As the exploration targets are gradually complicated,prestack depth migration has become a powerful tool for solving complex mountainous seismic imaging,Kuqa foreland area is the most favorable gas exploration area in Tarim,but the structure of the earth's surface and subsurface structures are very complex,causing the seismic horizon calibration is difficult to implement,trap level is not high. Routine geometry optimization design technology based on the theory of horizontal stacking cannot meet the demand of the development of geometry design in Kuqa. In paper we establish interval velocity model in Kuqa area,carry out the wave equation forward,eliminate prestack data noise. finish pre- stack depth migration processing and quantitative analysis to different geometry parameters. The technology of geometry optimization design based on prestack migration for complex seismic exploration is proposed. The technology is applied to the design of 3D exploration in Kuqa mountain land. Through the new interpret of the new data,the area has been accurate imaging and fine reflect,can meet the needs of complex structure to implement.
[8]戴南浔.Geo East_Lightning叠前深度偏移软件系统[J].石油科技论坛,2013,32(2):56-58.