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  • 英文篇名:Marginal cost of emission reduction and regional differences
  • 作者:杨子晖 ; 陈里璇 ; 罗彤
  • 英文作者:YANG Zi-hui;CHEN Li-xuan;LUO Tong;Lingnan College,Sun Yat-sen University;China Resources Bank of Zhuhai Co.Ltd(Guangzhou Branch);
  • 关键词:二次型方向性距离函数 ; CO_2边际减排成本 ; 影响因素分析
  • 英文关键词:quadratic directional distance function;;marginal abatement costs of CO_2;;determinants analysis
  • 中文刊名:管理科学学报
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Management Sciences in China
  • 机构:中山大学岭南学院;珠海华润银行股份有限公司广州分行;
  • 出版日期:2019-02-15
  • 出版单位:管理科学学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:02
  • 基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71273286);国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(71721001);; 国家社会科学基金资助重大项目(17ZDA073);; 广东省自然科学基金资助重点项目(2018B030311053);; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:6-26
  • 页数:21
  • CN:12-1275/G3
  • ISSN:1007-9807
  • 分类号:X701
在全球气候变暖的背景下,减少CO_2排放量已经成为世界各国面临的重大挑战,而我国作为CO_2排放大国,承诺到2020年单位GDP的排放量较2005年下降40%~45%.围绕CO_2的减排问题,本文展开了两大方面的研究工作:1)基于我国8种化石能源的面板数据,采用二次型方向性距离函数模型测算我国各省份(直辖市、自治区)的CO_2边际减排成本,并由此分析省际层面和区域层面的CO_2减排成本差异和技术效率.研究结果表明,减排成本最低的省份(山西)是最高的地区(北京)的1/5,而且不同省份之间CO_2减排成本差异较大.还发现,CO_2边际减排成本的大小整体呈现为"东部>中部>西部".这为在全国范围内不同省份之间建立碳排放交易市场提供了理论分析与实证检验的参考依据. 2)深入考察了我国
        All the countries in the world are confronted with the challenge of CO_2 abatement. As a nation with a large discharge of CO_2,China has made a commitment to reduce the emissions by 40% ~ 45% per unit of GDP in 2020,compared with those in 2005. In this background,this paper conducts the research from two major aspects. Firstly,using data of eight categories of fossil fuels,the paper calculates the marginal abatement costs of CO_2 among provinces by adopting the quadratic directional distance function model,and then analyzes the differences in abatement costs and technical efficiency at the provincial,municipal and regional level. As the results show,the abatement costs of Shanxi,which has the lowest cost,are 1/5 of Beijing's who has the highest cost. What's more,the marginal abatement costs of CO_2 varies in provinces. The marginal abatement costs differs regionally: it declines progressively from the East to the Middle and then to the West.This provides an objective economic basis for establishing a carbon trading market among various provinces domestically. Secondly,this paper makes a profound analysis on the reasons of the significant differences in the abatement costs among provinces. The results show that the main factors affecting the marginal abatement costs of CO_2 include emission concentration,research and development degree,human resource level,energy structure,carbon emission policy,and urbanization level. Based on the conclusions above,several suggestions for developing low-carbon economy currently are put forward,as gives this paper important academic value and practical significance.
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