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Sports, as one sign of social civilization, are an indispensable part of our social and cultural life. The development of global sports enjoys a universal attention, especially international sports games. Today, the sports section of some daily newspapers often makes up as much as one quarter of the whole. Sports news occupies a very important place in our daily life. Sports news headline, as the eye of the sports news, boasts its distinctive features, such as using a large number of terminologies, simple sentences and omissions, etc. Meanwhile, it requires certain cultural background knowledge to appreciate it. But a systemic and comprehensive analysis of the language of sports news headline has not been well attempted. In this view, based on functionalism and incorporating Peter Newmark's semantic translation and communicative translation strategies,by referring to the theories of stylistics, and some analytical methods of pragmatics, this paper firstly probes into the linguistic features of sports news headlines, and then analyzes the four basic functions of sports news headline: Referential, expressive, aesthetic and appellative.
     The primary Skopos of sports news headline translations is to transfer essence of information to target readers and the ultimate Skopos is to entice them into reading news. The realization of Skopos depends on fulfillment of the functions in target language. In the light of the four functions, in the course of five-step-translation procedure, the translator should re-exam the original headline and adopt the most appropriate translation strategies accordingly, which include literal and free translation, instrumental and documentary translation, semantic and communicative translation, and adaptation. In a word, it is a process of recreation of the original text.
     The skopos of this study is to promote the cultural communication between China and the rest world, and stir people’s enthusiasm to take part in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
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