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After violent earthquakes,we need to figure out the seismic intensity distribution as fast as possible in order to effectively operate the emergency rescue.Nowadays,the methods to get earthquake maps include manual survey after earthquake,earthquake monitor network,earthquake intensity fast report network,among them the most effective one is earthquake intensity fast report network.The earthquake monitoring network construction pattern is applied to the construction of this network,so there are several disadvantages like the large construction costs,limited site density,huge real time data transfer volume,etc. According to the requirements for fast reports of big earthquakes, we have used MEMS seismometers to manufacture an instrument of small volume,low costs,low consumption,and simple installation and strong motion monitoring to calculate earthquake parameters automatically.The features of hardware design of the earthquake parameter fast report unit are:1.Low costs,low consumption,small volume,14-bit 3-component MEMS digital accelerometer as earthquake sensor,which fits the requirements of intensity fast report resolution while taking account of the entire unit volume and costs;2.The use of high performance low consumption 32 bit ARM embedded CPU as processor to meet the acquisition,processing,storage and transfer requirements of fast report unit;3.Having used inner 32 GB large volume SD card which enablesan extended storage of cycling continuous data as long as 8months;4.Having included wired IP and wireless GSM as two physical links to access the internet,achieved a long distance data transfer of the unit;5.Build-in high capacity rechargeable Lithium battery as backup power to make sure the unit can continuously work 24 hours in case of external power failure after big earthquakes.Tailored kennel Linux operation system is applied to the unit as the software platform,and we adopt hierarchy models design from top to bottom.The application layer is suing multi-thread to archive multi-task processing,including real-time acquisition model,local database storage management model,earthquake information processing model,long distance data service model,etc.Applying drive layer has achieved sensor configuration,sensor data read/write and read/write kennel data files,etc.The main technical indicators of the earthquake parameter fast report unit are:threecomponent acceleration observation with the measure range of±2g,sample rate of 200 Hz,self noise of 99μg/槡Hz,inner 32 GB data storage recording a cycle of around 8 months in the continuous data acquisition;wired IP and wireless GSM are the two ways used for accessing the internet,which improved the reliability of data transfer.Build-in high capacity rechargeable Lithium battery to provide 24 more hours of work time after losing external power.Power consumption is lower than 1.5 W.Earthquake parameter fast report unit using MEMS accelerometer as sensor and ARM +Linux embedded technology,has the advantages such as,small volume,low cost,low consumption,integration and intelligence.This small size digital strong motion seismograph is the integration of sensor,acquisition unit and data transfer.The realtime processing algorithm for the seismic information can automatically recognize earthquake events and calculate ground motion parameters.In practical applications,this unit is easy to install.By establishing high density earthquake parameter fast report network,the high resolution,fine motion map can be made really fast,and this network is featured by using small data transfer volume,distributed calculation,high reliability.
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