介绍格鲁斑胶合竹柱在不同长细比下的轴心受压试验,并把试验结果与GB 50005—2003《木结构设计规范》和美国《National Design Specification for Wood Construction》中木结构设计的理论结果进行比较分析,提出胶合竹柱设计的一些建议。
It was presented the axial compression tests of Glu Bam columns with different slenderness ratio,and made a comparison between the test results and calculation results by the Chinese Code for Design of Timber Structures and American National Design Specification for Wood Construction.Recommendations for the design of Glu Bam columns were also provided.
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[8]GB/T 50329—2002木结构试验方法标准[S].
[9]GB 50005—2003木结构设计规范[S].
[11]ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2005.National Design Specification for Wood Construction ASD/LRFD[S].American Forest and Paper Association,Washington D.C:2005.