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On 14 November 2001,a strong earthquake of M8.0 occurred in the Kusai lake fault segment of East Kunlun fault.In fact,the strong earthquake recurrence period of Kusai lake fault segment is affected by the slip motion of other segment near Kusai lake segment,especially the Xidatan fault segment.This study,we will apply the one-dimensional spring-block model controlled by the velocity and state frictional constitutive to research effect of different fault slip motion on the strong earthquake recurrence period.As an example,we research the Kusai Lake and Xidatan fault segment of East Kunlun fault.In the study,two fault segments can be thought as a system composed by two blocks connecting through a spring.The computation parameters of spring-block model of Kusaihu and Xidatan fault segment of Kulun fault zone are determined from the present geological research achievements on the Kunlun fault zone history earthquake and paleoseismicity.Some of model parameters are also got through the method of numerical computation.The study shows the recurrence of strong earthquake,slip velocity and displacement of fault segment varies with time in future of 5-6 thousand years under different slip velocity of two fault segments.Through the simulation,we find that to the same fault segment there is no regularity relation between slip velocity and recurrent period of strong earthquake under the interaction in the system of two fault segments.In the system of two fault segments,the faster or slower slip velocity of fault segment will make the weaker or stronger earthquake intensity happening on this fault segment,but the slip velocity of one fault segment has no regular effect on the earthquake intensity of the other fault segment.In the two fault segment system,the faster or slower slip velocity one fault segment will make the faster or slower slip velocity of the other fault segment during the earthquake occurrence of the other fault segment.Moreover,in the two fault system,the effect of the velocity variation of one fault segment on the other fault segment needs very long time to behave.
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