The performance of SBS damping layer,which was applied to damping infill walll with different influence factors,was studied. The factors were vertical compressive stress,loading frequency,material layers and fatigue. The test results show that:( 1) SBS layer realizes viscous sliding dissipation and the performance is stable.The hysteretic curves are plump and symmetrical,and the energy dissipation performance is high.( 2) The factors of vertical compressive stress,loading frequency and material layers have a certain influence on the mechanical properties of SBS layer. With the increasing of the vertical compressive stress,not only the early shear stiffness but also the energy dissipation performance of SBS layer increases in different degrees. The performance of SBS layer is correlative with loading speed. When the loading frequency increases,the energy-dissipation capacity of SBS layer increases obviously. Increasing material layer would cause the equivalent shear stiffness and energy consumption to decrease.( 3) During the fatigue test,the shear stiffness and the energy consumption have varying degrees of attenuation,but the equivalent viscous damping coefficient of SBS layer has not. After fatigue test,the SBS layer still has high fatigue resistant performance and the hysteresis loop and the energy performance are great.
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