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During the building of Enterprise Information system, often develop and deploy diferent IT system at different times, such as automatic control, production management, office automation, and we will be collectively referred to as their enterprise IT assets. With more and more high-level information system being used, the information enterprise IT assets island is also becoming more and more serious, but the rapid changes in business requirements hope shielding these isolated phenomenon. So how low-cost, highly efficient and flexible integrated system has become an hot topic. Experienced early in the point-to-point integration, information integration middleware, enterprise application integration (EAI), We got Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) integration technologies.
     ESB appear on the display of its unique advantages: loosely coupling, standards integration, intelligent management. But traditional ESB at the same time exposed the growing number of issues: without Web services technology and SOA, its services have always been specific to the work of ESB platforms, interoperability bad. At the same time,in order to to shield the complex details of the clitent calls, ESB must processing the finding and calling of services.
     This article re-thinking ESB framwork based on SOA, and focus on the SOA-based Enterprise Service Bus SOAP message routing mechanism SOA-based enterprise service bus in the system integration showed excellent performance: protocol conversion subsystem communication protocol shielding all the difference, based entirely on the SOA thinking of the structure of the coupling the ability to adapt quickly to changes in business. By introducing WS-Routing and WS-Referral after realizing SOAP message routing, dynamic services mainly to solve the matching problem. In this paper, under the guidance of WS-Routing and WS-Referral designed the SOAP message routing function of the router (software modules), research the priority-based and rule-based scheduling strategy news, as well as on road Allocation Table from the dynamic routing strategy.
     According to the ESB re-structure by SOA can integrated system low-cost, highly efficient, flexible implementation. SOAP routing can solve problems such as internal and external services automatic matching, 7~*24 hours Web server, host-based and network load balancing matching.
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