to be satistied before the exercice of extraterritoriality are not violating basic international principles, treaties duties and customary international laws.
     Extraterritoriality may produce negative effects, such as legal and commercial uncertainty, distortion of foreign trade and investment, unwarranted costs and frustration of enthusiasm of international investment, decline of employment rate and slowing down of economic growth. Unilateral measures that can be taken to encounter the negative effects are adoption of the principle of comity, the principle of reason, the act of state doctrine, the foreign country compulsion rule, an attempt to avoid conflict with the law of host country, effort to narrow the limiting effect of public policy. It is necessary to cooperate with other countries to solve the disputes over extraterritoriality, bilaterally and multilaterally. Model law made by international organization has played an important part in the harmonization of different laws.
     GATT doesn't contain articles articulate clearly about extraterritoriality, but it does have some requirements like indiscrimination and transparency that have some effects on extraterritoriality. Exception of products of prison labor in article 20 supports extraterritoriality of labor standard. The exception of measures for protection of life or health, the exception of necessity to secure compliance with law, or exception of protection of exhaustible natural resources, is often quoted as a base for extraterritoriality of environmental protection measures. Security exception in article 21 is used as a base for extraterritoriality of export control acts. GATT/WTO dispute settlement body has accepted and dealt with several cases concerning extraterritoriality. New round of trade negotiation enlists such topics as environment protection, labor standard and competition law. Its breaking through will surely help reduce the conflict over extraterritoriality.
     China has long been a victim country of excessive extraterritoriality. She is a target of international embargo. Its enterprise like BDA in Macao was sanctioned for a reason listed in Patriotic Act of U.S.A. She was also accused of violation of international labor standard and is susceptible to sanctions. China moderately stipulates its extraterritoriality in such laws as Natural Person Income Tax Law, the Enterprise Income Tax Law, the Anti-trust Law (draft). By Mar. 30, 2007, it has concluded agreement of avoiding double taxation with 82 nations and its Hong Kong and Macao special administrative region, which contributed a lot to the successful settlement of extraterritoriality conflict in tax laws. In addition, China and Kazakstan reached an agreement on the cooperation in the field of competitive law and anti-trust law in 1999. But it still doesn't have regulations about extraterritoriality in such field as security law, environment protection law. China does not have not a regulation or an article about its unilateral measures of avoiding conflict of extraterritoriality, nor does it about blocking law to counter the abuse of extraterritoriality of foreign country. There is lots of work left for China to do.
1 CD.Wallace,Legal Control of the Multinational Enterprise,Martinus Nijhoff,100-103(1983).
    2 侯文富:《“东芝事件”及其影响刍议》,《日本学刊》,2000年1期;
    3 Boeing Co.et.al.,[1997]5 Trade Reg.Rep.(CCH)24,295(F.T.C.July 1,1997).黄勇、董灵:《反垄断法经典判例解析》,人民法院出版社 2002年版,第455-473页。
    4 http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/w/48500.shtml
    5 Statement of U.S.Trade Representative Robert B.Zoellick on U.S.-China Trade Relations,April 28,2004,at [url]http://www.ustr.gov/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2004/April[/url],p.3.
    6 美国宣布切断澳门汇业银行与美联系http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2007-03-15/150512526705.shtml
    7 GW.Keeton,Extraterritoriality in international and comparative law,Recueil des cours,Vol.72(1948-1),pp253-391
    8 王克稳:《经济行政法基本论》,北京大学出版社 2004年版,第2页。
    9 袁勇、朱淑娣:《经济行政法涵义评析》,《甘肃理论学刊》2005年第3期,第102页。
    10 赵世义:《经济宪法学基本问题》,《法学研究》,2001年第4期,第33-34页。
    11 应松年、朱维究:《行政法学总论》,工人出版社 1985年版,第58页。
    12 何建华:《对经济行政法几个问题的探讨》,《理论探索》,2005年第5期,第79页。
    13(德)罗尔夫·斯特博著,苏颖霞,陈少康译:《德国经济行政法》,中国政法大学出版社 1999年版,第12页。
    14[日]室井力著,吴微译:《日本现代行政法》,中国政法大学出版社 1995年版,第551页。
    15 王克稳:《经济行政法基本论》,北京大学出版社 2004年版,第7页。
    16 对于经济行政法的地位和归属,看法不一。一种观点认为经济行政法是行政法的分支学科,是部门行政法、专门行政法或特别行政法,持此种现点的多为行政法学界学者,如日本学者室井力、德国学者罗尔夫·斯特博、中国学者罗豪才、应松年、胡建森、皮纯协、朱维究、张光、刘景昌、沈亚平等。另一种观点认为经济行政法是与行政法相并列的一个独立的法律体系。参见何建华:《对经济行政法几个问题的探讨》,《理论探索》,2005年第5期。
    17 参见[日]金泽良雄著,满达人译,《经济法概论》,甘肃人民出版社 1985年版,第37页。
    18[德]罗尔夫·斯特博著,苏颖霞、陈少康译,《德国经济行政法》,中国政法大学出版社 1999年版,第10页。
    19[英]施米托夫著,赵秀文译,《国际贸易法文选》,中国大百科全书出版社 1993年版,第32页。
    20 参见[德]拉德布鲁赫著,米健等译,《法学导论》,中国大百科全书出版社 1997年版,第77页。
    21 参见[德]哈贝马斯著,遭卫东等译:《公共领域的结构转型》,学林出版社 1999年版,第170-179页。
    22 参见王克稳:《经济行政法论》,《法律科学》1994年第1期。
    23 参见范家骧、高天虹:《西方经济学》,中国经济出版社 1992年版,第366、374页。
    24 王克稳:《经济行政法基本论》,北京大学出版社 2004年版,第43页。
    25 罗豪才:《行政法学》,北京大学出版社 2001年版,第3页。
    26 姜明安:《行政法与行政诉讼法》,北京大学出版社 1999年版,第13-14页。
    27 宋功德:《论经济行政法的制度结构:交易费用的视角》,北京大学出版社 2003年版,第64页。
    28 王克稳:《经济行政法基本论》,北京大学出版社 2004年版,第5页。
    29 刘剑文、魏建国:《也论经济法和行政法的关系》,《华东政法学院学报》,2003年第5期,第25页。
    30 参见王克稳:《经济行政法论》,载《法律科学》1994年第1期。
    31 参见王克稳:《行政法学视野中的“经济法—经济行政法论》,载《中国法学》1999年第4期。
    32 参见王克稳:《经济行政法论》,载《法律科学》1994年第1期;
    33 参见李琦:《论法律效力——关于法律上的力的一般原理》,《中外法学》1998年第4期。
    34 参见黄进:《区际冲突法研究》,学林出版社 1991年6月版,第2页。
    35 参见沈涓:《中国区际冲突法研究》,中国政法大学出版社 1999年版,第1页。
    36 见卢云主编:《法理学》,四川人民出版社 1993年版,第365页;
    37 参见程吉生:《反垄断法域外适用问题及前景分析》,《西南政法大学学报》,2001年第1期。
    38 姚壮、任继圣著:《国际私法基础》,中国社会科学出版社 1981年版,第22页。
    39 高铭暄主编:《刑法学原理》第一卷,中国人民大学出版社 1993年版,第291-292页。
    40 Mark Edward Foster,Trade and Envirronment:Making Room For Envirronmental Trade Measures Within the GATT,71 S.Cal.L.Rev.393,401(January,1998).
    41 Ibid.
    42 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社 2003年版,第67页。
    44 Jonathan Turley,Legal Theory:"When in Rome":Multinational Misconduct and the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality.84 Nw.U.L.Rev.598,599,note 6.
    45 参见吕岩峰:《刑法的域外效力辨析——来自国际私法学的观照》,《法制与社会发展》1998年第4期。
    46 吕岩峰:《刑法的域外效力辨析——来自国际私法学的观照》,《法制与社会发展》1998年第4期。
    47 劳特派特修订,石蒂、陈健译:《奥本海国际法》(上卷第一分册),北京:商务印书馆1971年版,第245-246页。
    48 有学者认为域外效力的说法可能更多地是一种表象性的描述,域外管辖权才是较规范的国际公法用语。参见王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社 2005年版,第46页。
    49 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla--Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,32(1990).
    50 戴维·M·沃克编,北京社会与科技发展研究所组织翻译:《牛津法律大辞典》,光明日报出版社 1988年版,第488页。
    51 同上。
    52 韩德培主编:《现代国际法》,武汉大学出版社 1992年版,第112页。
    53 转引陈竹华博士论文:证券法域外管辖权的合理限度,第22页。
    54 Martin Dixon & Robert Mccorquodale,Cases & Materials on International Law,Blackstone Press Lmt.,318-319(1991);Also see Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin.EC Competition Law:Texts,Cases,and Materials.Oxford University Press,1039(2001).也见戴维·M·沃克编《牛津法律大辞典》第488页。
    56 对Restatement,有的译为“重述”,也有学者认为,直译不能准确反映此类文件的准确涵义,“restatement”除了“重述”外,还有“再说明”的含义,而采用“诠释”的译法.本论文仍采用为大多数人接受的长期使用的“重述”译法。
    57 参见罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,(台湾)月旦出版社股份有限公司1994年版,第79页。
    58 周鲠生:《国际法》,北京商务印书馆 1981年版,第229页。
    59 参见钟建华:《论我国经济的国际化与我国经济法的域外适用》,载《中外法学》1995年第4期。
    60 United States v.American Tobacco Co.,221 US106(1911).
    61 王贵国著:《发展中的国际投资法律规范》,法律出版社,1988年11月第1版,第354页。
    62 J·G·斯塔克著,赵维田译:《国际法导论》,法律出版社 1984年版,第197页。
    63 Envtl.Def.Fund,Inc.v.Massey,986 F.2d 528(D.C.Cir.1993).
    64 42 U.S.C.S.§ 4332(2)(C)(2002).
    65 Kourtney Twenhafel,Comment,Freeport McMoran's Midas Touch:Testing the Application of the National Environmental Policy Act to Federal Agency Action Governing Multinational Corporations,4 Tul.J.Int'l & Comp.L.303,347,349(Summer,1996).
    66 Karl M.Mcessen,Extraterritorial Juridiction in Theory and Practice,Kluwer Law International,125-26(1996).
    67 McKinley Tariff Act,Ch.1244,26 Star.624(1890).
    68 19U.S.C.§ 1307.
    69 James Michael Zimmennan,Extraterritorial Employment Standard of the United States,1(1992).
    72 古代腓尼基(Phoenicia)的有名港口,现属黎巴嫩。
    73 埃及一古老城市,位于开罗以南.据说该城是由统一埃及的第一位国王美尼斯建立的,在亚历山大大帝占领埃及之前它一直保持原状.该地遗物包括大面积的史前坟墓。
    74 S.LIU,Extraterriality:Its Rise and its Decline,23(1925);1 T.TWBS.Law of Nations,444(1884);G Keeton,The Development of Extraterritorial in China,157(1925),cited in James Michael Zimmermen,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,162(1992).
    75 C.Phillipson,1 The International Law and Customs of Ancient Greece and Rome,193(1911),cited in James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,162(1992).
    76 E.Borchard,Diplomatic Protection of Citizezs Abroad 433(1915);E.Dickinson,The Equality of States in International Law 224-25(1920),cited in James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,162(1992),cited in James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Ouorum Books,New York,162(1992).
    77 泰国旧称。
    78 See H.R.Doc.No.326,59th Cong.,2d Sess.216-46.
    79 2 J.B.MOORF,A Digest of International Law,593(1906),cited in James Michael Zimmennan,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,162(1992).
    80 E.Borchard,Diplomatic Protection of Citizezs Abroad 433(1915);E.Dickinson,The Equality of States in International Law,431(1920),cited in James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,162(1992).
    81 EEOC v.Arabian Am.Oil Co.,111 S.Ct.1227,1230(1991)(quoting Foley Bros.,Inc.v.Filardo,336 U.S.281,285(1949)).
    82 Am.Banana Co.v.United Fruit Co.,213 U.S.347(1909).
    86 McCulloch v.Sociedad Nacional de Marineros de Honduras,372 U.S.10(1963).
    87 EEOC v.Arabian Am.Oil Co.,499 U.S.244(1991).
    88 Envtl.Def.Fund,Inc.v.Massey,986 F.2d 528(D.C.Cir.1993).
    94 Jeffrey B.Groy & Gail L.Wurtzler,International Implications of U.S.Environmental Law,8 Nat.Resources &Env't.7(1993).
    95 黄风:《从<爱国者法案>看美国反洗钱策略的新动向》载《中国司法》第58页。
    96 15 U.S.C.S.§§ 78m(a)-(h)(2002).
    97 Id.at § 78m(a),78b(6).
    98 Robert A.Bassett,Canadian Companies Beware:The U.S.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Applies to You!,36Alberta L.Rev.455,458(1998).
    99 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《奥本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社 1995年版,第327页.
    100 See,e.g.,Des Brisay v.Goldfield Corp.,549 F.2d 133,135(9th Cir.1977).
    101 See,e.g.,Zoelsch v.Arthur Anderson & Co.,824 F.2d 27,30(D.C.Cir.1987);Bersch v.Drexel Firestone,Inc.,519 F.2d 974,993(2d Cir.),cert.denied,423 U.S.1018(1975).
    116 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社 2005年版,第65页。
    120 Harold G.Maier,Jurisdictional Rules in Customary International Law,in Dr.Karl M.Meessen ed.Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice,Kluwer Law International,65(1996).
    121 A.D.NealeandM.L.Stephens,International Business and National Jurisdiction,Clevendon Press,Oxford,4(1988),参见钟建华:《论我国经济的国际化与我国经济法的域外适用),载《中外法学》,1995年第4期。
    122 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,9(1990).
    123 朱景文、冯玉军、冉井富、朱健飞:《法律与全球化——实践背后的理论研讨会纪要》,《法学家》,2002年第6期,第115页。
    124[美]D·D·埃利斯(Dorsey D.Ellis Jr,):《美国反托拉斯法刑事制裁的域外运用》,载王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与经济发展》,社会科学文献出版社 2003年版,第269页。
    125 Keniche Ohmae,The Borderless World,10(1990)
    126[美]D·D·埃利斯(Dorsey D.Ellis Jr,):《美国反托拉斯法刑事制裁的域外运用》,载王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与经济发展》,社会科学文献出版社 2003年版,第269页。
    127 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,14(1990).
    128[美]D·D·埃利斯(Dorsey D.Ellis Jr,):《美国反托拉斯法刑事制裁的域外运用》,载王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与经济发展》,社会科学文献出版社2003年版,第269页。
    129 参见陈竹华博士论文:《证券法域外管辖权的合理限度》,第28页。
    130 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第68页。
    131 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第79-80页。
    132 Boeing Co.et.al.,[1997]5 Trade Reg.Rep.(CCH)24,295(F.T.C.July 1,1997).
    133 William S.Dodge,An Economic Defense of Concurrent Antitrust Jurisdiction,38 Texas Inte'l L.J.,32-38(Winter,2003).
    134 U.N.Conference on Trade and Dev.,Programme on Transnational Corporations,World Investment Report 1993:Transnational Corporations and Integrated International Production at 19-22,U.D.Doc ST/CTC/15b,U.N.Sales No.E.93.Ⅱ.A.14(1993).
    135 Robert J.Fowler,International Environmental Standards for Transnational Corporations,25 Envtl.L.1,8(Winter,1995).
    136 Patrick Low & Alexander Years,Do "Dirty" Industries Migrate?,International Trade and the Environment 89,88(World Bank Discussion Papers,No.159)(1992).
    137 Lauren Levy,Stretching Environmental Statutes to Include Private Causes of Action and Extraterritorial Application:Can It Be Done?,6 Dick.J.Envtl.L.& Pol'y 65(Winter,1997).
    138 Scott Holwick,Note & Comment,Transnational Corporate Behavior and Its Disparate and Unjust Effects on the Indigenous Cultures and the Environment of Developing Nations:Jota v.Texaco,A Case Study,11 Colo.J.Int'l Envtl.L.& Pol'y 183,192(Winter,2000).
    139 See David Robertson,Trade and the Environment:Harmonization and Technical Standards,in World Bank Discussion Papers:International Trade and the Environment 309-10(Patrick Low ed.,1992).
    140 See Peter J.Lloyd,The Problem of Optimal Environmental Policy Choice,in The Greening of World Trade Issues 49,68(Kym Anderson & Richard Blackhurst eds.,1992);Maria Garner,Transnational Alignment of Nongovernmental Organizations for Global Environmental Action,23 Vand.J.Transnat'l L.1057,1061(1991).
    141 See Daniel C.Esty,Greening the GATT:Trade,Environment,and the Future 121-26(1994).
    144 Ibid,at 6.
    145 Ibid,at 8.
    146 Ibid.
    147 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第75页。
    148 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,15(1990).
    149 邱永红:《美国经济霸权论纲》,载陈安主编《国际经济法学刊》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第436页.
    150 United states of America v.Aluminum Company of American et.al,148 F.2d 416.443(2d Cir.1945).
    151 阿瑟·林克(A.S.Link)、威廉·卡顿(W.B.Cotton)著,刘绪贻译:《一九○○年以来的美国史:中册》,中国社会科学院出版社,1983年版.
    152 保罗·肯尼迪,王保存译:《大国的兴衰》,求实出版社,1988年版。
    153 田运康:《二战后初期美国大规模对外经济援助之原因》,《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2002年第3期,第80页。
    154 同上注。
    155 邱永红:《美国经济霸权论纲》,载陈安主编《国际经济法学刊》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第436页。
    156 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,13(1990).
    157 Harold G.Maler,Extra-territorial Jurisdiction and the Cuban Democracy Act,8 Fla.J.Int'l L.391,392(1993).
    158 Ibid.
    159 The Case of the S.S.Lotus(Ft.v.Turk.)),1927 P.C.I.J.,(ser.A)No.10.
    160 The Case of the S.S.Lotus(Fr.v.Turk.),1927 P.C.I.J.,(ser.A)No.10,at 19..转引陈竹华博士论文:《证券法域外管辖权的合理限度》,第30页。
    161 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,14(1990).
    162 18 UN SCOR,UN Doc.S/P.V.5386(1963).See also M.J.Mehlman,T.H.Milch,and M.V.Toumanoff,United States Restrictions on Exports to South Africa,73 Am.J.Int'l L.581(1979).
    163 GA Res.1761,17 UN GAOR Supp.No.17,at 102;UN Doc.A/5217(1962).
    164 H.C.Debates,1963,vol.Ⅳ,p.3800,Oct.21,1963,Hon.Paul Martin,Secretary of State for External Affairs.
    165 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,31(1990).
    166 Id.
    167 Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Teheran(United States v.Iran) I.C.J.Rep.1980,3.
    168 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,31(1990).
    169 Id.
    170[美]D·D·埃利斯(Dorsey D.Ellis Jr,):《美国反托拉斯法刑事制裁的域外运用》,载王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与经济发展》,社会科学文献出版社2003年版,第269页。
    171 League of Arab Stales Resolution No.849,Dec.11,1954,as cited in A.F.Lowenfeld,"...'Sauce for the Gander':The Arab Boycott and United States Political Trade Controls" 12 Texas Int'l L.J.25,26(1977).
    172 Ibid,
    173 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,14(1990).
    181 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,法律出版社1995年版,第126页。
    182[美]路易斯·亨金著,张乃根等译:《国际法:政治与价值》,北京:中国政法大学出版社 2005年版,第337页.
    183 同前注。
    184 The Schooner Exchange v.McFadden,11 U.S.(7 Cranch 116,136)(1812).
    185 项谠:《中外外入境法律指南》,北京:中国人民公安大学出版社1998年版,第61页。
    186 张仲伯:《国际私法》,北京:中国政法大学出版社1995年版,第155页。
    187 RESTATEMENT(THIRD) FOREIGN RELATIONS LAW,§402 comment c(1987).
    188 A.D.Neale and M.L.Stephens,International Business and National Jurisdiction,12(1988);Rest.3rd,Restatement of Foreign Relation Law of the United States,§402.罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第70页。
    189 对空气空间和外层空间的分界线在现代国际法中还存有争议。
    193 唐承元:《亚非法律协商会议关于域外管辖权问题的探讨》,载《中国国际法年刊》(2000/2001),北京:法律出版社2005年版,第268页。
    195 同前注。
    196 J.L.Brierly,The Law of Nations 162(1963).See also ALI,Restatement(Second) of Foreign Relations Law sec.17(1965);Brownlie,Principles of Public International Law,298-302(1979).
    197 Attorney of New Zealand v.Ortiz[1984]1 A.C.1[1982]3 All E.R.432.See also J.Story,Conflict of Laws 26(2nd ed.1841).
    198 American Banana company v.United Fruit company,213 U.S.347,356,29 S Ct.511,512(1909);see also Picciotto,Jurisdictional Conflicts,International Law and the International State System,11 INT'l J.Soc.L.11,16-17(1983).
    199 American Banana,213 U.S.,at 354-56.
    200 巴拿马在1821年前为西班牙的殖民地,1821年宣布独立并自愿加盟哥伦比亚,1903年11月3日巴拿马正式成为主权国家。此处的中央政府指的是哥伦比亚政府。
    201 American Banana,213 U.S.at 348.
    202 Id.at 356-57.
    203 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第56页。
    204 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,北京:法律出版社1995年版,第126页。
    205[美]路易斯·亨金著,张乃根等译:《国际法:政治与价值》,北京:中国政法大学出版社 2005年版,第236页。
    206 Rest.3d,Restatement of the Foreign Relations of the United States § 402.
    207 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《奥本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第330页.
    208 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,北京:法律出版社1995年版,第126页。
    209 Laker Airways v.Sabena,Belgian World Airways,731 F.2d 909,922(D.C.Cir.1984).
    210 9 Wheat.370(1824).
    211 W.E.Hall,ATREATISE ON INTERNATIONAL LAW 56-57(1924).citcd in James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,1992,at162.
    212 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第71页。
    213 See,e.g.,D.P.O'CONNELL,INTERNATIONAL LAW 898(2d ed.1970).cited in James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,1992,at162.
    214 James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,162(1992).
    215 United States v.Chandler,171 F.2d 921(1st Cir.1948),cert.den.336 U.S.918(1949).
    216 18 U.S.C.2381(1982).
    217 18 U.S.C.953(1982).
    218 265 U.S.47,54-56(1924).也可参见理查德·L·多恩伯格著,马康明、李金早等译:《国际税法概要》中国社会科学出版社,第16页。
    220 《国内税收法规》第7701条(a)(3)及(4)。
    221 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,148(1990).
    222 James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,164(1992).
    230 Statements of Principles,United Kingdom Aide-Memoire of 20 October 1969 to Commission of the European Communities.
    231 France v Turkey(1927)P.C.I.J.Ser.A,No.10.案情的中文介绍见陈致中:《国际法案例选编》,北京:法律出版社1966年版,第133-139页;
    232 Andrea Bianchi's comment,in Dr.Karl M.Meessen ed.Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice,Kluwer Law International 75(1996).
    233 周鲠生:《国际法(上册)》,北京:商务印书馆1981年,第229页。
    235 Id.at 15-19.
    236 Mann,The Doctrine of International Jurisdiction Revisited After Twenty Years,186 RdC 9,33(1984 Ⅲ).
    237 参见韩德培主编:《现代国际法》,武汉:武汉大学出版社1992年舨,第116页。
    241 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《奥本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第329-330页。
    242 韩德培主编:《现代国际法》,武汉:武汉大学出版社1992年版,第116页;
    243 陈竹华博士论文:证券法域外管辖权的合理限度,第25页。
    244 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《奥本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第329页。
    245 David Hott,Public International Law in the Modorn World,Pitman Publishing,PP.136-138.
    246 I.Brownlic,Principles of Public International Law,3rd ed.,Oxford:O.U.P.,303(1979).
    247 Restatement of the Law,Third,The Foreign Relations Law of the United States,1987,§402,comment g.
    249 但常设国际法院回避裁定土耳其的诉求。
    251 Restatement of the Law,Third,The Foreign Relations Law of the United States,1987,§402,comment g;Harold G.Maier,Jurisdictional Rules in Customary International Law,in Dr.Karl M.Meessen ed.Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice,Kluwer Law International,68(1996).
    252 Restatement of the Law,Third,The Foreign Relations Law of the United States,1987,§402(2).
    253 葛惟熹:《国际税收学》,中国财政经济出版社1994年版,第63页。
    254 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第43页。
    255 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第56页。
    256 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第43页。
    257 1978年美国财政部管理条例1.871-2(b)节。转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第47页。
    258 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第55页。
    259 中华人民共和图财政部(1983)财税字第62号文.转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第47页。
    260 见《国内税收法规》第7701条(b)(1)(A)。
    261 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《臭本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第329-330页。
    262 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,北京:法律出版社1995年版,第127页。
    263 同前注。
    264 United states of America v.Aluminum Company of American et.al,148 F.2d 416,443(2d Cir.1945),中文介绍可参见王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第57-58页。
    265 客观地域原则的历史发展,可见J.G.Stkke,An Introduction to International Law,8th ed,269-72(1977).
    266 ALCOA,148 F.2d,at 443-44.
    267 ALCOA,148 F.2d,at 443-44.
    268 ALCOA,148F.2d,at 443.
    272 See Blechman,Remarks on Subject Matter Jurisdiction,17 VAND.J.TRANSNATL L.59,62(1984);see also Pacific Seafarers Inc.v.Pacific Far East Line,Inc.,404 E2d 804,816(D.C.Cir.1968).
    273 Aniline Dyes Cartel,1969 O.J.(L 195) 11.
    274 E.Nerep.Extraterritorial Control of Competition under International Law.Stockholm Norstedt's,281-282(1983).
    276 Gerber,Beyond Balancing:International Law Restraints on the Reach of National Laws,10 YALE.I.INTL L.185,203-4(1984)..
    277[美]路易斯·亨金著,张乃根等译:《图际法:政治与价值》,北京:中国政法大学出版社 2005年版,第347-48页.
    278 Dieter Lange & Gary Born,The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,4(1987).
    279 For a sampling of views,.see International Association Report of Forty-fourth Conference,151-246(1970);see also Gordon,Extraterritorial Application of Unitad States Economic Law:Britain Draws the Line,14 INTL LAW.151,153(1980);Gotlieb,Extraterritoriality:A Canadian Perspective,5 Nw.J.INTL L.& Bus.449,451(1983).
    280 United States v.Aluminum Co.of America,148 F.2d 416(2rid Cir.1945).Other US authorities adopt slightly different formulations of the effects doctrine.
    281 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第65页。
    282 United States v.General Elec.Co.,82 F.Supp.753,891(D.NJ.1949).
    283 Occidental Petroleum Corp.v.Buttes Gas & Oil Co.,331 F.Supp.92,102-3(CD.Cal.1971),affd,461 F.2d 1261(9th Cir.1972),cert,denied,409 U.S.950(1972).
    284 National Bank of Canada v.Interbank Card Ass'n,666 F.2d 6(2d Cir.1981).
    285 法律《重述》是美国法学会(the American Law Institute(ALl))起草的,意在说明和澄清现存的法律。尽管重述不是有拘束力的法律渊源,但它较受法院重视和尊重。
    287 Id.at 18;39 A.L.I.PROC.319(1962).
    288 Market Sharing by Aluminium Producers,OJ No.L92(30 March 1985);Wood Pulp,OJ No.L85(19 December 1984).
    289 Section 98(2),Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschrankungen,1957 BGB1.I S.458..
    290 United Kingdom Aide-Memoire of 20 October 1969 to Commission of the European Communities,reprinted in I.Brownlie,Principles of Public International Law 310(1979);Lowe,Blocking Extraterritorial Jurisdiction:The British Protection of Trading Interests Act,1980,75 AJIL 257(1981);Jennings,Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the United States Antitrust Laws 46 Brit.YB Int'l L.159(1957).
    291 E.g.Mann,The Doctrine of International Jurisdiction Revisited After Twenty Years,186 RdC 9,67(1984 111).
    292 余劲松著:《跨国公司的法律问题研究》,中国政法大学出版社1989年版,第105页。
    293 参见王新生:《试论反垄断法域外适用的效果原则》,《长沙电力学院学报:社科版》,2002年第04期。
    294 Case 48/69 ICI v.Commission(Dyestuffs)[1972]ECR 619,[1972]CMLR 557.参见王中美:《竞争规则的国际办调》,人民出版社2005年版,第74页。
    295 当时英国尚未加入欧共体。
    296 See Phillip I.Blumberg,The Multinational Challenge to Corporation Law,Oxford University Press,94-95(1993).
    297 Re Continental Can Co.,15 E.C.J.O.L 7/23(1972),[1970~1972 Transfer Binder]CCH Comm.Mkt.Dep.‖9481,11 Comm.Mkt.L.R.at D 11(1992).李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第136-137
    298(1970~1972Transfer Binder) CCH Comm.Mkt.Rep.‖9481,at 9029,Comm.Mkt.L.R.at D27.
    299 Case 89,104,114,116,117 and 125-129/85,A.Ahlstrdm om Oy v.Commission[1998]ECRS193,[1998]4CMLR 901.王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第75页。
    300 欧洲法院最后以证据不足推翻了欧委会决定的实体部分。
    301 参见廖凡:《欧盟企业合并规则的域外适用及其应对》http://article.chinalawinfo.com/article/user/article_display.asp?ArticleID=22039;也参见王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第76页。
    302 李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第115.
    303 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,3(1990).
    304 该法最初制定与1969年,后经多次修订。
    305 War and National Emergency---President Powers,Pub.L.No.95-223,sec.301(a),91 Stat.1625(1977).
    306 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,3(1990).
    307 47 Fed.Reg.27,250(24 June 1982)
    308 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,3(1990).
    309 Restatement(Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,§§ 216,414(2)(b),§414comment a and b.
    310 50 U.S.C.App.§2415(2).
    319 Reeves,The Control of Foreign Funds by the US Treasury,11 Law & Cont.,17(1945);D.Rosenthal & W.Knighton,National Laws and International Commerce 6-7,65-66(1982).
    320 H.C.Debates,1972-73,vol.V,p.5503,July 11,1973,Hon.Mitchell Sharp,Secretary of State for External Affairs.
    321 "Canadian Policy Towards South Africa",No.77/23 Statements and Speeches,External Affairs Canada,Dec.19,1977,also at H.C.Debates,1977-78,vol.Ⅱ,p.2000,Dec.19,1972,Mr.Donald Jamicson.
    322 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,137(1990).
    323 1979 Swedish Act of Prohibition of Investments in South Africa and Namibia,Swed.Stat.1979:487.
    324 Dieter Lange and Garry Born,The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws,Kiuwer Law and Taxation Publisher,20(1987).
    325 Swedish Ministry of Commerce,Prohibition of Investments in South Africa and Namibia 50(1979).
    326 E.g.Remarks of William Beckett,UK Department of trade and Industry,Extraterritoriality:The Broader Context of the Conflict(17 July 1985).
    327 47 Fed.Reg.27,250,27,251(1982),revoked 47 Fed.Reg.51,858(1982).See also Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917,40 Stat.415.
    328 United Kingdom Aide-Memoire of 20 October 1969 to Commission of the European Communities;Remarks of William Beckett,UK Department of Trade and Industry,Extraterritoriality:The Broader Context of the Conflict (17 July 1985).
    329 Societe Fruehauf v.Massardy[1968]D.S.Jur 147[1965]JCP Ⅱ 14 274,(Cour d'Appel,Paris),English translation:SILM476(1966).See CD.Wallace,Legal Control of the Multinational Enterprise,Martinus Nijhoff,100-103(1983).
    330 See D.Rosenthal and W.Knighton,National Laws and International Commerce:The Problem of Extraterritoriality(Chatham House Papers No.17,RIIA/RKP,1982),p.63.
    331 See G.Hufoaucr and J.Schott,"The Soviet-European gas Pipeline:a Case of failed sanctions ",in T.Moran(ed.),Multinational Corporations:the Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment Lexington Books,225-239(1985).
    332 47 Fed.Reg.27,250(24 June 1982).
    333 See Commission of the European Communities,"Comments on the US regulations concerning trade with the USSR",12 August 1982:21 ILM891(1982).
    334 ICJ Report 1970,p.3,p.43.
    335 Statement of Foreign Ministers of the European Communities,23 June 1982.See also Comments of the European Community on the Amendments of 22 June 1982 to the US Export Administration Regulations COM(82) 558(11Argust 1982).
    336 See Compagnie Europeenne de Petroles v.Sensor Nederland BV 22 ILM 4(1983).
    337 See Neale and Stephens,International Business and National jurisdiction(Oxford,1988),pp.158-159.
    338 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,165(1990).
    339 Ibid,at 163.
    340 参见,唐承元:《亚非法律协商会议关于域外管辖权问题的探讨》,《中国国际法年刊》(2000/2001),法律出版社2005年版,第269页。
    342 同前注。
    343 See generally Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft,22 U.S.T.1641,T.I.A.S.7192(1971);Montreal Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation,24U.S.T.565,T.I.A.S.7570(1973).
    347 James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standard of the United States,Quorum Books,167(1992).
    348 Ibid.
    349 18 UN SCOR,UN Doc.S/P.V.5386(1963).See also M.J.Mehlman,T.H.Milch,and M.V.Toumanoff,United States Restrictions on Exports to South Africa,73 Am.J.Int'l L.581(1979).
    350 GA Res.1761,17 UN GAOR Supp.No.17,at 102;UN Doc.A/5217(1962).
    351 H.C.Debates,1963,vol.Ⅳ,p.3800,Oct.21,1963,Hon.Paul Martin,Secretary of State for External Affairs.
    352 A.L.C.de MESTRAL & T.GRUCHALLA-WESIERSKI,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,MARTINUS NIJHOFF PUBLISHERS,137(1990).
    353 H.R.3162.
    354 黄风:《从<爱国者法案>看美国反洗钱策略的新动向》,载《中国司法》2002年第10期,第57页。
    357 黄风:上注同文,第58页.
    358 The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act,SEC.319(b)(k)(3)
    360 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,北京:法律出版社1995年版,第128页.
    362 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,北京:法律出版社1995年版,第128页。
    364 Restatement of the Law,Third,The Foreign Relations Law of the United States,1987,§ 402(3).
    365 Harvard Research of International Law:"Jurisdiction with Respect to Crime",29 A.J.I.L.Supplement I,345(1935)
    366 王铁崖主编:《国际法》,北京:法律出版社1995年版。
    367 Restatement of the Law,Third,The Foreign Relations Law of the United States,1987,§ 402,comment f.
    368 陈竹华博士论文:证券法域外管辖权的合理限度,第24页。
    369 Harold G.Maier,Jurisdictional Rules in Customary International Law,in Dr.Karl M.Meessen ed.Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice,Kluwer Law International,68(1996).
    370 陈竹华博士论文:《证券法域外管辖权的合理限度》,第31页。
    371 “Compagnie Europpeene des Pecroles,S.A”,22 Int'l Legal Materials 66.转引自李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第114页.
    372 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,5(1990).
    373 Ibid,at 255,
    374 美国国务院:《美国对外关系1961-1963.(9),经济政策》,第297个文件,第300页。
    375 美国国务院:《美国对外关系1961-1963.(9),经济政策》,第297个文件,第309页.
    376 侯文富:《“东芝事件”及其影响刍议》,《日本学刊》,2000年1期;
    377 李明德:《“特别301条款”与中美知识产权争端》,社会科学文献出版社2000年版,第12-13页。
    378 参见杨文玉、付强国《论美国“301”条款》,载郑成思主编《知识产权研究》第1卷,中国方正出版社,1996年版;
    杨国华:《美国贸易法“301条款”研究》,法律出版社1998年版;Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988,s.1301.
    379 李明德:《“特别301条款”与中美知识产权争端》,社会科学文献出版社2000年版,第21-24页。
    380 United states of America v.Aluminum Company of American et.al,148 F.2d 416,443(2d Cir.1945),中文案情介绍可参见王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第57-58页;
    381 孔祥俊:《反垄断法原理》,中国法制出版社2001年版,第696页。
    382 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第78页。
    383 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第58页。
    384 Laker Airways,Ltd.v.Sabena,Belgian World Airlines,235 U.S.App.D.C.207.731 F.2d 909(DC Cir.1984).
    385 United States v.Imperial Chemical Industries,Ltd,100 F.Supp.504(S.D.N.Y.1951).
    386 Todhunter Mitchell & Co.v.Anheuser Busch,Inc,383 F.Supp.586(ED pa.1974).
    387 Tiken Roller Bearing Co.v United States,4C.I.T.263.
    388 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第65页。
    389 包锡妹:《反垄断法的域外适用及其冲突》,《法制与社会发展》,1998年第2期,第31页。
    390 Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.v.Commission[Dyestuffs case]1972 ECR 619;IBM v.Commission,1981ECR 2639;Market Sharing by Aluminium Producer,OJ No.292(30 March 1085);Wood Pulp,OJ No.285(19December 1984);Beguelin v.SAGL Import Export Co.[1971]ECR 949.
    391 Market Sharing by Aluminium Producer,OJ No.292(30 March 1085);Wood Pulp,OJ No.285(19 December 1984);Beguelin v.SAGL Import Export Co.[1971]ECR 949.
    392 Commission Decision(94/601/EC)13 July 1994.王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第76-77页.
    393 Commission Decision of Dec.14,1972[Commercial Solvents Case],15 E.C.J.O.L 299/51,12 Comm Mkt.L.R.参见李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第135-136。
    399 The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws,The International Chamber of Commerce,edited by Dieter Lange and Gary Born,1987,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,Deventer,The Netherlands,P5.
    400 United States v.Imperial Chem.Insdus.Ltd.,105 F.Supp.215(SDNY 1952).
    401 British Nylon Spinners v.Imperial Chem.Indus.Ltd.,[1953]1 Ch.19(CA),[1955]I Ch.37.
    402 US Department of Justice,Antitrust Guide for International Operation.
    403 In re Uranium Antitrust Litigation Westinghouse Elec.Corp.v.Rio Algom Ltd.617 F.2d 1248,1256(7~(th) Cir.1980).
    404 D.Rosenthal & W.Knighton,National Laws and International Commerce 87-88(1982).
    405 United Kingdom Diplomatic Note No.225,at 4(27 Nov.1979),reprinted in A.Lowe,Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 183(1983).
    406 D.Rosenthal & W.Knighton,National Laws and International Commerce 81(1982).
    407 D.Roscnthal & W.Knighton,National Laws and International Commerce 81(1982).
    408 ALI,Restatement(Revised) of Foreign Relations Law sec.403.
    409 Envtl.Def.Fund,Inc.v.Massey,986 E2d 528(D.C.Cir.1993).
    410 Massey,986 F.2d at 531.
    411 Mass,y,986 F.2d at 531.
    412 NEPA Coalition of Japan v.Aspin,837 F.Supp.466(D.C.D.1993).
    413 Hirt v.Richardson,127 F.Supp.23 833(W.D.Mich.,SD 1999).
    411 Envtl.Def.Fund,Inc.v.Massey,986 F.2d 528(D.C.Cir.1993).
    415 42 U.S.C.S.§4332(2)(C)(2002).
    416 42 U.S.C.§§ 6911-6917(2002).
    417 Lisa T.Belenky,Cradle to Border:U.S.Hazardous Waste Export Regulations and International Law,17 Berkeley J.Int'l Law 95,113(1999).
    418 Amlon Metals,Inc.v.FMC Corp.,775 F.Supp.668(S.D.N.Y.1991).
    419 Lee I.Raikan,Extraterritorial Application of RCRA:Is Its Exportability Going to Waste?,12 Va,Envtl.L.J.573,576(Summer,1993).
    420 Ibid.
    421 15 U.S.C.S.§§ 2601-2692(2002).
    422 Elia v.Pirozzi,Compliance Through Alliance:Regulatory Reform and the Application of Market-Based Incentives to the United States-Mexico Border Region Hazardous Waste Problem,12 J.Envtl.L.& Litig.337,364-65(1997).
    423 16 U.S.C.S.§§1361-1421(h)(2002).
    424 Stanley M.Spracker,Sovereignty and the Regulation of International Business in the Environmental Area:An American Viewpoint,20 Can.-U.S.L.J.225,227(1994).
    425 Ibid.
    426 United States v.Mitchell,553 F.2d 996(5th Cir.1977).
    427 Kourtney Twenhafel,Comment,Freeport MeMoran's Midas Touch:Testing the Application of the National Environmental Policy Act to Federal Agency Action Governing Multinational Corporations,4 Tul.J.Int'l & Comp.L.303,307(Summer,1996).
    428 Mark Edward Foster,Trade and Environment:Making Room for Environmental Trade Measures Within the GATT,71 S.Cal.L.Rev.393,401(January,1998).
    429 Steve Charnovitz,A Taxonomy of Environmental Trade Measures,6 Gen.Int'l Envtl.L.Rev.1,3(1993).
    430 Ibid.at 5.
    431 Mark Edward Foster,Trade and Environment:Making Room for Environmental Trade Measures Within the GATT,71 S.Cal.L.Rev.393,401(1998).
    432 See Convention Between Denmark,France,Italy,Luxemburg,the Netherlands and Switzerland Respecting the Prohibition of the Use of White(Yellow) Phosphorus in the Manufacture of Matches,Sept.26,1906,203 Consol.T.S.12.
    433 Steve Charnovitz,A Taxonomy of Environmental Trade Measures,6 Gen.Int'l Envtl.L.Rev.1,9(1993).
    434 Benedict Kingsbury,Environment and Trade:The GATT/WTO Regime in the International Legal System,in Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth 189,199(A.E.Boyle ed.,1994).
    435 For an in-depth analytical review of the various forms of ETMs,see Steve Charnovitz,A Taxonomy of Environmental Trade Measures,6 Gen.Int'l Envtl.L.Rev.1,3(1993).
    442 施本植:《从美国对贸易协定的环保审议引发的思考》,《世界经济研究》2001年第4期,第91页.
    443 Guide to GATT Law and Practice,WTO publication,Vol.1,p.569.
    444 Peter Hayes,Book Note,Freer Trade,Protected Environment,35 Colum.J.Trananat'l L.213,240(1997).
    445 Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from Mexico,not adopted,DS 21/R,para.5.27.
    446 施本植:《从美国对贸易协定的环保审议引发的思考》,《世界经济研究》2001年第4期,第91页。
    447 Carol J.Miller and Jennifer L.Croston,WTO Scrutiny Environmental Objectives:Assessment of the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act,37American Business Law Journal,1999.
    448 Steve Charnovitz,Trade and the Environment:The Environment vs.Trade Rules:Defogging the Debate,25 Envtl.L.475,481-82(Winter,1992).
    449 杨昌举:《WTO关于环境问题引起的贸易争端的解决(下)》,《世界环境》,2002年第2期,第32页;
    450 朱晓勤:《从GATT/WTO争端解决实践看环境保护单边措施的域外效力问题》,《国际贸易问题》2004年第2期,第85页。
    451 Statement of U.S.Trade Representative Robert B.Zoellick on U.S.-China Trade Relations,April 28,2004,at [url]http://www.ustr.gov/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2004/April[/url],p.3.
    452 Rails v.RFE/RL,Inc.,770 F.2d 1121,1122(D.C.Cir.1985).
    453 Pfeiffer v.Wm.Wrigley Jr.Co.,755 F.2d 554,555(7th Cir.1985)
    454 Cleary v.United States Lines,lnc.,728 F.2d 607,607(3d Cir.1984).
    455 Boureslan v.Aramco,8.57 F.2d 1014(1988).
    456 Mas Marques v.Digital Equip.Corp.,490 F.Supp.56,57(D.Mass.),affd 637 F.2d 24(1st Cir.1980)
    457 Jonathan Turley,Legal Theory:"When in Rome":Multinational Misconduct and the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality.,84 Nw.U.L.Rev.598,599,note 6.
    461 Generalized System of Preferences Renewal Act of 1984,Pub.L.No.98-573,§ 501-506198 Stat.3018(codified at 19 U.S.C.§2461,et seq.).
    462 19 U.S.C.§2462(a)(4)(A)-(E);H.R.REP.NO.1090.98th Cong.,2d Sess.,at 2,7,reprinted m 1984 U.S.CODE CONG.& ADMIN.NEWS 5101,5107,at 11.
    464 GSP Conference Report,at 157.
    466 Memorandum of January 2,1987.Actions Concerning the Generalized System of Preferences(GSP),52 Fed.Reg.389(1987)[hereinafter cited as Actions Concerning GSP];GSP GENERAL REVIF.Ⅳ REPORT,at 15.
    467 See Generalized System of Preferences:Hearings Before the GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee(1985).
    468 Letter to Congress on the Generalized System of Preferences,1 PUB.PAPERS 2(Jan.2,1987);USTR to Review GSP Benefits for Six Countries Due to Charges of Worker Rights Violations,4 INT'L TRADE REP.(BNA) 933(July 22,1987).
    469 U.S.Generalized System of Preferences Country Practice Petitions Accepted for Review,1990 Annual Review (July 1,1990);HOUSE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS,101ST CONG,2D SESS.,PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO CONGRESS ON THE GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES 18-20,73-75(Comm.Print 1990).
    470 Id.
    471 See GSP:Four Countries Designated As Eligible to Receive Duty-Free Import Benefits,8 INTL TRADE REP 193-94(1991).
    483 Older Americans Act Amendment of 1984,Pub.L.No.98-459,§ 802(a),98 Stat.1767,1792.
    484 The first class of employers is implied by 29 U.S.C.§§ 630(a),(b),and(c) when read together.The second class is expressly recognized by the amendment.See Older Americans Act Amendment of 1984,Pub.L.No.98-459,§802(g)(1),98 Star.1767,1792.
    485 29 U.S.C.§ 623(h).
    486 637 F.2d 24(1st Cir.1980).
    487 Id.at 26-27.
    489 Age Discrimination,and Overseas Americans 1983,Hearing Before the Subcomm.on Aging of the Senate Comm.on Labor and Human Resources,98th Cong.,1st Sess.27-28(1983)
    490 29 U.S.C.§ 630(f).
    491 42 U.S.C.§ 2000c-2(a)(b)(c)(1982).
    492 Alexander v.Gardner-Dcnvcr Co.,415 U.S.36,44(1974).
    493 HOUSE REPORT ON THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964,H.R.REE NO.914,88th Cong.,1st Sess.,pt.1,reprinted in 1964 U.S.CODE CONG.& ADMIN.NEWS 2391,2488.
    494 Id.at 2402.
    494 42 U.S.C.§2000e-1.
    495 13 Fair Empl.Prac.Case(BNA) 423,426(D.Colo.1976).
    497 502 F.Supp.472,482-83(D.N.J.1980),rev'd on other grounds,675 F.2d 562(3d Cir.1982).
    509 International Tender and Exchange Offers,Exchange Act Release No.34-29,275,[1991 Transfer Binder]Fed.Sec.L.Rep.(CCH) P84,803,at 81,743(June 5,1991).
    510 See,e.g.,Robert B.Reich,More Purposeful Debt Could Kick-Start the U.S.,JAPAN ECON.J.,Dec.1,1990,at 9.
    511 Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,3ed,§ 416.
    512 陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第808页。
    513 陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第814-815页。
    514 参见[日]岛袋铁男:《内幕交易规则》,法律文化社1994年版,第131-134页,
    516 Ibid.§ 18.
    517 See,e.g.,Bersch,519 F.2d at 985-89;AVC Nederland B.V.v.Atrium Inv.Partnership,740 F.2d 148,153 n.8(2d Cir.1984).
    520 陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第817页。
    521 See Jonathan Turley,"When in Rome":Multinational Misconduct and the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality,84 NW U.L.Rev.598(1990).
    522 Sehoenbaum v.First Brook,405 F.2d 200(2d Cir.1968);中文介绍见陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第810页。
    523 Leasco Data Processing Equipment Corp.v.Maxwell,468 F.2d 1326(2d Cir.1972).参见钱学锋:《世界证券市场的日益国际化与美国证券法的域外管辖权(中)》,《法学评论》,1994年第4期,第56页;
    524 参见钱学锋:《世界证券市场的日益国际化与美国证券法的域外管辖权(中)》,《法学评论》,1994年第4期,第56页
    525 参见[日]岛袋铁男:《内幕交易规则》,法律文化社1994年版,第148页注释(28),
    526 有学者认为,该判断的根据实际上具有效果标准与行为标准相结合的特征:行为特征——向美国境内发送虚假的披露资料;效果根据——损害结果及于美国。参见陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第811页。
    527 519 F.2d 974(2d Cir.1974),cert.denied sub nom.423 U.S.1018(1975).参见钱学锋:《世界证券市场的日益国际化与美国证券法的域外管辖权(中)》,《法学评论》,1994年第4期,第56页。
    528 陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第813页。
    533 See Securities Act Rule 405,17 CFR 230.405;Securities Exchange Act Rule 3b-4,17 CFR 240.3b-4;Securities Exchange Act,15 USC 781(g),78m(a)
    534 Rule 12g 3-2(d)(3),17 CFR 12g 3-2(d)(3)
    535 SEC v.Banca della Svizzera Italiana,92 FRD 111(SDNY 1981).
    536 参见[日]岛袋铁男:《内幕交易规则》,法律文化社1994年版,第153页注(99),转引陈安:《国际经济法学专论》,高等教育出版社2002年版,第817页.
    537 United States v.Vetco,644 F.2d 1324(9~(th) Cir.),cert.denied,454 US 1089(1981).
    543 In the Matter of Procordia Aktiebolag and Aktiebolagct Volvo,Exchange Act Release No.34-27671,[1989-1990Transfcr Binder]Fed.Scc.L.Rep.(CCH)P84,514(Feb.2,1990).
    544 Jill E.Fisch,Imprudent Power:Reconsidering U.S.Regulation of Foreign Tender Offer,87 Nw.U.L.Rev.523,537-38(1993).
    545 See Concept Release on Multinational Tender and Exchange Offers,Exchange Act Release No.34-28093,section Ⅲ.A.1.
    546 1949.Dominion Tax Cases(CCH),Canada.转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第45页。
    547 1950.Dominion Tax Cases(CCH),Canada.转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第45页。
    548 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第43页。
    549 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第56页。
    550 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第43页。
    551 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第57页。
    552 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第57页。
    553 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第45页。
    554 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第56-57页。
    555 265 U.S.47(1924).转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第46页。
    556 参见高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第46页.
    557 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社,1998年版,第55页。
    558 1952 DTC 1183.转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第47页。
    559 中华人民共和国财政部(1983)财税字第62号文。
    560 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1992年版,第47页。
    566 参见杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第59页。
    567 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第40页;
    568 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第59页。
    569 见《国内税收法规》第7701条(a)(5)转引[美]理查德·L·多恩伯格著,马康明、李金早等译:《国际税法概要》,中国社会科学出版社1999年版,第16页。
    570 266 U.S.373(1924).转引高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1993年版,第47页。
    571 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第60页;刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第41页。
    572 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1993年版,第49页。
    573 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1993年版,第47页。
    574 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第41页。
    575 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第62页。
    576 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第61页。
    577 高尔森:《国际税法》,法律出版社1993年版,第47页。
    578 Meessen,Extraterritoriality of Export Control:A German Lawyer's Analysis of the Pipeline Case,7 GYIL 189(1972-73).
    579 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,5(1990).
    580 美国国务院:《美国对外关系1961-1963.(9),经济政策》,第297个文件,第300页。
    581 同上注。
    582 崔丕:《美国的冷战战略与巴黎统筹委员会、中国委员会(1945-1994)》,东北师范大学出版社2000年版,第383页。
    583 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,255(1990).
    584 美国最高法院曾认为1917年的法律不适用于在美国之外组建的公司.(Behn,Meyer & Co.v.Miller,266 US 457(1925)。但在1941年,国会修订了该法律,明确了该法适用于在美国之外组建的公司。
    585 US Treasury Public Circular No.30,30 March 1942,7 Fed.Reg.2503(1 April 1942).
    586 31 CFR Sec.500.329(a)(1985);Somerfield,Treasury Regulations Affecting Trade with the Sino-Soviet Bloc and Cuba,19 Bus.Law.861(1964).
    587 Somerfield,Treasury Regulations Affecting Trade with the Sino-Soviet Bloc and Cuba,19 Bus.Law.861 868(1964)
    588 45 Fed.Reg.1,883(Jan.9,1980) and later 45 Fed.Reg.8,289(Feb.7,1980).
    592 League of Arab Stales Resolution No.849,Dec.11,1954,as cited in A.F.Lowenfeld,"...'Sauce for the Gander':The Arab Boycott and United States Political Trade Controls",12 Texas Int'l L.J.25,26(1977).
    593 Ibid.
    594 S.J.Marcuss,"Extraterritoriality:U.S.Antiboycott Law and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" 15 L.& Pol.Int'l Bus.1135,1136(1983).
    595 June 30,1965,H.R.7105,Pub.L.89-63,79 Stat.209 amending the Export Control Act of 1949.
    596 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,205(1990).
    597 Ibid,at 206.
    592 Andre,as F.Lowenfeld,Agora:The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act,90 MIL,420(1996).“United tares:Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity(Libertad)Act of 1996”,International Legal Materials,March 1996,p.360.:冯雪薇:《美国<赫尔姆斯—伯顿法>在国际法上的违法性剖析》,陈安主编《国际经济法学刊》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第32-37页。
    606 宋晓平:《赫尔姆斯—伯顿法及其与国际社会的冲突》,《拉丁美洲研究》1997年第6期,第36页。
    607 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Mattinus Nijhoff Publishers,257(1990).
    608 Ibid,at 258).
    609 SC Res.221,5 UN Doc.S/INF/21/Rev.1(1966),April 19,1966.
    610 SC Res.232,21 SCOR.Res.& Decs,at 7,UN Doc.S/Kes.232(1966).
    611 Ibid,at para.2(d),(e).
    612 Ibid,at para.3.
    613 P.C.1967-323,Feb.21,1967,SOR/67-93,101 Can.Gaz.Pt Ⅱ 324,Mar.8,1967.
    614 P.C.1968-2339,Dec.20,1968,SOR/69-14,103 Can.Gaz.Pt Ⅱ58,Jan.8,1969.
    615 Ibid.at s.8.
    616 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,258(1990).
    617 S.C.1984,c.49.
    618 31 C.F.R.515.
    619 31 C.F.R.515.541;revoked by 40 Fed.Reg.47,108(1975).
    620 S.L.Sommerfield,Treasury Regulations of Foreign Assets and Trade,19 Bus.Law.861,868.(1964).
    621 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Maninus Nijhoff Publishers,163(1990).
    622 Ibid,at 165.
    623 Ibid,at 167.
    624 Reprinted in J.G.Castel,A.L.C.de Mestral,W.C.Graham,International Business Transactions and Economic Relations(Toronto:Emond Montgomery,1986) at 390.
    625 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,167(1990).
    626 Ibid,at 258.
    628 Gerhard Von Glahn,Law Among Nations,Macmillan Publishing Co.,Inc.,New York,Fifth edition,212-213(1986).
    629 47 Fed.Reg.27,250(24 June 1982)
    630 Statement of Foreign Ministers of the European Communities,23 June 1982.See also Comments of the European Community on the Amendments of 22 June 1982 to the US Export Administration Regulations COM(82) 558(11Argust 1982)
    631 李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第132。
    632 31 C.F.R.515.559(c)(1981).
    633 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,168(1990).
    634 Ibid.
    635 Ibid.
    636 Dated Oct.20,1977,"The Exercise of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction" reprinted in "Canadian Practice in International Law as Reflected in Public Statements,1977"(1978) 16 C.Y.I.L.362.
    637 Ibid,at 362-63.
    638 美国国务院:《美国对外关系1961-1963.(9),经济政策》,第297个文件,第304页。转引张颖、潘敬国:《肯尼迪政府时期美国出口管制政策探析》,《辽松学刊》2003年第3期,第6页。
    639 张颖、潘敬国:《肯尼迪政府时期美国出口管制政策探析》,《辽松学刊》2003年第3期,第7页。
    640 美国国务院:《美国对外关系1961-1963.(9),经济政策》,第297个文件,第309页。转引张颖、潘敬国:《肯尼迪政府时期美国出口管制政策探析》,《辽松学刊》2003年第3期,第6页。
    641 黄风:《从<爱国者法案>看美国反洗钱策略的新动向》载《中国司法》2002年第10期,第58页.
    642 韩得培:《中国国际私法》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第52页.
    643 参见韩德培:《国际私法的晚近发展趋势》,载《中国国际法年刊》,1988年,第14-16页;徐冬根:《论法律直接适用理论及其对当代国际私法的影响》,载《中国国际法年刊》,1994年,第68-84页。
    644 参见李元宏《冲突法的个案适用》,见http://rmfyb.chinacourt.org/public/detail.php?id=73406。
    645 http://timeslaw.363.net/new_page_554.htm.
    646 中华人民共和国最高人民法院《广东发展银行江门分行与香港新中地产有限公司借款担保纠纷上诉案》民事裁定书(2001)民四终字第14号,转引自http://timeslaw.363.net/new_page_421.htm
    647 77.19 U.S.C.§2462(b)(1)-(6)(1980).
    648 Generalized System of Preferences Renewal Act of 1984,Pub.L.No.98-573,§501-506,98 Stat.3018.
    649 19 U.S.C.§2462(a)(4)(A)-(E);H.R.REP.NO.1090.98th Cong.,2d Sess.,at 2,7,reprinted m 1984 U.S.CODE CONG.& ADMIN.NEWS 5101,5107,at 11
    651 Memorandum of January 2,1987.Actions Concerning the Generalized System of Preferences(GSP),52 Fed.Reg.389(1987);GSP GENERAL REVIF.IV REPORT,at 15.
    652 See Generalized System of Preferences:Hearings Before the GSP Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff Committee(1985).
    653 Letter to Congress on the Generalized System of Preferences,1 PUB.PAPERS 2(Jan.2,1987);USTR to Review GSP Benefits for Six Countries Due to Charges of Worker Rights Violations,4 INT'L TRADE REP.(BNA) 933(July 22,1987).
    654 U.S.Generalized System of Preferences Country Practice Petitions Accepted for Review,1990 Annual Review (July 1,1990).
    655 Ibid.
    656 See GSP.Four Countries Designated As Eligible to Receive Duty-Free Import Benefits,8 INTL TRADE REP 193-94(1991).
    657 McKinley Tariff Act,Ch.1244,26 Stat.624(1890)
    658 19 U.S.C.§1307
    659 James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standard of the United States(1992),p1
    660 16 U.S.C.S.§§1361-1421(h)(2002).
    661 李明德:《“特别301条款”与中美知识产权争端》,社会科学文献出版社2000年版,引言。
    662 李明德:前注同书,第12-13页.
    663 参见杨文玉、付强国《论美国“301”条款》,载郑成思主编八知识产权研究》第1卷,中国方正出版社,1996;
    杨国华:《美国贸易法“301条款”研究》:Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988,s.1301.
    664 李明德:《“特别301条款”与中美知识产权争端》,社会科学文献出版社2000年版,第5页。
    666 劳特派特修订,石蒂、陈健译:《奥本海国际法》(上卷第一分册),北京:商务印书馆1971年版,第245-246页。
    667 William S.Dodge,Breaking the Public Law Taboo,43 Harv.Int'l L.J.161,161(winter 2002).
    668 劳特派特修订,石蒂、陈健译:《奥本海国际法》(上卷第一分册),北京:商务印书馆1971年版,第245-246页。
    669 The Antelope,23 U.S.(1 Wheat.) 66,123(1825).
    670 Government of India v.Taylor,[1955]A.C.491(H.L.)(Eng.)
    671 Capital Currency Exch.,N.V.v.Nat'l Westminster Bank PLC,155 F.3d 603,609(2d Cir.1998).
    672 Schemmer v.Prop.Res.Ltd.,[1975]1 Ch.273,288(1974).
    673[1985]1 A.C.58,79(H.L.1984).
    679 William S.Dodge,Breaking the Public Law Taboo,43 Harv.Int'l L.J.161(Winter,2002).
    680 Philip J.McConnaughay,Reviving the "Public Law Taboo" in International Conflict of Laws,35 STAN.J.INTL L.255,283(1999).
    681 Felix D.Strebel,The Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Public Law,21 LOY.L.A.INT'L & COMP.L.REV.55,55(1999).
    682 Old N.State Brewing Co,v.Newlands Services Inc.,58 B.C.L.R.3d 144(B.C.C.A.1998).
    683 SEC v.Cosby,[2000]CarswellBC 677(B.C.S.C.)
    684 Att'y Gen.of Canada v.R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Holdings,Inc.,268 F.3d 103(2d Cir.2001).
    704 Schemmer,[1975]1 Ch.at 288.
    706 Boucher v.Lawson,95 Eng.Rep.53(K.B.1734).
    707 95 Eng.Rep.55-56(K.B.1734).
    720 Harold G.Maier,Extraterritorial Jurisdiction at a Crossroads:An Intersection Between Public and Private International Law,76 AM.J.INT'L L.290(1982).
    721 Gilbertson,597 F.2d at 1164-65.
    725 See Ole Lando,the Conflict of Laws of Contracts,p.398.转引胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期。
    726 See A.Boggiano,The Contribution of the Hague Conference,P.150.胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期.
    727 30 F.2d 600,603-04(2d Cir.1929)(L.Hand,J.,concurring),aff'd on other grounds,281 U.S.18(1930).
    728 Moore v.Mitchell,30 F.2d 600,603-04(2d Cir.1929).
    729 See Moore v.Mitchell,30 F.2d 600,604.
    730 Hans W.Baade,The Operation of Foreign Public Law,30 TEX.INT'L L.J.483(1995).
    731 Alan R.Johnson,Lawrence Nirenstein & Stephen E.Wells,Reciprocal Enforcement of Tax Claims Through Tax Treaties,33 TAX LAW.469,485(1980).
    732 Recent Case,77 HARV.L.REV.1327(1964).
    733 Kurt Lipstein,Conflict of Public Laws-Visions and Realities,in FESTSCHRIFT FUR IMRE ZAJTAY 357(1982).
    734 徐冬根:《国际私法趋势论》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第414页.
    735 See Diamond,The Harmonization of Private International Law Relation to Contractual Obligation,202 Recueil des cours(1986—Ⅳ),p.297.
    736 Parra-Aranguren,General Course,pp.168—169.)胡永厌:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期.
    737 See Patrick Ross Williams,The EES Convention On the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligntions,35.ICIQ.(1996),pp.22-24.
    761 袁成第:《涉外法律适用原理》,同济大学出版社1988年版,第174页。
    762 韩得培:《中国国际私法》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第37页。
    763 参看《戴西和莫里斯论冲突法》,1980年英文第10版,第580-587页.转引李双元:《国际私法(冲突法篇)》,武汉大学出版社2001年版,第463贞。
    764 胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期,第94页.
    765 韩得培:《中国国际私法》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第45页。
    766 See Szaszy,Conflict of Laws in the Western,Socialist and Developing Countries,p.186.胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》1999年第4期.
    767 马丁·沃尔夫(德),李浩培、汤宗舜译:《国际私法》,法律出版社1988年版,第744页。
    768 同前注.
    769 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《奥本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第344页。
    770 同前注。
    771 刘振江、张仲伯、袁成第:《国际私法教程》,兰州大学出版社,1988年版,第248页
    772 张仲伯:《国际私法》,中国政法大学出版社,1995年版,第182页.
    773 同前注。
    774 韩得培:《中国国际私法》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第41页.
    775 马丁·沃尔夫(德),李浩培、汤宗舜译:《国际私法》,法律出版社1988年版,第746-747页。
    776 马丁·沃尔夫(德),前注同书,第747页。
    777 胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期,第97页。
    779 The Anne,1 F.Cas.955,956(C.C.D.Mass.1818)(No.412).
    781 Williams & Humbert Ltd.v.W.& H.Trade Marks(Jersey) Ltd.,[1986]A.C.368,428(H.L.1985).
    782 United States v,Harden,41 D.L.R.2d 721(Sup.Ct.1963).
    783 British Columbia v.Gilbertson5,97 F.2d 1161(9th Cir.1979).
    784 Andrew T.Guzman,Is International Antitrust Possible?,73 N.Y.U.L.REV.1501,1510-24(1998).
    785 Eleanor M.Fox & Janusz A.Ordover,The Harmonization of Competition and Trade Law—The Case for Modest Linkages of Law and Limits to Parochial State Action,19 WORLD COME 5,pt.2,at 14-16(1995).
    786 William S.Dodge,Breaking the Public Law Taboo,43 Harv.Int'l L.J.161,(Winter,2002),221.
    787 See A.Boggiano,The Contribution of Hague Conference,p.154.
    788 韩得培:《中国国际私法》,北京大学出版社2000年版,第52页。
    789 See Parra-Aranguren,Creneral Coures,p.170.转引胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期,第97页。
    790 胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期,第97页.
    811 See Vischer,General Course,p.166.转引胡永庆:《论公法规范在国际私法中的地位——“直接适用的法”问题的展开》,《法律科学》,1999年第4期,第95页。
    812 韩得培、杜涛:《晚近国际私法的新发展》,载《中国国际私法和比较法年刊》第三辑,法律出版社2000年版,第31页。
    813 徐冬根:《国际私法趋势论》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第422页。
    814 See Peter Nygh,Autonomy in International Contracts(1999),Clarendon Press,PP219-220.转引宋晓:《当代国际私法的实体取向》,武汉大学出版社2004年版,第287页。
    815 詹宁斯、瓦茨修订,王铁崖等译:《奥本海国际法(第一卷第一分册)》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第340页。
    816 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第98页。
    817 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第105页。
    818 徐冬根:《国际私法趋势论》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第416页。
    819 Dicey and Morris,The Conflict of Laws,Vol.2,10~(th) ed.,1023-24(1980);也参见余幼松:《中国涉外经济法律问题心探》,武汉大学出版社1999年版,第545页。
    820 马丁·沃尔夫(德),李浩培、汤宗舜译:《国际私法》,法律出版社1988年版,第744页.
    821 参见冰青、陈立虎:《“直接适用的法”之解析》,载《法商研究》2002年第1期;
    822 See Peter Nygh,Autonomy in International Contracts(1999),Clarendon Press,P222.转引宋晓:《当代国际私法的实体取向》,武汉大学出版社,2004年版,第289页。
    823 参见冰青、陈立虎:《“直接适用的法”之解析》,载《法商研究》2002年第1期。
    824 126 Eng.Rep.75,82(Ct.Com.P1.1789),affd,Ogden v.Folliott,100 Eng.Rep.825(Ch.1792).
    834 22 U.S.C.§ 2370(e)(2)(1994).
    835 Banco Nacional de Cuba v.First Nat'l City Bank of New York,431 F.2d 394,399-402(2d Cir.1970),rev'd on other grounds,406 U.S.759(1972).
    836 刘振江、张仲伯、袁成第:《国际私法教程),兰州大学出版社,1988年版,第250页。
    837 同上注.
    838 马丁·沃尔夫(德),李浩培、汤宗舜译:《国际私法》,法律出版社1988年版,第745-746页。
    839 同上注。
    840 刘振江、张仲伯、袁成第:《国际私法教程》,兰州大学出版社,1988年版,第248页。
    841 刘振江等,前注同书,第248页.
    842 Banco de Vizcaya v.Don Alfonso de Borbon y Austria,[1935]1 K.B.140,144(1934).
    843 Republic of Iraq v.First Nat'l City Bank,241 F.Supp.567,574(S.D.N.Y.1965),aff'd,353 F.2d 47(2d Cir.1965),ccrt.dcnied,382 U.S.1027(1966).
    844 Frankfurther v.W.L.Exner Ltd.,[1947]1 Ch.629,636-37.
    845 Novello v.Hindchsen Edition Ltd.,[1951]1 Ch.595,604.
    846 376 U.S.398(1964).
    847 Ibid.at 428.
    848 Sabbatino,376 U.S.at 414.
    849 徐东根:《跨国证券若干典型案例评析》,载《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》第2卷,1999年版,第487页.
    850 余劲松:《中国涉外经济法律问题心探》,武汉大学出版社1999年版,第551、553页.
    851 Ralli.Sros v.Cia Naviera Stay Anzar[1920]2KB 287.
    852 徐冬根:《国际私法趋势论》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第419页.
    853 参见韩德培主编:《国际私法新论》,武汉,武汉大学出版社1997年版,第125页。
    854 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,166(1990).
    855 参见李双元等:《关于建立国际民商新秩序的法律思考——国际私法基本功能的深层考察》,载《法学研究》1997年第2期,第75页.
    856 I.Brownlie,Principle of Public International Law 238-42(1979);May,The Status of Federal Maritime Commission Shipping Regulations Under Principles of International Law,54 Geo.L.J.794(1%6).
    857 May,The Status of Federal Maritime Commission Shipping Regulations Under Principles of International Law,54 Geo.L.J.794(1966).
    858 In re Grand Jury Investigation in the shipping Industry,186 F.Supp.298(DDC 196);In re Ocean Shipping Antitrust Litigation,500 F.Supp.1235(SDNY 1980)这些纠纷伴随着就美国要求提供坐落在众多欧洲国家的文件的冲突,一些案件中的冲突导致了阻却法(blocking statutes)的制定,如英国1964年的《海运合同和商事文件法》(UK Shipping Commercial Documents Act)。
    859 Consultative Shipping Group,United States Policy Towards Regulation of Liner Shipping,(Junuary 1978).
    860 In re Ocean Shipping Antitrust litigation 1982-1 Trade Cas.(CCH) para.64,585(SDNY).
    861 Reeves,The Control of Foreign Funds by the US Treasury,11 Law & Cont.P.17(1945);D.Rosenthal & W.Knighton,National Laws and International Commerce 6-7,65-66(1982).
    862 50 USC sees.1701-1706.
    863 31 CFR Part 535(1980).
    864 See A.Lowenfeld,Trade Controls for Political Ends 551-63(1983)这些案件都没有进入审理阶段,而在阿尔及利亚协议(Algiers agreement)中获得解决。
    865 Carswell,Economic Sanction and the Iran Experience,60 Foreign Affairs 247,263(1981).
    866 See Note,Extraterritorial Application of the Export Administration Act of 1979 Under International and American Law,81 Mich.L.REV.1308,1309-10,1315-21(1983).
    867 47 Fed.Reg.27,250(1982),amending 15 C.F.R.§§ 376,379,385(1985),repealed by 47 Fed.Reg.51,858(1982).
    868 Commission of the European Communities,European Communities:Comments on the U.S.Regulations Concerning Trade With the U.S.S.R.,reprinted in 21INT'L LEGAL MATERIALS 891,893(1982).
    869 See Atwood,The Export Administration Act and the Dresser Industries Case,15 LAW & POL'Y INT'L Bus.1157(1983);Marcus,Soviet Pipeline Sanctions:The President's Authority to Impose Extraterritorial Controls,15 LAW & POL'Y INT'L Bus.1163(1983).
    870 21 I.L.M.851(1982).
    871 See N.Y.Times,Aug.27,1982,at D1,col.4.
    872 Moyer & Mabrey,Export Control as Instruments of Foreign Policy:The History,Legal Issues and Policy Lessons of Three Recent Cases,15 Law & Policy Int'l Bus.,pp.82-83(1983).
    873 Protection of Businesses Act,No.99 of 1978.
    874 12 U.S.C.§ 635(b)(9)(A).
    875 European Communities:Comments on the U.S.Regulations Concerning Trade with the U.S.S.R.,imprinted in 21I.L.M.891(1982,).参见李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第144-145.
    876 李金泽:《跨国公司域外管辖权》,载《2000/2001国际法年刊》,法律出版社2005年版,第120-121。
    877 US v.Watchmaders of Switzerland Information Center Inc.1963 Trade Cases CCH.para.70600,1965 Trade Cases CCH,para.71352.
    878 395 U.S 100(1969).
    887 In re Grand Jury Subpoenas Duces Tecum Addressed to Canadian International Paper Co.,72 F.Supp.1013(S.D.N.Y 1947).Cited in Restatement of the Law,Third,Foreign Relations Law of the United States,Reporter Notes 4 to § 442.
    888 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第70页。
    889 In re Grand Jury Investigation in the Shipping Industry,186F.Supp.298(DDC 1960);In re Ocean Shipping Antitrust Litigation,500F.Supp.1235(SNDY 1980)
    890 See Note,Banking Secrecy and Insider Trading:The U.S.-Swiss Memorandum of Understanding on Insider Trading,23 VA.J.INTL L.605(1983).
    891 See Note,Banking Secrecy and Insider Trading:The U.S.-Swiss Memorandum of Understanding on Insider Trading,23 VA.J.INTL L.605,606(1983);see also SEC v.Banca Delia Svizzera Italiana,92 F.R.D.111,117(S.D.N.Y.1981).
    892 29 U.S.C.§ 626(d).A private claimant must first file an age discrimination charge with the EEOC.
    893 29 U.S.C.§ 626(c)(1).
    902 Restatement of the Law,Third,Foreign Relations Law of the United States,comment j to § 415.
    903 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第68页。
    904 Andreas F.Lowenfeld,Jurisdictional Issues Before National Courts:The Insurancc Antitrust Case Fxtraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice,Kluwer Law Int' Ltd.I0(1996).
    905 Andreas F.Lowenfeld,Conflict,Balancing of Interests and the Exercise of Jurisdiction to Prescribe:Reflections on the Insurance Antitrust Case,89 A JIL,51(1995).
    906 D.Rosenthal & W.Knight,National Laws and International Commerce,83(1982).
    907 Dieter Lange & Gary Born,The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,40-42(1987).
    908 Dieter Lange & Gary Born,The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,42-43(1987).
    909 陈刚:《<赫尔姆斯—伯顿法>引起的美加冲突》,《美国研究》2001年第3期,第108-109页.
    910 John M.Kirk and Peter Mckenna,Canada-Cuba Relations,Gainesville:University Press of Florida,164(1997).
    911 Ibid,at 166.
    912 邱永红:《美国经济霸权论纲》,载陈安主编《国际经济法学刊》,北京大学出版社2004年版,第436页。
    914 F.A.Mann,The Doctrine of Jurisdiction in International Law,Recueil des Cours,Vol.Ⅲ(1964-Ⅰ),pp.1-161,p.12.
    915 Restatement(Second),sec.8.
    916 Ibid,at 1-161,12-13.
    929 James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,New York,177(1992).
    930 The Bremen v.Zapata Off-Shore Co.,407 U.S.1,9(1972).
    931 阿·菲德罗斯等,李浩培译《国际法》,北京商务印书馆1981年版,第380页。
    932 The Cristina,[1938]A.C.485,496-97.
    933 See U.N.CHARTER,art.2(4).
    934 G.A.Res.2131 1 1,20,U.N.GAOR Supp.(No.14) at 11,U.N.Doc.A/6014(1965).
    935 G.A.Res.2625(ⅩⅩⅩⅤ),U.N.Doc.A/8082(1970)
    936 顾华:《竞争法的域外适用有悖国际法的基本原则》,《法学》1999年,第11期,第51页.
    939 James Michael Zimmerman,Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States,Quorum Books,171(1992).
    940 See Treaty of Friendship,Commerce and Navigation,Apr.2,1953,United States-Japan,4 U.S.T.2063,T.I.A.S.No.2863.
    941 Japan-United States FCN Treaty,4 U.S.T.2066.
    957 王晓哗:《效果原则—美国反垄断法的域外适用》,《国际贸易》,2002年,第1期,第45页.
    958 A.L.C.de Mestral & T.Gruchalla-Wesierski,Extraterritorial Application of Export Control Legislation:Canada and the U.S.A.,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,166(1990).
    967 Ibid,at 44.
    968 159 U.S.113,164-65(1895).
    969 107S.Ct.2542,2555,n.27(1987).
    970 731 F.2d.909,937(D.C.C.Cir.1984).
    971 参见罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第73页。
    972 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第92页.
    973 参见唐腾翔:《国际税收协定》,第237页.
    974 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第112页.
    975 参见唐腾翔:《国际税收协定》,第239-240页。
    976 理查德·L·多恩伯格著,马康明、李金早等译:《国际税法概要》中国社会科学出版社,1999年版,第15页.
    977 美国《国内税收法规》第7701条(b)(3)(B).
    978 美国《国内税收法规》第911条(d)(3);《财政法规)第1.911-2(b)款.
    979 678 F.Supp.1071(S.D.N.Y.1988).罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第74页.
    980 司平平:《国际反垄断法双边合作的基础——积极礼让原则》,《政治与法律》2005年第3期,第71页。
    984 Timberlane Lumber Co.v.Bank of Am.,549 F.2d 597(9th Cir.1976).中文案情介绍见王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第59页。
    985 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第85页。
    986 Rest.3d,Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,§403(2)(a)-(h)(1987).
    987 Rest.3d,Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,§ 403(3).
    988 Societe Nationale Industrielle Aerospatiale v.United States District Court,482 U.S.522,543 n.27(1987).
    989 Rest.3d,Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States § 415.
    990 Rest.3d,Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States § 416.
    991 Note,Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Under the Third Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States,12FORDHAM INTL L.J.127,144-52(1988).
    992 参见唐承元:《亚非法律协商会议关于域外管辖权问题的探讨》,《中国国际法年刊》(2000/2001),法律出版社2005年版,第271页。
    993 Joseph P Griffin.Extraterritoriality in U.S.and EU Antitrust Enforcement[J].ABA Antitrust Law Journal,1999,67(1):505.
    994 168 U.S.250(1897).
    995 参见《奥本海国际法》中译本第1卷第1分册,中国大百科全书出版社1995年版,第284-286页.
    996 参见巴迪福尔:《国际私法总论》,中译本,中国对外翻译出版公司1989年版,第462-464页。
    997 830 F.2d 449-452(2d Cir.1987),Cert.denied,109 S.Ct.303(1988).
    998 477 F.Supp 553,570-72(C.D.Cal.1979,).中文介绍可参见王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第136页;
    1004 Interamerican Ref.Corp.v.Texaco Maracaibo,Inc.,307 F.Supp.1291,1298(D.Del.1970).
    1005 罗昌发:《贸易与竞争之法律互动》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第104页.
    1006 Guideline,section 6.
    1007 428 U.S.579,593(1976).
    1008 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第138页。
    1009 E.g.Remarks of William Beckett,UK Department of trade and Industry,Extraterritoriality:The Broader Context of the Conflict(17 July 1985).
    1010 statement of Principles,United Kingdom Aide-Memoire of 20 October 1969 to Commission of the European Communities.
    1011 1979 Swedish Act of Prohibition of Investments in South Africa and Namibia,Swed.Stat.1979:487.
    1012 Swedish Ministry of Commerce,Prohibition of Investments in South Africa and Namibia 50(1979).
    1013 See Recommendations on the Application of Public Policy as a Ground for Refusing Recognition or Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards.
    1014 508 F.2d(2d Cir.1974).
    1015 733 F.Supp 800(D.Del.1990)参见陈治东、沈伟:《国际商事仲裁裁决承认与执行的国际化趋势》.载于《中国法学》1998年第2期,第118-119页。
    1016 《涉外商事海事审判指导》2004年第1辑,第12-17页.
    1017 最高人民法院复函[2003]民四他字第3号.
    1018 Friedmann & Devierno,The Shipping Act of 1984:The Shift From Government Regulation to Shipper 'Regulation',15 J.Mar.L.and Comm.311,312(1984).
    1019 Dieter Lange & Crary Born,The Extraterritorial Application of National Laws,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers,44-45(1987).
    1020 参见郭蕴芳:《国际税收关系》,人民出版社1993年版,第178页.
    1021 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第96页。
    1022 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第142页.
    1023 Communication from the United States,WT/WGTCP/W/204.
    1024 王晓晔、陶正华:《WTO的竞争政策及其对中国的影响————兼论制定反垄断法的意义》,中国社会科学,2003年第5期,第53页.
    1025 黄勇、董灵:《反垄断法经典判例解析》,人民法院出版社2002年版,第455-473页。
    1029 available at http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/spacific/nz/.
    1030 王中美:《竞争规则的国际协调》,人民出版社2005年版,第151-152页。
    1031 Protocol of the Defence of Competition in MERCOSUR,Decision 17/96,December 17,1996.available at http //www.sice.oas.org/cp_comp/english/cpa/cpa3_e.asp.
    1032 刘剑文:《国际所得税法研究》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第97页.
    1033 王晓晔、陶正华:《WTO的竞争政策及其对中国的影响——兼论制定反垄断法的意义》,中国社会科学,2003年第5期,第53页.
    1034 OECD,Recommendation Concerning Effective Action Against Hard Core Cartels.Available at http://wwwl.oecd.org/daf/clp/recommendations/recgcom.htm,
    1035 OECD,Committee on Competition Law and Policy,Report on Notification of Transnational Mergers(approved by the Directorate for Financial,Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs)(5 February 1999).available at http://www,oecd.org/dataoecd/40/2/2752153,-pdf.
    1054 王中美:《WTO争端解决机制与国际竞争政策——柯达一富士胶卷案之国际竞争法方面分析》,《商业研究》2002年第24期(总第260期),第103页.
    1055 EU Official Step Up Campaign for WTO Competition Policy Rules,Inside US Trade,24 April 1998.
    1056 松下满雄《WTO的基本原则与竞争政策的作用》,载王晓晔、依从宽编《竞争法与经济发展》社会科学文献出版社,2003年版.
    1057 参见杨昌举:《WTO关于环境问题引起的贸易争端的解决(下)》,《世界环境》,2002年第2期;
    1058 参见杨昌举:《WTO关于环境问题引起的贸易争端的解决(下)》,《世界环境》,2002年第2期,第32页.
    1059 Guide to GATT Law and Practice,WTO publication,Vol.1,p.569.
    1060 Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from Mexico,not adopted,DS 21/R,para.5.27.
    1061 朱晓勤:《从GATT/WTO争端解决实践看环境保护单边措施的域外效力问题》,《国际贸易问题》2004年第2期,第85页.
    1062 Carol J.Miller and Jennifer L.Croston,WTO Scrutiny Environmental Objectives:Assessment of the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act,37American Business Law Journal,1999.
    1063 Panel Report on United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from EEC,not adopted,DS29/R,paras5.16-5.17.
    1064 参见杨昌举:《WTO关于环境问题引起的贸易争端的解决(下)》,《世界环境》,2002年第2期,第34-35页.
    1065 Appellate Body Report on United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products),WT/DS58,para.133.
    1066 Nancy L.Perkins,Introductory Note on Appellate Body Report on US-Shrimp,38 International Legal Materials,119(1999).
    1067 张若思:《世贸组织关于环境措施的争端解决实践》,《国际贸易问题》2000年第9期;浦哗、侯作前:《论环境保护中的单边主义及中国的政策选择》,《中国法学》2002年第4期.
    1068 邱永红:《美国经济霸权论纲》,陈安主编《国际经济法学刊》第8卷,北京大学出版社2004年版,第437-438页。
    1069 曾华群:《美国》1974年贸易法》第301-310节案》,上海人民出版社2005年版,第13页.
    1073 WTO,Singapore Ministerial Declaration,WT/MIN(96)/DEC(December 18,1996).
    1074 罗昌法:《WTO发展方向及港台经贸关系》,新时代经贸法律事务所(台湾)出版,1996年版,第23-24页.
    1075 See Communication from the European Community and its Members,Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy,WTPWGTCPPWP152,25 September 2000.
    1076 See Communication from the European Community and its Member States,WTPWGTCPPWP222,19November 2002.
    1077 罗昌法:《WTO发展方向及港台经贸关系》,新时代经贸法律事务所(台湾)出版,1996年版,第51页。
    1078 参见王晓晔、陶正华:《WTO的竞争政策及其对中国的影响——兼论制定反垄断法的意义》,《中国社会科学》,2003年第5期,第55页。
    1079 Report on the Meeting of 1-2 July 2002,WTPWGTCPPMP18,20 September 2002,p.11.
    1080 Report on the Meeting of 1-2 July 2002,WTPWGTCPPMP18,p.3.
    1117 杨志清:《国际税收理论与实践》,北京出版社1998年版,第62页。
    1118 加拿大多伦多约克大学法学院助理教授李全延(音译),在《国际税收评论》(英文版)上刊登文章http://jds.cq.gov.cn/common/all_end.asp?id=2537。
    1119 See Report on the Meeting 0f 1-2July 2002,WT/WGTCP/M/18,20 September 2002.转印王晓晔、陶正华:《WTO的竞争政策及其对中国的影响——兼论制定反垄断法的意义》,中国社会科学,2003年第5期,第57页。
    1120 http://www.hnciqa.com/news/display.php?act=view&id=751
    1121 商务部网站http://zys.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/b/200703/20070304474175.html。
    1122 商务部网站http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/tongjiziliao/v/200701/20070104307380.html。
    1123 中国对外贸易经济合作企业协会文件,[2002]外经贸企协字第52号。
    1124 参见邱永红:《美国经济霸权论纲》,http://article.chinalawinfo.com/article./user/article_display.asp?ArticleID=1624。
    46、J G·斯塔克著,赵维田译:《国际法导论》,法律出版社1984年版。
    7 宋晓平:《赫尔姆斯—伯顿法及其与国际社会的冲突》,《拉丁美洲研究》1997年第6期。
    8 司平平:《国际反垄断法双边合作的基础——积极礼让原则》,《政治与法律》2005年,第三期.
    9 施本植:《从美国对贸易协定的环保审议引发的思考》,《世界经济研究》2001年第4期.
    11 杨昌举:《WTO关于环境问题引起的贸易争端的解决(下)》,《世界环境》,2002年第2期.
    12 朱晓勤:《从GATT/WTO争端解决实践看环境保护单边措施的域外效力问题》,《国际贸易问题》2004年第2期.
    13 王晓晔、陶正华:《WTO的竞争政策及其对中国的影响——兼论制定反垄断法的意义》,中国社会科学,2003年第5期.
    17、李琦:《论法律效力——关于法律上的力的一般原理》,《中外法学》1998 年第4期.
    25、[美]D D·埃利斯(Dorsey D.Ellis Jr.):《美国反托拉斯法刑事制裁的域外运用》,载王晓晔、[日]伊从宽主编:《竞争法与经济发展》,社会科学文献出版社2003年版。
    49、王晓哗:《效果原则—美国反垄断法的域外适用》,《国际贸易》,2002年 第1期。
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