Pile foundation Design of bridge in the category of engineering design is an important design content,in recent years,because of the earthquake impact caused by uneven settlement of pile foundation,in was resulted in lossing usage of the bridge function in the accident.In this paper,taking 8 degrees seismic fortification zone actual bridge project as an example,pile foundation calculated results of a short tower cable-stayed main bridge under the condition of non seismic design and seismic design were contrasted and analyzed.The similarities and differences between the two calculation results were discussed from the design principle,design conditions,calculation methods and other aspects of the case,in the conventional condition,the pile length of seismic design under the main bridge pier is logner than non seismic design,increasing about 10%or so,but it is not absolute,in individual cases pile length of non seismic design is larger,the actual pile length should be according to envelope value of seismic and non seismic conditions.The influence factor of actual friction pile length of main bridge pier are mainly as follows:the geological conditions,seismic fortification intensity,the riverbed scouring water level,vertical force and moment under different conditions,it should be considered one by one in design.Relevant design data of the project,can provide reference for other similar considering seismic ETA cable-stayed bridge pile foundation design.
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