A kind of anti-dumping rock slope interbedded by hard and soft layers are often encountered in highway construction.In adverse conditions,the stability of the slope may be lost,especially under certain conditions such as disturbed slope toe and effect of rainfall and earthquake,etc.This paper takes the earthquake response of Shawozi slope during the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake as an example,which is located in Duwen road(Dujiangyan-Wenchuan).The discrete element software UDEC is used to simulate and systematically study the seismic response of deformation and failure mechanism.The results show that,under the earthquake,the soft and weak rock is squeezed and cut out from the slope with strong deformation.At the same time,in soft rock locations,it is easy to crack under the repeated tensile influence of seismic waves,and become the advantage area of deformation and failure of the slope.The amplification coefficient of acceleration and speed changes significantly with elevation.The displacement in the slope gradually increases with increasing elevation.On the whole,the joints and fissures inside the bend-dumping rock mass further open,and a number of new cracks are produced so that there is an increasing trend in dumping bent.The phenomena generally appear in the slope cover-layer including the tensile cracking and block dropping,especially at the mutation position of terrain geometry,and the damage extent is more significant.
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