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This paper focuses on the unique characteristics of British tea culture as well as multidimensional charms of tea under multiple disciplines and perspectives, which breaks through the traditional pattern of studying from a point of single-subject, such as history, culture, economics and so on. Multidimensional Charms of Tea are defined as not only the strong points of tea itself, but most importantly, the cultural, artistic and literary charms of tea under various fields. The birth and formation of British tea culture embody the mutual relation between tea and those disciplines. So, studying from multiple perspectives can meet the need of showing the uniqueness of British tea culture and the transnational charms of tea.
     This paper tries to study the world of British tea culture in an interdisciplinary point of view. A lot of Chinese and English tea literature and English literary texts have shown that the formation and development of British tea culture are promoted by various fields and do help their advanced development as well.
     The first part states the purpose and reason of this paper which includes the present research situation both home and abroad, research methods and its realistic significance.
     The second part probes into how Chinese tea was introduced into Great Britain and the changes of the beautiful name "cha", which shows the origin of British tea culture.
     The third part examines the characteristics of British tea culture, presenting the difficulty of tea becoming the national drink of Great Britain that consist of the disturbance caused by tea, tea ceremony and tea equipments and their development.
     Part four discusses the influence of Victoria black tea culture whose formation and development are on the prime time of British tea culture. Both Victoria black tea culture and Lipton tea brand culture enlighten us and are of great significance.
     Part five explores the mutual relation between tea and women. Women were attracted by tea and endowed with "female power" on the tea table defined by French philosopher Michel Foucault, which imparts on the development of British society, Industrious Revolution and so on and so forth.
     Part six shows tea charms under the pen of great British masters which include tea poetry and tea in prose, novels, paintings and musical works.
     Part seven focuses on appreciating tea culture in English novels. The representative novelists are Jane Austen, Mrs. Gaskell and Henry James whose works shine the different beauties of tea culture in their works. Their superb description and use of tea culture in their works reflect the "maturity" glamour of British tea culture and the beauty of the works as well.
     Part eight makes a conclusion of the characteristics of British tea culture and puts forward the soul of British tea culture—"nobility, elegance, ceremony, harmony".
     All efforts are made to show the multidimensional charms of tea and tea culture by exploring the mutual relation of British tea culture and multiple disciplines. For the first time, the definition of power of French philosopher Michel Foucault is used in analyzing the relationship of female power and tea culture in the research field of China. What's more, tea culture forms its own system connecting the development of plots, character depicts and so on. Appreciating tea culture in English novels is new both in the disciplines of English literature and tea culture.
    ①关于具体时间不同的学者给出了不同年代,从1591,1597,1610到1612等,详见乌克斯的《茶叶全书》和Tea and Tea Blending,the Firm of Lewis and Co.,2~nd edition,1887,p3.
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    ①Pettigrew,Jane.A Social History of Tea.London:National Trust.2001.p12
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    ②Derk Bodde.China's gift to the West.Washington D.C..1942.
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    ②Wilson,Constance Anne.Food and Drink in Britain.London.1973.P415.
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    ②Read's Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer.April 27~th.,1734.Quoted in Tea and Tea Drinking.Arthur Reade.1884.p.8
    ③The Tatler.August 26~th. 1710.Quoted in Drinks of the World,J.Mew and J.Ashton.1892,p262.
    ①Pettigrew,Jane.A Social History of Tea.London:National Trust.2001.p47
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    ①Beatrice Hohenegger.The Story of Tea from the West to East.ST.Martin's Press.New York.2006.p96.
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    ②Biography of Dr.Alexander Carlyle:writing of social life in Harrogate in 1763.
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    ①The Tea Duties.Report of the Second public Meeting held in the Sessions-House,Liverpool,on the 14~th January,1848.P40
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