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Based on experimental results of the photoelastics materials subjected to external loading in room-temperature, some common infrared radiation characteristics were analysed and concluded from lots of infrared radiation imaging patterns. By the micro-structure of the solid materials and corresponding infrared radiation principle, the resource and reflective factors and deformation range of common infrared radiation characteristics were analysed and investigated in microscopic, According to above phyisical microscopic mechanism, a formula of calculating temperature differences of infrared radiation in terms of principal strain sum was deduced to quantitatively investigate the infrared radiation characteristics in test by the thermodynamics and the solid mechanics, and combining the FEM, a elastic harmonic unit volume model was establishedthe. Typical specimens were tested and their principal strains were calculated by the FEM model in order to obtain the temperature differences of infrared radiation. Numerical results are in a good agreement with test results, which verifies the validity of the formula of calculating temperature differences of infrared radiation and the model of quantitatively describing the infrared radiation characteristics of solid photoelastic materials, and reveal corresponding inner physical mechanism. It was proved that the formula and corresponding model can be referenced for the study of similar infrared radiation characteristfor for other elastic solid material under loading.
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