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This thesis reviewed systematically the development of research methods,especially numerial simulation ,for the combustion process of the glass melting furnace,and established the three-dimensional oxygen-firing mathematical model which is very practical in oil fired float glass furnaces on the base of theory of glass melting furnaces and industrial application.The model consisted of gas turbulent flows and heat transfer sub-model and spray combustion sub-model.The former includes continuity equation, momentum equation,turbulence equation and energy equation, and it was solved by SIMPLE scheme. The PSIC method was taken by the later model.
    The program was developed modularization with Fortran & PowerStation,and could be easily enriched.In order to express the results clearly,the date was fitted by the Stanfordgraphic drawing software.
    In this paper, the flow field and temperature distribution space in oil fired float glass furnaces(400t/d) were studied.In the model, the oxygen was the percent of 27 in the gas,poured into the glass melting furnace as the atomization medium of the fuel.It was concluded that this model could express objectively the law of the flow field and temperature distribution space in oil fired float glass furnaces.The model fitted the practical work conditions perfectly,and owned practical value.The program was reasonable and could be easily enriched.Therefore,the three-dimensional image simulation would be applied widely in the research of glass furnaces.
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