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The attention to food safety includes not only the quantity safety,but also includes the quality safety.In the era of shortage in food quantity,people usually pay more attention to the safety of food quantity,instesd of paying more attention to the safety of food quality. With the development of social economy,the food quantity is abundant,consumers' demand all can be met,more and more people are concerns with food quality and food safety,the safety issues in food quality are increasingly prominent Food safety issues is relating to people's livelihood、 economic development and social stability,especially in recent years,for the fuse of "Sanlu milk powder incident",food safety issues once again become the focus of the society, improving the food safety and the quality standards,become a hot topic in academic circles.Based on the understandings of above issues,on the basis of previous research results,this paper chooses the subject of regulation of quality standards for food safety,take the quality standards as breakthrough point,discusses with issues of food safety regulation,and the theoretical analysis and positive analysis.
     The paper's analysis of the issues in regulation of quality standards for food safety,begins with the choice of quality standards of food safety regulation,uses Economics's efficiency indicators to analyse regulation's implementation of quality standards for food safety,can enhance regulation's efficiency and improve food safety level.On this basis,the paper analyses implementation's effects of regulation of quality standards for food safety,according to the game analysis between food production enterprises and governments and consumers,and analysis of internatinal trade effect in face of quality standards'barriers,confirms that the regulation of quality standards for food safety can enhance regulation's efficiency and can improve food safety level.The paper also using the successful experiences of developed countries in quality standard's regulation,searches for China's future policy orientations of regulation of quality standards for food safety. The paper is consists of four parts,includes six chapters:
     The first part includes Chapterl and Chapter2,mainly introduces a issue.The Chapter1analyzes the seriousness and the negative influences brought by current issues of food safety,put forward the starting point,and definites the conceptions concerning such as food、 food safety、food and drug、food safety and food hygiene、food safety and food quality,then simply explaines the research meanings、research methods、structural designs and innovation points.The chapter2reviews the previous studies concerning about social regulation、 food safety regulation and regulation of quality standards for food safety.
     The second part includes Chapter3and Chapter4,introduces the present situations and the successful experiences of developed countries about China's regulation of quality standards for food safety.Firstly,analyzes the present situations and existing issues in China's regulation of quality standards for food safety,concludes that:after implementation of "food safety law",China's regulation of quality standards for food safety still exists,standards'system needs to be improved,standards'scientificalness and rationality needs to be enhanced,insufficient in quantity of food safety standards, the coverage is not broad,the international standards'adoption rate is low,standards'publicity and training、 implementation and carrying out is to be for future reinforced.The paper is also introduces the successful experiences in developed countries,such as Britain、France、 Germany、 the United States、 Russia and so on.
     The third part includes Chapter5,mainly about the analysis of influences and effects in regulation of quality standards for food safety.From the three aspects of effects on producers'income、 effects on the levels of food safety、 effect on decision behavior of producers and consumers,analyses the influences of regulation of quality standards for food safety.Firstly,analyses the strategic responses of food enterprises in the game of "government-enterprise" and "enterprise-consumer";secondly,analyses the effects on international trade of regulation of quality standards for food safety, involving the game analysis on the roles of international trades and impacts analysis on trade benefits;finally,analyses the effects in regulation patterns of quality standards' regulation,mainly includes the enterprise's self-regulation of food safety and regulation of food safety based on third-party certification.
     The fourth part is policy analysis,involving Chapter6.Firstly,analyses the reason of choosing regulation of quality standards for food safety and its "threshold" setting,and how to set the"threshold" of regulation of quality standards for food safety,underring the condition of information asymmetry.On the basis of these,focus on discussing the supervision mode reshaping of China's food safety,reconstruction of the regulatory body:from the unitary body to pluralism participations;innovations of supervision ways:based on food supply chain's perspectives;the perfection of regulatory systems:from segmented supervisions to administrative measure-flat supervisions.After that,in view of the implementation of China's regulation of quality standards for food safety,put forward corresponding policy recommendations:strengthen the constructions of legal systems in quality standards for food safety, multiagent participations to ensure the professional levels of technology in quality standards for food safety,strengthen information constructions,reinforce punishment powers in corresponding laws and regulations.
     In the aspect of theory,the paper takes food's quality standards as breakthrough point,analyses regulation issues of food safety,goes straight to the theme,captures the core of issues,and expands reserach visions.The paper's analysis,from the perspective of regulation economics,can provides a solid theoretical support for choosing the tools of current food safety regulation,and the content of social regulation's theory can be riched.In the aspect of practice,the paper is trying to establish a more scientific system of quality standards for food safety,this is the fundamental guarantee in maintaining the health and safety of consumers,is also the basic requirements in reducing the food safety accidents and constructing the harmonious society;the construction of quality standards' system,can provides intrinsic motivation for food production enterprises to produce safe food,also can help to regulate the food markets' orders,and can put an end to the industry's "unspoken rules",to improve the abilities of international competition of chinese food production enterprises;the research on quality standards' systems for food safety,can provide Economics' theoretical support for government's relevant departments in formulating quality standards for food safety,and in implementing the reform of quality supervision systems.
     The paper wants to realize two innovations through the research,one is the issues' innovation,the paper takes the quality standards as breakthrough point to analyse the food safety issues,seeking a new point of view to study the government regulation's issues;the other is the innovation in research methods,the paper applying classical theories,such as the theory of encouragement、game theory and institutional economics,to analyse the new issues of quality standards for food safety,so it's a kind of innovation in research methods.
① “质量标准(quality standard)"在工具书中的解释为:对产品质量要求及其检验方法等所作的统一的技术规定。论文所讨论的质量标准就是遵从这一定义。
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