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Translation plays a key role in the development and construction of the national culture. National culture’s development always has its internal and external driving force. The former serves as the basis of cultural inheritance and the latter plays an inseparable part in its progress. Nowadays, the great variety of national cultures, as long as they are brilliant ones, have been and will keep learning from other cultures, otherwise, they will lose the driving force for further advancement. As an important member of this big family, Chinese culture has always been benefiting from this good tradition. In this process, translation has played a critical role. This significance has drawn huge attention to the relationship between translation, culture and language, especially after the cultural turn in translation studies in 1990s, when many scholars have begun to involve themselves in this research from both theoretical and practical aspects.
     Focusing on the relationship between translation and Chinese language, the author looks into the important connection between translation and cultural constructions, then works out there are three key periods in the development of cultural translation and culture of China: Buddhist scriptures translation in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the introduction of Western learning to the East in late Qing Dynasty and translation development since reform and opening up.
     Almost a thousand years of Buddhist scriptures translation truly has exerted an invaluable influence on Chinese language and the literature, multiplying Chinese vocabulary and the expression law, and impacting impressively on Chinese construction of words as well as the syntax. In addition, the Buddhist scriptures translation turned out not only to facilitate Chinese language style and the literature style change, enriching Chinese language and culture, also to foster communication between Han nation and other nations, propelling China nations integration and development.
     Driven by the translation in late 19th century and early 20th century, vernacular established its fundamental position in modern Chinese culture. In quite a long period, classic Chinese has been the major carrier of the Chinese national culture. Late Qing Dynasty witnessed great cultural shock between the eastern and the western civilization. With translation as its medium, new cultural elements flooded into China, such as democracy and science, restructuring Chinese national culture from many aspects, including language and literature, with the spreading of vernacular as its most prominent feature, that is, the extending of vernacular contributed to establish the foundation of modern Chinese and greatly promoted the development of Chinese culture and its restructuring.
     Since China’s reform and opening up, prosperous translations have further added greatly to the vocabulary and mechanism of modern Chinese language and culture. The great achievements we have made recent 30 years are far more than boosting of GDP or international influence, also introducing foreign cultures into China, among which the invention of the BEI structure is a typical example. Definitely translation has always been a two-way option. The rapid development of Chinese national culture, especially the increasing popularity of Chinese language around the world is the best evidence.
     In conclusion, cultural diversity is the irreversible trend in the development of world civilization. The analysis of this thesis proves that: on the one hand, translation plays a critical role in the evolution of language including its vocabulary, grammar, structure, and cultural schools; on the other hand, all cultures, to take advantage of advancement, must learn from other cultures, and Chinese language and culture without exceptions.
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