The construction methods,principles and features of damped infill wall(DIW) were presented.Combining with an engineering project,PERFORM-3D software was applied in dynamic characteristics analysis and elasto-plastic seismic response analysis on different frame structures including damped infill wall frame(DIWF),conventional infill wall frame(CIWF) and bare frame(BF).The influences of damped infill wall and conventional infill wall on seismic performance of multi-layer frame structure were studied,and seismic reduction effect of DIWF was studied.The results show that DIW can dissipate partial earthquake energy input of the structure and reduce nonlinear energy dissipation of structural members as well as its damage.The stiffness effect of DIW is much weaker than that of CIW.DIW plays a good role in solving the problem that structural dynamic characteristics of its two principal plane axis are not close due to great difference at the layout form or number of infill wall between longitudinal and transverse.The natural vibration period of the DIWF,which is between that of BF and CIWF,greatly extends compare with CIWF.Using DIW in frame structure can effectively avoid the adverse effects on failure mode of structure caused by infill wall,which contributes to realize the yielding mechanism of"strong column and weak beam".
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