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     2007年10月至2008年7月在齐鲁医院内分泌科病房进行方便抽样,抽取符合研究标准的糖尿病患者175例。使用糖尿病患者个人基本资料调查问卷、糖尿病疾病知识问卷、自评抑郁量表(SDS)、社会支持评定量表、慢性病自我效能量表、疾病代谢指标调查表、糖尿病患者治疗措施调查表。分别调查了糖尿病患者个人基本资料、糖尿病知识掌握情况、抑郁水平、社会支持情况、糖尿病各项代谢指标控制状况以及糖尿病患者治疗措施执行情况。研究数据采用SAS 9.1软件包进行统计分析。
In the recent years,the incidence of diabetes mellitus has been increasing, paralleled with increased deformity rate and death rate as a result of the complications of the disease,which extremely devastates the quality of life of the patients and caused a heavy social burden.Favorable outcome of diabetes mellitus is determined by satisfying self-care and self-management.Self-efficacy is an important factor that can influence the self-care,self-management and compliance,which is varying with the characteristics of diabetes patients.
     1.Investigate and evaluate the scale of self-efficacy of diabetes patients.
     2.Explore the path to increase the self-efficacy by analyzing the correlations of self-efficacy and demographic data,knowledge on diabetes mellitus, psychological state,social supports,disease control state as well as treatment measures in diabetes patients.
     Patients(n=175) were recruited from Qilu Hospital of Shandong University according to WHO type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis standard in 1999.Those with psychiatric disorders and malignant tumors were excluded in this study.The study was carried out by questionnaires,which included demographic data,diabetes related knowledge,self rating depressive scale,social supports rating scale and chronic disease self-efficacy.Additionally,BMI,WHR,blood pressure,FPG,2hPG,HbAlc, renal function and urinary albumin were examined.We calculated Odds Ratios and corresponding 95%confidence intervals(CIs) using the Logistic regression model (SAS version 9.1)
     1.The average scale of self-efficacy was 6.68+2.30 in this study.
     2.Demographic data and self-efficacy:univariate logistic regression analysis showed that cadres(OR=3.158,95%CI:1.462-6.821),teachers(OR=9.055, 95%CI:1.753-46.769) and patients with state medicine(OR=3.422, 95%CI:1.158-10.108) had higher scale of self-efficacy,which was increased in families with higher per capita income.Residents from cities and towns (OR=0.392,95%CI:0.200-0.769) with at least three complications(OR=0.264, 95%CI:0.128-0.546) showed lower scale of self-efficacy.Further multi-variables logistic regression analysis showed that cadres(OR=2.362,95%CI:1.052-5.304), teachers(OR=10.412,95%CI:1.644-65.927) and patients with family monthly income over 4000 RMB(OR=5.981,95%CI:1.106-32.357) had higher scale of self-efficacy,while those with low-education below middle school(OR=0.445, 95%CI:0.209-0.951) were presented with lower scale of self-efficacy.
     3.Knowledge of diabetes mellitus and self-efficacy:univariate logistic regression analysis showed that patients knowing more of DM had higher scale of self-efficacy(OR=1.125,95%CI:1.080-1.172).
     4.Depression and self-efficacy:univariate logistic regression analysis showed that depression state could greatly damage the scale of self-efficacy regardless of given social supports(OR=0.289,95%CI:0.203-0.411;OR=0.406,95%CI:0.276-0.597)
     5.Social supports and self-efficacy:univariate and multi-variable logistic regression analysis showed that social supports including objective and subjective supports contributed to the increased the scale of self-efficacy.
     6.Treatment measures and self-efficacy:univariate logistic regression analysis showed that patients who were on diet control(OR=1.863,95%CI:1.020-3.402) and had physical exercises(OR=3.221,95%CI:1.746-5.939),regular physical examination as well as diabetes education were found with higher scale of self-efficacy.Multiple variables logistic regression analysis showed that physical exercises could significantly increased the scale of self-efficacy(OR=3.221, 95%CI:1.746-5.939).
     7.Metabolism index and self-efficacy:univariate logistic regression analysis showed that high levels of fasting blood glucose,2h postprandial hyperglycemia and HbAlc decreased the scale of self-efficacy(OR=0.867,0.900,0.840).Multiple variables logistic regression analysis showed that 2h postprandial hyperglycemia decreased the scale of self-efficacy(OR=0.905,95%ACI:0.854-0.958).
     Overall,self-efficacy in the diabetes patients are above the medium level and it is affected by many factors.Therefore,increasing efforts on directly intervention, mental nursing,social supports and health education are necessary to improve the scale of self-efficacy,which could further contribute to the effective treatments, delayed and controlled complications and improved quality of life.
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