在防灾项目中,给决策者提供精确的地质地理背景信息,使其随时查询各个地理信息要素是格外必要的,所以项目中的空间数据查询系统发挥着至关重要的作用;该项目中利用AECENGINE9.2的强大嵌入功能和良好的可操作性,基于visual studio 2005.NET使其功能在防灾项目中发挥出来,在地震地质和基础地理两大类中可详尽的查询出地壳等厚线、深断裂构造、遥感地质构造解译图等信息。
In disaster prevention project,to provide decision makers a accurate geologic background information,so always check the various elements of geographic information particularly necessary,so the project's spatial data query system play a vital role;the project uses AECENGINE9.2 powerful embedded features and good maneuverability.Its features based on visual studio 2005.NET play in disaster prevention projects,the basis of geology and geography in the earthquake two categories can be detailed check out the crust so thick lines deep fault structure,to remote sensing geological interpretation map and other information.