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     流行病学研究显示,甾体激素在卵巢癌的发生中起到一定的作用,促性腺激素、雌激素以及雄激素可能是致病因子,而促性腺激素释放激素(gonadotropinreleasing hormone,GnRH)可能是保护因子。GnRH是下丘脑肽能神经元分泌的一种十肽激素,其在体内的重要功能是由GnRH受体介导完成的。有研究发现,除垂体外,在人类的一些恶性肿瘤细胞中也有GnRH及其受体的表达。目前临床应用人工合成的GnRH类似物(gonadotropin releasing hormone analog,GnRHa)治疗多种性激素依赖性肿瘤(如乳腺癌,前列腺癌等),机制在于此类药物和GnRH受体结合,通过垂体的“去势作用”而抑制性激素的分泌,或直接对肿瘤细胞产生抗增殖作用。
     许多研究表明,约80%的卵巢癌组织中有GnRH及其受体的表达,GnRHa对卵巢癌细胞系的抗增殖作用与抑制表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor recaptor,EGFR)信号转导通路密切相关。正常卵巢上皮组织中EGFR表达量很低或缺如,但70%以上的卵巢癌组织中有EGFR高水平表达。GnRHa与受体结合后激活磷酸酪氨酸磷酸酶(Phosphotyrosine phosphatase,PTP),抵抗表皮生长因子(epidermal growthfactor,EGF)诱导的EGFR酪氨酸自磷酸化作用,从而干扰表皮生长因子受体上的有丝分裂信号转导,抑制癌细胞的增殖。
     实验方法研究曲谱瑞林对OVCAR-3/DP细胞的化疗逆转作用及耐药细胞表面EGFR表达改变1、实验分组:选取两药的血药峰值浓度(Cmax)作为联合作用的基础。设计0.01、0.1、1、10、100倍Cmax共5个浓度梯度,分为:Ⅰ、耐药细胞顺铂处理组;Ⅱ、耐药细胞曲谱瑞林处理组;Ⅲ、耐药细胞两药联合处理组(处理浓度为相同梯度倍数的浓度值相加);Ⅳ、耐药细胞未处理组;Ⅴ、亲本细胞未处理组。2、比较Ⅰ-Ⅳ不同加药情况下细胞抑制率的差异;3、MTT法检测IC_(50)、化疗逆转倍数(RR):RR=IC_(50)(顺铂处理组)/IC_(50)(顺铂+曲谱瑞林联合处理组);金式公式求q值分析两药是否具有协同作用;4、EGFR流式免疫荧光测定:采用流式细胞仪将各组别EGFR(RPE)标记好的细胞应用Cell quest软件程序进行资料处理。计算分别以Cmax-T、Cmax-D、Cmax-(T+D)作用和不加药处理四种情况下各组耐药细胞样品中表达EGFR的细胞阳性率及单个细胞表达EGFR的平均荧光强度,以此表示其相对含量。
Introduction At present,chemotherapy is one of the primary modalities for the treatment of ovarian carcinoma.The cisplatin is one of the most effective anticancer drugs.However, the acquired resistance to cisplatin is one of the most significant reasons for relapsing and recurrence of the ovarian cancer.Various studies demonstrated that the epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated signal transduction in human ovarian cancers plays an important role in celluar reproduction and development of acquired resistance to drugs.About 70%-100%of ovarian cells overexpress receptors for EGF.The ovarian cells with expression of EGFR have more ability of metastasis,invasion,insensitivity to chemotherapy or radiotherapy,poor prognosis,high recurrence rate and short life span.Other studies have shown that antiproliferative effet of GnRH and its analogs(GnRHa) in ovarian cancer cells may probably mediated by down-regulation expression of EGFR.The antiproliferative effects of GnRHa and the resistance to cisplatin in ovarian cancer cells are both mediated by the EGFR signal pathway,so we presume that GnRHa(Triptorelin) canreverse acquired resistance to cisplatin.The purpose of our study is to explore the potentiation effect of Triptorelin for chemotherapy.
     Objective To show down-regulation of expression of EGFR of Triptorelin contributes to reversion effects in OVCAR-3/DDP cells,which are resistant to cisplatin.
     PartⅠGeneration and maintenance of resistant subclone:1、The cisplatin-resistant subclone(OVCAR-3/DDP) was established by maintaining the cells with stepwise increases in the concentration of cisplatin;2、The changes of cellular morphology were observed by phase-contrast microscope;3、IC_(50)(50%inhibiting concentration) and RI(resistance index) were detected by MTT assay;4、The cell cycle and the cell apoptosis were detected by flow cytometry.
     PartⅡExplore the potentiation effect of triptorelin forchemotherapy:1、Experiment groups:we divided five groups asⅠcisplatin、ⅡTriptorelin、Ⅲcombination(cisplatin and Triptorelin)、Ⅳnon-drug、Ⅴparental cells all based on concentrations of C_(max) of both drugs.Ⅰ-Ⅳgroups use OVCAR-3/DDP cells andⅤgroup uses OVCAR-3 cells.2、 The doubling time(Td)、RI and RR were detected by MTT assay;3、After treated with cisplatin,Triptorelin,and combination of cisplatin and Triptorelin in different concentration respectively,the proliferation and EGFR expression of cells of every group were detected by MTT assay and flow cytometry.
     PartⅠEstablishment of OVCAR-3/DDP 1、The resistant cell lines were named OVCAR-3/DDP.Even when OVCAR-3/DDP cells were grown in the absence of cisplatin for further 2 months,their resistant properties were sustained;2、Cellular morphology. compared with parental cells,OVCAR-3/DDP cells were larger in volume and intercellular space;3、OVCAR-3/DDP cells were 13.42-fold more resistant to cisplatin than the parent cisplatin sensitive OVCAR-3 cells;IC_(50) values were 6.22 and 83.48μM for OVCAR-3 and OVCAR-3/DDP cells,respectively;4、A clear G_0/G_1 phase block in OVCAR-3/DDP cells was shown.
     PartⅡ1、Direct antiproliferative effects of Triptorelin:the reversal reaction(RR) induced by the combination was 3.91;2、Effects of Triptorelin on EGFR: overexpression of EGFR is in both OVCAR-3/DDP and OVCAR-3 cells.Fluorescence intensity of EGFR of OVCAR-3/DDP cells was down-regulated obviously by the combination(cisplatin and Triptorelin).
     Conlusions:1、Cisplatin-resistant cell subline OVCAR-3/DDP was an essentially experimental model in vitro for the study on reversion effects of cisplatin resistance;2、Triptorelin probably resensitizes resistant ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin in vitro by modulating the expression of EGFR.
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