The reservoir space of the Ordovician System carbonate reservoir is mainly consist of pore, fracture and cavity. Response characteristics of the fracture and cave system on the seismic profile is mainly "beaded" reflection. In recent years, the exploration practice indicates that accurate recognition of these "beaded" boundary and space position, is the key to accurately depict the fracture cave system. Combined with the theoretical model, we focused on the analysis of different techniques of Kirchhoff prestack time migration, Kirchhoff prestack depth migration and reverse-time depth migration(RTM) which were widely used in the imaging processing for fracture and cave system imaging. According to the analysis on forward model and actual data, we found that Kirchhoff prestack depth migration and reverse-time depth migration both can get the correct spatial location, compared with Kirchhoff prestack time migration. Moreover, the reverse-time depth migration gets best effect of focus.