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Listening is one of most important language skills among listening,speaking, reading,writing and translating.Although,recently,it has received more and more attention, college students still find that listening skill is the most difficult one of all the five basic language skills.The previous researchers both abroad and at home have made great contribution to the teaching and learning of listening comprehension and given the guide on the techniques and thc strategies from the perspectives of cognition,cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics,pragmatics and culture.However,there is still a problem that students have no enough time to comprehend the input linguistic data after recognizing each word of an utterance as it is spoken.The corresponding studies have found this problem is,to some degree,caused by the limited capacity of short-term memory.In order to find out the solution,some researchers,such as Call(1985) and Xu Fang(2005),conduct some cxperiments and use chunking to make up the deficiency of short-term memory.Their experiments prove that the memory for clauses is the predictor of listening comprehension success.But few studies were conducted to show the effect of chunk method used in the listening of CET-4.
     CET-4 is a large-scale national standardized test for measuring English proficiency of non-English major undergraduates in colleges and universities.More and more students think its listening part is the most difficult part.It affects their scores.The present study is designed in attempt to find out the applicability and efficacy of Chunk Method in the listening of CET-4.In brief,the study attempted to answer the following questions:
     1.Does the mastery of chunks influence the result of listening comprehension in CET-4? If it does,to what extent does it reach?
     2.Can training students with chunk way improve students' listening comprehension ability in CET-4? If it can,to what extent can it improve?
     In order to address the above questions,the researcher designed an experiment to prove them.There were 90 subjects participating the experiment.They were divided two groups,one is a control group,treated with the traditional method,and the other is an experimental group,treated with Chunk Method.There were four tests and two interviews designed in the experiment.Test One and Test Two were administered before the instruction with the purpose of investigating the participants' chunk level and their listening level of CET-4,and after the instruction Test Three and Test Four were conducted to check the effect of the Chunk Method in CET-4.The data of the four tests were collected and analyzed.As for the qualitative study,nine students were interviewed before and after the instruction.Findings generated from the research are as follows:
     1.The mastery of chunks noticeably enhanced EFL learners' listening comprehension mark rate,producing much better results in CET-4.
     2.Increasing the input of chunk can greatly improve EFL learners' listening comprehension ability in CET-4.
     In conclusion,the study indicates that the Chunk Method as a listening skill can be effective in improving learners' listening ability.To be more specific,it is of great importance in enlarging listeners' memory,promoting their understanding,increasing motivation,increasing self-confidence and providing comprehensible input and output, and the like.Chunk Method offers a new perspective for CET-4 listening training. These findings have great pedagogic implications to the college English teaching.It is hoped that this study would shed some lights on the exploration of English listening teaching.
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