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     XML是一种采用开放的自我描述方式定义的数据格式。它包括了文档格式化标准(Schema)、文档显示模式定义(XSL)、文档查询标准(XQuery)、文档解析标准(SAX)和文档链接标准(XLink)。作为一种元标记语言,XML可针对不同应用环境和要求定制标记,并以统一、开放、基于文本格式的模式来描述和交换数据。XML Schema是一种规范的XML文档,通过使用XML作为描述手段,使之具有很强的描述能力、扩展能力和处理维护能力。XQuery是对XML数据集进行查询的功能语言,简单灵活,易于理解和实现。
     论文给出了数据交换引擎的设计模型,该数据交换引擎采用32EE架构,以Java为编程语言、以XML Schema定义数据模型,开发了数据交换引擎的简单实现模型。该模型提供模板定制功能。相对于其他的系统需要用户熟悉查询语句,在提交查询时需输入详细的查询语句,本系统为用户提供模板定制服务,用户只需在友好用户界面上选择需要查询的数据,即可提交查询,并将该查询定制为模板,以便今后直接调用模板进行查询。查询处理器提供了数据查询的功能,将整个查询过程定义为查询规范化、查询分解、查询重写以及结果合成几个部分,并给出实现算法。最后介绍了异构数据源数据交换引擎简单原型系统的工作原理及主要类。
     论文构建了异构数据源数据交换引擎的简单原型系统,对Access、SQL Server2000和Oracle 9i中的例子数据库进行数据交换的应用,给出了一个应用的具体实例系统以及介绍该系统的特点。
There are many irregularities, such as multi-flat, variety database,variety circulating way and dispersion in great disorder; exist in manyinformation management system of college. It is one of the core topics of theestablishment of numeral turn campus to build unitive information flat.Heterogeneous database have very big of difference and autonomy because of thedifference of structure, data, DBMS, hardware and network protocol. To solvethe communicate problem among the heterogeneous databases, It is the first andfoundation problem to set up a heterogeneous database engine for data exchange.This paper form the engine by the use of XML data model, according to the ideaof catalogue service, and band the P2P together with distribute networkorganically.
     The XML is a kind data format which defines by open self-description way.It includes document format standard (Schema), document manifestation modedefinition (XSL), document query standard (XQuery), document analyze standard(SAX) and document Link standard (XLink). As a kind of meta-markup language,the XML can order markup aim at dissimilarity application environments andrequests, and descript and exchange data with unify, open, mode according todocument format. The XML Schema is a kind of standard XML document. It has verystrong of description ability, expand ability and processing maintenanceability, by using XML as a description means. The XQuery is the function languagewhich gathers to carry on a query to the XML data. It is simple vivid, be easyto comprehension and realization.
     The P2P(peer-to-peer) is also called an equal net, customer can direct linkto the other computers on the net, and carry on a file sharing and exchange. P2Pis make up of physical distribute nodes. All nodes are equal. Each node has thesame responsibility and ability, and cooperates with the common mission. Theequal node is direct connecting with each other, sharing information resources, need no centralize server. In the P2P mode, the equal node has a very highautonomy and willingness. They are the consumer (the client) of information,and are also the promoter (the server) of information, share homology of functionat performing calculation, provide and consume.
     The paper introduces the total design of the heterogeneous database enginefor data exchange, including the total system structure, the system functionmodules, the system total process and the development environment.
     The paper gives a model of the data exchange engine. The paper takes javaas the program language, uses the XML Schema to define data module, and developsa simple realization model for the data exchange engine. The model provides thefunction of template. Opposite at the other system demand the customer acquaintwith the query language, and input an importation detailed of query languagesentence to hand over the query, this system provides template-customizationservice for the customer. Customer just need to select the data want to queryon the friendly user interface, then can immediately hand over the query, andcustomize the query asatemplate for the direct use later. Then the paper givesthe design and realization of the query processor. The whole query processdefines as query regularization, query decomposes, and query rewrite and queryresult synthesize, and then gives the realization arithmetic. At last, it givesthe working theory and the main class of the model.
     The model uses the example databases of Access, SQL Server and oracle toapply the data exchange. The paper gives a material appliance of the mode andintroduces its characteristics.
     At last, a summary of the paper is going, and the further research is putforward.
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