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As new-fashioned synthetic optical material, photonic crystals has been a focus of the recent research on electromagnetic wave and optical.photonic crystals can control the propagation of light for its band gap structure, and microstructured optical waveguides (MOWs) can realize many functions which the original optical devices cannot.
     This dissertation adopted finite element method to analyze the optical properties of MOWs, the main contents as follows:
     (1)Using finite element method, the mode characteristics and propagation characteristics of microstructured optical fibers were investigated, which may be a reference for design of microstructure optical fibers.
     (2) Using finite element method, we analyzed the effects of the structural parameters of the Air-core Photonic Bandgap Fibers (PBGFs), square lattice arc microstructure photonic crystal fiber and two core microstructure photonic crystal fiber on the mode characteristics and propagation characteristics separately. Using the topology optimization method the corner of the inner air ring in the PBGFs were improved. When the parameter of two core microstructure optical fiber dc=0.9μm A=13μm, di=0.48μm, and do=0.48μm we can get relatively flatted and near zero dispersion and dispersion slope curve.
     (3) This thesis we discuss the energy distributions of the light shooting out from the two structure of microstructure optical waveguide. One is two-dimensional rotating square dielectric pillar microstructure optical waveguide, an effective method by changing the position of the pillar at the export of the microstructure optical waveguide for the emitting light beams can produce a focusing emission beam. The other microstructure optical waveguide structure is two-dimensional circle dielectric pillar microstructure optical waveguide, for which we optimal the size and position of the pillar at the export of the two-dimensional rotating square dielectric pillar microstructure optical waveguide until the emitting light beams can produce a focusing and enhance emission beam.
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