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The Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) is one of chronic diseases which serious threat the health of the public in the current world extent. The disease is one kind of refractoriness autoimmune disease(AD) with complex nosogenesis,and the cause of the disease has not made clearly till now. Modern medicine has a lot of problems in the treatment of the disease. Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has potential superiority to cure it. Infusion of Xuan Bi Ke Li is utility recipe to Beriberoid Pyretic Arthralgia (RA) in the fundament of the change plus minus of Xuan Bi Tang through so many years clinical experiences of my advisor Duan Fu Jin. My topic is investigation objec of Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls,and takes the RA as the investigation cut-in point, and makes deeply investigation of the recipe in the contribution of antiinflammatory and immunity, and mechanism of action of treatment of RA.
     1. Objective invest the mechanism of action of treatment of RA and compatibility significance of Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls.
     2. Method Empirical Method: 2.1Make Wistar maleness rats Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis(AIA) which were derived by Freund's complete adjuvant(CFA) as investigation objec. Make Tablet for Lei Gong Teng Duo Dai as positive control medicine, and divide it into blank group(A), model group(B), control group(C), Infusion of Xuan Bi Ke Li high dose group(D), Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls midst dose group (E), Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls low dose treatment group(F). Apply Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls which deploys Qing Re Qu Shi ,Shu Fu Rong Jin ,He Xue Zhi Tong as array recipe principle to interfere.
     Detection for every groups animals:(1)Joint volume of CFA preimmune and postimmune rats every two days, body weight one time per week. (2)Level of ESR, CRP, RF of CFA postimmune rats's blood and pathomorphism change of ankle and synovial membrane tissue( including light microscope and electron microscope). (3)Monitoring IL-1β、TNF-a phlegmasia cell factor of CFA postimmune rats's blood with radio-immunity ,and analyze it. (4)Monitoring the level of IFN-r , IL- 4 of CFA postimmune rats's blood with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA),and analyze the correlation of their proportionality and Thl/Th2.
     2.2Select mouse as investigation object,with hot plate method and stretching method,make the estimate index of analgesia effect through pain threshold value of mouse, and observe the analgesia effect of Infusion of Xuan Bi granules.
     3.Consequence 3.1 Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls has conspicuous antiinflammatory、analgesia、immunological effect, and can patency restrain polyarticular arthritis and engorgement of AA rat's voix pedis, raise pain threshold value of AA rat.3.2 It is thus clear under the light microscope:stratum synoviale of group B mult obviously, synovial cell hyperplasy, Small vessels mult, pannus emerge, It is thus clear that lots of lymphocytes infiltration. Group C、D、E don't see any manifest abnormality. It is thus clear that inflammation and hyperplasy of Synovium of joint in the same time, to prevent the demolish of arthrodial cartilage and sclerotin.3.3 It is thus clear under the electron microscope:Group A mitochondrion ( - ) , double membrane Integrity, tructure lampros, intracytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum ( - ) Group B mitochondrion manifest decrease, endoplasmic reticulum degranulation and altitude expanding, karyopyknosis, cellmembrane defect. Group C rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) diminish, mitochondrion swelling. Group D endoplasmic reticulum not expand, mitochondrion fundamental normal. Group E endoplasmic reticulum expand lightly, mitochondrion swelling, structure not clear.Group F cell membrane not Integrate ,nucleus crenulation, mitochondrion and endoplasmic reticulum diminish.
     3.4 Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls produce a marked antiinflammatory and immunological effect through restraining secretion of too high phlegmonosis cytokines TNF-a、IL-1、IL-6 of AA rats.
     3.5 Through the treatment of Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls,the level of IFN-r that's in AA rats's blood degrades obviously,and the level of IL-4 that's in AA rats's blood advance obviously,and the proportionality of Thl/Th2 incline to balance.
     4.Conclusion Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls has the effect of immunological and antiinflammatory of multistrata、more routes、multitarget. The effect of immunological and antiinflammatory that Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls has concerned with the function of depressing phlegmonosis cytokines (IL-1β、TNF-a) ,degrading IFN-r, advancing IL-4 as to Th1/Th-2 trend to balance. Infusion of Xuan Bi granuls has very good treatment effect to Beriberoid Pyretic Arthralgia (earlier period and period of onset of Rheumatoid Synovitis),and it can prevent pannus to form ,and it can prevent articular cartilage and sclerotin to destroy, and it can restrain disfiguration of joint.
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