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  • 英文篇名:Characteristics of Ore-controlling Structures and Prospecting Indicators in the Western Tungsten Deposit Area of Zhen'an,South Qinling
  • 作者:高云峰 ; 杨兴科 ; 阮仕琦 ; 韩珂 ; 张伟胜 ; 朱伟
  • 英文作者:GAO Yunfeng;YANG Xingke;RUAN Shiqi;HAN Ke;ZHANG Weisheng;ZHU Wei;School of Earth Science and Resources,Chang'an University;Shaanxi Mineral Resources and Geoological Survey;
  • 关键词:控矿构造 ; 矽卡岩型 ; 石英脉型 ; 找矿标志 ; 白钨矿 ; 镇安西部 ; 南秦岭
  • 英文关键词:ore-controlling structure;;skarn type;;quartz vein type;;prospecting indicator;;scheelite;;western Zhen'an area;;South Qinling
  • 中文刊名:黄金科学技术
  • 英文刊名:Gold Science and Technology
  • 机构:长安大学地球科学与资源学院;陕西省矿产地质调查中心;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-25 11:42
  • 出版单位:黄金科学技术
  • 年:2019
  • 期:04
  • 基金:陕西省地勘基金项目“镇安西部矿集区岩浆作用与钨钼成矿研究”(编号:0617-1711FY1808)资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:25-32
  • 页数:8
  • CN:62-1112/TF
  • ISSN:1005-2518
  • 分类号:P618.67
        The western tungsten deposit area of Zhen'an is located in the south Qinling tectonic belt.The main exposed strata in the area are Paleozoic carbonate rocks. The magmatic rocks are mainly rouge dams,lazy benches and Sihaiping granite bodies. The fault development in the area provides a ore-conducting and orebearing structure for the tungsten ore formation in the area.The skarn-type tungsten mineralization occurred in the near EW strike fracture zone. In addition,the NE-NNE-oriented quartz vein-type tungsten mineralization also developed,which together constitute the main tungsten-molybdenum mineralization type in this area.This paper mainly conducts field investigation and indoor research on typical tungsten deposits such as Qipangou and Hetaoping in the mining area,and has obtained the following knowledge:(1)The ore-controlling structure in the ore-concentrating area is a tectonic fracture in two different directions from the EW and the NE-NNE direction.(2)According to the tectonic background of the area,the tectonic fractures in the NE-NNE of the oreconcentrating area are formed by the Late Indosinian-Yanshanian tectonic activities,and the near-east tectonic fractures are mainly formed by the Indosinian tectonic activities. Compared with the Yanshanian tungstenmolybdenum ore-forming period,the near-east-west fault is a pre-mineral structure,while the NE-NNE fault fracture belongs to the metallogenic structure.(3)The type of tungsten mineralization in the ore-concentrating area is mainly composed of hydrothermal quartz vein type and fault-controlled skarn type.The quartz vein type is mainly controlled by the NE-NNE fault and joint fissures,and the skarn type is mainly controlled by the neareast-west fault fracture zone.
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