Three-dimensional models of fluid-structure coupling system for bent-type aqueduct were established considering soil-structure interaction(SSI) and without considering soil-structure interaction respectively to simulate the wind-induced vibration response. The wind-induced vibration response of aqueduct-water coupling system was numerically computed by using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE) method. The fluctuating wind speed time series was simulated resorting to auto-regressive moving average(ARMA) model. The dynamic responses of fluid-structure interaction system with different water depth conditions under stochastic wind loads were calculated. The results show that as SSI is considered, the lateral wind stiffness of the aqueduct structure decreases, which results in the increase of the structural wind-induced vibration displacement responses. The maximum principal stress of the aqueduct structure increases with the increase of the water depth, and the principal stress of the aqueduct considering SSI is slightly greater than that of the aqueduct without considering SSI. Under the action of fluctuating wind loads, the water depth controls the overturning moment and dynamic water pressure of the structure, while the effect of soil-structure interaction on the structure is weaker.
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