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Language is closely related to culture. Language is the carrier of culture, culture is the soil where language exists. As an inter-linguistic and cross-cultural communication, translation is not only a process of conversion from one language to another, but also a process of culture transplantation. While dealing with cultural information in translation, there has been the argument between the adoption of domestication and foreignization. As a matter of fact, in a world characterized by globalization, with the rapid development of science and technology, cross-cultural communications are becoming increasingly extensive and frequent, cultural isolation can no longer exist. Different language cultures constantly exchange and complement with each other. The fact that there are obvious differences among different language cultures is undeniable. It is the cultural difference and the necessity of cultural communication that make hybridity in translation an inevitable fact.
     Through analyzing some typical examples of culture-specific items, the thesis finds out that the choice of translation strategy is flexible, the existence of hybridity shows that domestication and foreignization are complementary translation strategies. Hybridity in translation of culture-specific items is represented by the multi-approaches adopted. The adoption of domestication and foreignization marks a translation with the characteristic of hybridity. Different cultures can be transmitted effectively in this hybrid space. On the one hand, through hybridity, foreign language culture can be better accepted and absorbed by the local culture; on the other hand, more alien cultural information can be retained, thus enriching the local language culture. Only in this way, can we retain the peculiarity of the local language culture, and at the same time introduce and promote the local language culture to the world culture system, creating a linguistic and cultural ecology in which different language cultures can live together, learn from each other and give a boost to each other's development.
     The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one first introduces the relationship between language, culture and translation and then reviews the dichotomy between domestication and foreignization; Chapter two probes into the concept of hybridity in general and its use in translation in particular; Chapter three discusses the representations of hybridity in translation of culture-specific items by analyzing some typical examples, pointing out that in most translations, it is hard to say they are featured either by domestication or by foreignization. Actually, they are hybrids of the two. Different language cultures can be transmitted effectively through such a hybrid space. Chapter four makes a comment on the cultural value of hybridity in translation from two aspects, one is the optimization of the target language culture, the other is the constructing of a linguistic and cultural ecology where different language cultures can live together harmoniously; Chapter five is the conclusion, pointing out that in a world characterized by globalization, cultural hybridity is an inevitable trend. Hybridity is not a kind of contamination to local culture but an impetus to develop the local culture and fusing of various cultures. It is an effective vehicle of culture transmission.
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