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The state-of-the-art of the tunnels and underground works in China,including railway tunnels,highway tunnels,Metro tunnels,hydraulic tunnels,municipal-service tunnels and underground energy storage caverns,are analyzed. The technological development and innovation of tunnels and underground works in China are summarized in terms of geological prospecting and prediction,design,construction,disaster prevention,ventilation and lighting,risk control and operation management,and application of new materials and technologies related to waterproofing and drainage. The technological development and innovation of construction technologies,including shallow-cover mining method,TBM( shield) equipment and tunneling technology,single-shield TBM,open-mode TBM,rectangular pipe jacking method,shield launching and arriving at the ground surface,treatment of karst tunnel,deformation control technology and rock burst control technology for high ground stress tunnel,mechanization of drilling and blasting method,gas tunnel and immersed tunnel,are presented in detail. In the end,the development of tunnels and underground works in China is prospected. Conclusions drawn are as follows: There will be more and more extremelylong tunnels in China; Metro tunnels will be developed continuously; Underground urban railway tunnels will be built;urban underground highways will be build; Deep drainage tunnel system in urban area is worth popularizing; A new mode will be adopted for the development and use of underground space and underground utility tunnels; The underground energy storage cavern is a trend; The west line of South-to-North Water-diversion Project is worth to be focused; Bohai Strait Crossing Tunnel,Taiwan Strait Crossing Tunnel and Qiongzhou Strait Crossing Tunnel will be builtdefinitely; There will be numerous tunnels to be constructed on the future international railways,and large challenges will be encountered. Briefly,there will be larger progress and larger development in the field of tunnels and underground works in China.
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