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As a quite distinctive law rule in American corporation laws field, the Business Judgment Rule (BJR) is originated from duty of care, which is a branch of director's fiduciary duty. It has been perfected and developed in case law system.It expresses judges'attitude of respect towards the business world and offers protection to the legitimate business management of company's directors.After the age of 80s, with the development of business judgment rule, particularly in the amendment of application in the field of corporate Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), thus forms Modified Business Judgment Rule, which has brought the United States'M&A Market vitality, and promote the tremendous economic development, thus attract a range of legal scholars all over the world attention and engage in studying.
     Relatively, Strict Neutrality Rule was widely adopted by European countries during the procedure of M&A. Since it is too rigid, European countries are all exploring the application of the advantages of modified BJR and make amend to strict neutrality rule. So in the year 2004 "Directive 2004/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids" allows its member to accept strict neutrality rule Optionally. In our country, The Corporation Law and Security Law which come into effective in 2006 also enrolls a lot of elements in law of the United States and Britain, such as the establishment of director's fiduciary duty and the takeover rules of listed companies.In the mean time, "the Takeover of Listed Company Administrative Code" also enriches the content of the Corporation Law and Security Law. The law mainly adopts the British mode, but it is still far from perfect and needs further exploration to draw on the experience of the legislation of other countries and combination of our own characteristics.
     Chapter I of this article traces various Legal elements in Business Judgment Rule, analyzes its sources of law, and summarize its legal value and legal operation. These have laid foundation for the analysis and research of the modified BJR in the following text.
     Chapter II introduces Business Judgment Rule and analyses three aspects including the rebuilding of its trust foundation, differing of duties in two phases, and the shifting of proof burden.
     Chapter III of this article analyses three pretty difficult legal issues during the application of Business Judgment Rule:the trigger time of Revlon rule, of waste of assets during the auction period and the duties of director under the lead of shareholder's power during acquisition.
     Chapter IV expounds the European legal rule in the field of corporation M&A and the situation of amendments of strict Neutrality Rule in the European countries via using German as a example. In the following texts, the article compares the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems and introduces the European exploration of law theory in this field. This has tremendous significance to our research of modified BJR.
1 See Aronson v.Lewis,473 A.2d 805,812 (Del.1984).
    Cede & Co. v. Technicolor, Inc.634 A.2d 345,361(Del.1993).
    6 Douglas M. Branson, The Rule that Isn't a Rule The Business Judgment Rule, Val. U. L. R. Vol.36,2002, p.643.
    7同注5,第37页。此处把"fiduciary duty"翻译成“被信任者职责”。
    8 Cede v. Technicolor, Inc.,634 A.2d 345,360-61(1994).
    16 Aronson v. Lewis,473 A.2d 805,1984,p.808.
    17 Smith v. Van Gorkom,488 A.2d 858 (Del.1985).
    18 Hansen, supra note 12, at 1357-1358.
    19 Del. Code Ann. tit.8,102(b)(7) (2003). Section 102(b).
    20 See Lawrence A. Cunningham & Charles M. Yablon, Delaware Fiduciary Duty Law After QVC and Technicolor:A Unified Standard (and the End of Revlon Duties?),49 Bus. Law.1593,1597 (1994).
    21 See Michael J. Kennedy, The Business Judgment Syllogism-Premises Governing Board Activity, in TECHNOLOGY & EMERGING GROWTH M&AS 2002 285,327 (June 2002).
    22 See, e.g.,R. Franklin Balotti & James J. Hanks, Jr., Rejudging the Business Judgment Rule,48 BUS. LAW. 1337,1342(1993).
    24 ALI Principles, supra note 100, §4.01 cmt. d at 141.Professor Dooley persuasively argues that the ALI Principles' version of the business judgment rule on grounds is flawed, inter alia, because it in fact encourages intrusive substantive review of business decisions. Dooley, supra note 9, at 471-86.
    25 See Michael P. Dooley, Two Models of Corporate Governance,42 BUS. LAW(1992) pp.463-463.
    27 Re Cladrose Ltd.(1990)BCLC 204, p.208.
    28 See Stephen M. Bainbridge, Corporation Law and Economics (2002) p.208.
    29 See Stephen M. Bainbridge, Corporation Law and Economics (2002) p.207.
    42 Cede v. Technicolor, Inc.,634 A.2d 345,360-61(1994).
    43 Melvin Aaron Eisenberg, The Duty of Care of Corporate Directors and Officers,51 U. Pitt. L. Rev.945,948 (1990); Charles Hansen, The Duty of Care, The Business Judgment Rule, and The American Law Institute Corporate Governance Project,48 Bus. Law.1355,1356 (1993).
    44 Lewis D. Solomon Alan R. Palmiter:(Corporations))(第三版)注译本,中国方正出版社2003年版,第220页。
    45 Harbor Fin. Partners v. Huizenga,751 A.2d 879,892 (Del.Ch.1999).
    47 Harbor Fin. Partners v. Huizenga,751 A.2d 879,892 (Del. Ch.1999).
    49 In re Walt Disney Co. Derivative Litig. (Disney Ⅲ),825 A.2d 275,286 (Del. Ch.2003).“恶意从轻到重,分为三种:第一种恶意,无不良动机但表现为重大过失且无自利交易,违反的是注意义务;或者有不良的动机,表现为重大过失且无自利交易,则违反善意义务。第二种恶意,有不良动机,故意不履行责任,则违反了善意义务。第三种恶意,有加害动机,主观恶意,则违反忠实义务。”
    50 Steven G Bradbury, Corporate Auctions and Directors'Fiduciary Duties:A Third-Generation Business Judgment Rule, Michigan Law Review, Vol.87, No.1,p.276.
    51 Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co.493 A.2d 946 (Del.1985).
    52 Andrew GT. Moore Ⅱ,The Birth of Unocal-A Brief History, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law,Vol.3 2006.
    54 Revlon, Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings,506 A.2d 173(Del.1986).
    57 Revlon,Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings,Inc.,506 A.2d 173,182,66 A.L.R.4th 157(Del.1985).
    58 Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time Inc.,571 A.2d 1140 (Del.1989).
    59 Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34 (Del.1994).
    60 See Regan, The Unimportance of Being Earnest:Paramount Rewrites the Rules for Enhanced Scrutiny in Corporate Takeovers,46 Hastings L.J.125(1994). See also Small, Negotiating Delaware Merger Transactions,27 Sec.& Comm Reg.29(1994).
    61原文为:"obligation of acting reasonably to seek the transaction offering the best value reasonably available to the stockholders." Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34,43 (Del.1994).
    62 See In re Lukens Inc. Shareholders Litigation,757 A.2d 720 (Del. Ch.1999) (where over 60% of the merger consideration was cash, Revlon duties applied); Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34,48 (Del.1994).
    63 Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co.,493 A.2d 946,954 (Del.1985).
    66 Harbor Fin. Partners v. Huizenga,751 A.2d 879,892 (Del. Ch.1999).
    70 Treadway Co. v. Care Corp.,638 F.2d 357 (2d Cir.1981).
    74 United States v.Carroll Towing Co.159 F.2d 169(2d Cir.1947).
    76参见Desert Partners, L.P. v. USG Corp.,686 F. Supp.1289,1300 (N.D.111.1988); Ivanhoe Partners v. Newmont Min. Corp.,535 A.2d 1334,1345 (Del.1987).
    77 Revlon, Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc.,506 A.2d 173,182,66 A.L.R.4th 157 (Del.1985).
    78董事义务在决定保持公司独立性与公司待售情形下的显著区别遭到了强烈的批判。See, e.g., Johnson & Siegel, Corporate Mergers:Redefining the Role of Target Directors,136 U Pa. L. Rev.315,342-43,347(1987).
    79 Revlon, Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc.,506 A.2d 173,182,66 A.L.R.4th 157 (Del.1985)
    80 Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34 (Del.1994).
    81 See Omnicare, Inc. v. NCS Healthcare, Inc.,818 A.2d 914 (Del.2003); Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34,42-43 (Del.1994). See generally Hamermesh, Premiums in Stock-for-Stock Mergers and Some Consequences in the Law of Director Fiduciary Duties,152 U. Pa. L. Rev.881 (2003).
    82 Arnold v. Society for Sav. Bancorp,Inc.,650 A.2d 1270(Del.1994).
    83 Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time Inc.,571 A.2d 1140,1150 (Del.1989).
    84 Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34 (Del.1994).
    85 Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time Inc.,571 A.2d 1140,1150 (Del.1989).
    86 Ivanhoe Partners v. Newmont Min. Corp.535 A.2d 1334 (Del.1987).
    87“席卷式买进”指的是通过公开市场或者私下的谈判,迅速积累一批目标公司的股票。See, e.g.,Hanson Trust PLC v. SCM Corp.,774 F.2d 47 (2d Cir.1985),781 F.2d 264 (2d Cir.1986).
    88 Ivanhoe Partners v. Newmont Min. Corp.,535 A.2d 1334,1345 (Del.1987).
    89 在Newmont与Gold Fields的先前协议中允许Gold Fields获得三分之一的公司股票,并且把Gold Fields在董事会中的代表席位数限制在了三分之一以下。如果第三方获得了公司9.9%的股票,Gold Fields有选择终止该协议的权利。
    90这个新的暂停收购协议一直持续到1997年,并且成了了一个独立的董事会,这个董事会由40%的GoldFields的董事、40%的独立董事和20%Newmont董事组成,Gold Fields被要求赞成董事会的提名方式,并且禁止将自己的利益出售给任何拒绝遵从此暂停收购协议的第三方。Ivanhoe Partners v.Newmont Min.Corp., 535 A.2d 1334,1340 (Del.1987).
    91 Ivanhoe Partners v. Newmont Min. Corp.,535 A.2d 1334,1345 (Del.1987).
    92 Black & Decker Corp. v. American Standard, Inc.,682 F. Supp.772 (D. Del.1988).
    93 此项资本结构重组计划规定董事和经理可用先前所拥有的每一份股分置换成11.7股的普通股,ESOP(职工持股计划)认购公司股票,公众股东按照其所有者权益的百分比获得现金和债权。Black & Decker Corp. v. American Standard, Inc.,682 F. Supp.772,782,783 (D. Del.1988).
    94 Black & Decker Corp. v. American Standard, Inc.,682 F. Supp.772,781 (D. Del.1988):特拉华州最高法院将Revlon规则下的义务仅仅限制在限制在那些对公司的股票进行完全的出售的情形下,此种结论的得出并不合理。
    97 Black & Decker Corp. v. American Standard, Inc.,682 F. Supp.772,783 (D. Del.1988).
    98 In re Lear Corp. S'holder Litigation,2008 WL 4053221 (Del.Ch.).
    99 In re Lear Corp. S'holder Litig.,926 A.2d 94 (Del. Ch.2007).
    100 In re Lear Corp. S'holder Litigation,2008 WL 4053221 (Del.Ch.). at*46.
    101 I In re Lear Corp. S'holder Litigation,2008 WL 4053221 (Del.Ch.).*13.
    102 Harbor Fin. Partners v. Huizenga,751 A.2d 879,892 (Del. Ch.1999).
    104 Bershad v. Curtiss-Wright Corp.,535 A.2d 840 (Del.1987).同时可参见Crown Books Corp. v. Bookstop, Inc.,Fed. Sec. L. Rep. (CCH)‖95,314 (Del. Ch.1990)(控股股东对于拍卖公司并不负有义务).
    105 Bershad v.Curtiss-Wright Corp.,535 A.2d 840,844,845 (Del.1987).
    106 McMullin v. Beran,765 A.2d 910 (Del.2000).
    107 McMullin v. Beran,765 A.2d 910,919 (Del.2000).
    108 McMullin v. Beran,765 A.2d 910,920 (Del.2000).
    113 Directive 2004/25/EC, Article 21, Sectionl.,2009年4月5日浏览。本文提及的《收购指令》的条款内容均来自此网站的版本。
    114此收购法案的全称为:Takeover Code of the Exchange Export Commission at the Federal Ministry of Financ.
    116 See Ubernahmekodex Boersensacherstaendigenkommission [Takeover Code of the Exchange Export Commission at the Federal Ministry of Finance], July 14,1995, translated in The New German Takeover Code,Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, Annex 1(1996).
    117 Boersensachverstaendigenkommission, Standpunkte der Boersensachverstaendigenkommission zur kunftigen Regelung von Untemehmesubemahmen 1999,36-47.
    118 Oesterreichisches Uebernahmegesetz, Bundesgesetz,August 14,1998.BGBL. I,127.
    120先前Krupp公司在1997年对Thyssen AG公司发起的恶意收购要约在一开始遭到Thyssen公司抵抗,最后通过友好协商的方式得到了解决,从而Krupp获得Thyseen钢铁业务的控制权。
    121 City Code at Rule 5.1.
    122 City Code at Rule 10.
    123 City Code at Rule9.1-9.3.
    124 City Code at Rule9.1-9.3.
    126 See Christian Kirchner, Neutralitaets und Stillhaltepflicht des Vorstands der Zielgesellschaft im Uebernahmerecht [The strict Neutrality Obligation of the Target Company Board in Takeover Law],44 Die Aktien Gesellschaft 481-492(1999).
    128 Louis Lowenstein, Pruning Deadwood in Hostile Takeovers:A Proposal for Legislation,83 Colum. L. Rev.249, 255(1983).
    129 The Daily Deal, January 6,2000 at 9.
    130 See Bergstrom, et. al., Regulation of Corporate Acquisitions, supra at 510.
    131 See Joseph A. Grundfest, Just Vote No:A Minimalist Strategy for Dealing with Barbarians Inside the Gates.45 Stan. L. Rev.857(1993) [hereinafter Grundfest, Just Vote No] (advocating protest vote strategy).
    133 See Generally George Ponds Kobler, Shareholder Voting Over the Internet:A Proposal for Increasing Shareholder Participation in Corporate Governance,49 Ala. L. Rev.673(1998); John C. Wilcox, Electronic Communication and Proxy Voting:The Governance Implications of Shareholders in Cyberspace, Insights, Mar. 1997, at 8,11(探讨公司与投资者之间用因特网进行交流信息的问题).
    134 Christian Kirchner and Richard W. Painter, Towards a European Modified Business Judgment Rule for Takeover Law, View on April.7th,2009.
    144所谓“一致行动人”(persons acting in concert)指的是在实践中,收购者为了规避法律法规的规定,逃避信息披露义务。往往几个关联方共同采取行动,每个关联方购买达不到法定比例的同一家上市公司的股票,进而达到控制一个公司的目的。
    167 2005 edition of the Model Business Corporation Act,Section 8.30.
    172 Douglas Mrason, The Rule that isn't a Rule-The Business Judgment Rule, Val. U. L. R, vol.36, P.633.
    1.Aronson v. Lewis,473 A.2d 805,1984.
    2.Cede v. Technicolor, Inc.,634 A.2d 345,360-61(1994).
    3.Percy v. Millaudon,8 Mart.68 La.1829.
    4.Briggs v. Spaulding,141 U.S.132,1891.
    5.Francis v. United Jersey Bank,87 N.J.15;432 A.2d 814.
    6. Smith v. Van Gorkom,488 A.2d 858 (Del.1985).
    7:Harbor Fin.Partners v. Huizenga,751 A.2d 879,892 (Del. Ch.1999).
    8.Unocal Corp. v. Mesa Petroleum Co.493 A.2d 946 (Del.1985).
    9.Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time Inc.,571 A.2d 1140 (Del.1989).
    10. Revlon, Inc.v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc.,506 A.2d 173,182,66 A.L.R.4th 157 (Del.1985).
    11.Paramount Communications Inc. v. QVC Network Inc.,637 A.2d 34 (Del.1994).
    12.Ivanhoe Partners v. Newmont Min. Corp.535 A.2d 1334 (Del.1987).
    13.In re Lear Corp.S'holder Litigation,2008 WL 4053221 (Del.Ch.).
    14.Bershad v. Curtiss-Wright Corp.,535 A.2d 840 (Del.1987).
    15.McMullin v. Beran,765 A.2d 910 (Del.2000).
    1.Lewis D.Solomon & Alan R. Palmiter者:《Corporations》(第三版)注译本,中国方正出版社2003年版。
    2.Robert Charles Clark,Corporate Law,Boston,Little Brown and Company, 1986.
    1.Douglas M. Branson, The Rule that Isn't a Rule The Business Judgment Rule, Val.U. L. R. Vol.36,2002.
    2.Louis Lowenstein, Pruning Deadwood in Hostile Takeovers:A Proposal for Legislation,83 Colum.L. Rev.249,255(1983).
    3.Joseph A.Grundfest, Just Vote No:A Minimalist Strategy for Dealing with Barbarians Inside the Gates,45 Stan. L. Rev.857(1993). EN:NOT,Apr.5th,2009.