During 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake,Sichuan strong motion network obtained 133 sets of 3-componet acceleration records.This paper processed and analyzed some of the records with different station distance from the fault.Using a clustering algorithm based on the ensemble empirical mode decomposition(EEMD),this paper effectively extracted the time-frequency distribution of the signal energy,its central frequency,Hilbert energy and the time-frequency characteristics corresponding to the maximum amplitudes,and made a comparative study of EEMD method with Fourier transform and wavelet transform(WT) analysis.This study obtained the following results:For non-linear strong motion records,EEMD can be used to suppress the mode mixing effect existing in empirical mode decomposition(EMD) decomposition;in comparison with Fourier transform and wavelet transform the Hilbert-Huang transform(HHT) marginal spectrum amplitude is larger than the low frequency Fourier spectrum amplitude;different from strong influence of the selected parent wave on WT,HHT can directly isolate inherent mode function(IMF) from the strong motion record,representing inherent characteristics of the original data;Hilbert amplitude spectrum exhibits the concentration of most energy in a certain time and frequency range,while wavelet spectral energy distribute in a wide frequency range.Therefore,the HHT based on EEMD has obvious advantages in terms of its objectivity and high resolution,being able to extract more time-frequency characteristics of seismic acceleration records.
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