The 1755 Lisbon earthquake was one of the most destructive earthquakes in Europe,and the2008 Wenchuan earthquake is a typical catastrophe in many years in China.Both had far-reaching impact and significance for restoration and reconstruction.The 1755 Lisbon earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake happened at different times,at different locations and with different natures of society,but the natural environment,human environment and social environment are rather similar and comparable.Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction of the two earthquakes were compared,from four aspects:government lead,overall planning,finance,and psychological intervention.The difficulties encountered and progresses made were analyzed.Suggestions for restoration and reconstruction were put forward.First,"people-oriented"principle should dominate government-led recovery and reconstruction.Second,the planning should stress overall outlook,global and forward-looking strategy.Third,different financing modes should be applied,under strict supervision.Forth,professional personnel,organization and management,and laws and regulations should be stressed to improve psychological intervention.
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