In order to make model tests accurately reflect the seismic performance of the prototype,the method of model design is studied.Static tests were conducted on two groups of components: one is designed by the new design method in which the load on the model and the prototype is in accordance with the similitude law,and the other is designed by the usual method in which the reinforcement ratio of the model and the prototype is equal.Comparison of the model test results with the prototype test results shows that the usual design method overestimates the mechanical properties of prototype while the new design method can make the test result closer to the prototype test.In order to decrease the test result error caused by gradually loading during the shaking table test,a grading similitude relationship is proposed,that is,to measure the natural frequency of the model after loading in every step,and then to change the elastic modulus ratio between the model and the prototype in the next step according to the relationship between the natural frequency ratio and the elastic modulus ratio.Shaking table test is carried out following the grading similitude relationship,and by comparing the result with the test result when the load is exerted on the element in one step,the feasibility of grading similitude relationship is verified.The scope of application of the grading similitude relationship is given.
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