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The Fujian network monitors earthquakes in the Taiwan region.The seismic stations are distributed beside the epicenter and there is a small opening angle between the seismic stations used for locating and the epicenter.Therefore,the locating methods for intermediate and deep earthquakes,which can be used to obtain better seismic parameters,will directly affect the earthquake rapid reports.This paper uses common methods to locate earthquakes by MSDP,an interaction analysis software package in JOPENS(Java Open System).The results are then compared with the data from Taiwan's official website to obtain the appropriate location methods for rapid earthquake reporting.The depth of the epicenter to the source is referred to as focal depth and is divided into three categories:less than 70km(shallow earthquakes),between 70 km and 300km(intermediate earthquakes),and greater than 300km(deep earthquakes).The focal depth is an important parameter for seismic studies,seismic tectonics,seismic risk assessment,and seismic event identification.Focal depth's accuracy affects our understanding of the focal process,fault tectonics,and stress field.Because tectonic plates push into each other,the activities of intermediate and deep earthquakes reflect the driving forces of the plates.The region offshore to northeast Taiwan is one of the active earthquake regions because it is located where the Eurasian and Pacific plates meet.Intermediate and deep earthquakes have different seismic phases than shallow earthquakes.Therefore,developing a fast and accurate location method for intermediate and deep earthquakes is of great significance to rapid earthquake reporting.
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