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A velocity dispersion and attenuation phenomenon is a frontier subject in seismic rock physics.It is not only a key theoretical fundament for reservoir and fluid prediction in the frequency domain but also a crucial technique to solve the data-matching problem of different geophysical measurements,such as surface seismic method,vertical seismic profiling(VSP),well logging,laboratory ultrasonic core observation etc.Based on elaborating characteristics of this phenomenon,we reviewed in detail the progress in development,principles and limitations of six typical velocity dispersion and attenuation models including Biot,Squirt-flow,Biot-Squirt(BISQ),double-porosity,crack-pore microstructure and patchy saturation models,visually depicted mechanisms of these models using schematic diagrams,and at the same time deduced their respective high-and low-frequency limits,characteristic frequencies and applicable conditions.The paper systematically analyzed the development course and current research status of various experimental techniques adopted both at home and abroad over the past half century,and some thoughts and cognition on the relativity of frequency either with geophysical measurement techniques or with petrophysical models were put forward on the basis of various experimental data.Obviously,it is necessary to extend the applicable frequency of petrophysical models from single frequency to full frequency,which can link various geophysical measured data at different frequency bands together,thus realizing their integrated applications on the same scale.
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