Concentrically braced steel frame is one of the lateral force resisting systems widely used in multi-storey industrial and civil buildings, and exhibits complicated seismic behavior under earthquake excitations. This paper discusses the seismic strength design of concentrically-braced frames. The equation for the compression strength calculation of concentrical braces under seismic conditions as prescribed by the Chinese seismic code is questioned and it is pointed out that the equation is unreliable and may over-estimate the strength capacities of braces. An equation which is deemed more reliable, appropriate yet concise for seismic strength verification is proposed based on a comparison with corresponding foreign codes and experimental results. Consequently, the effective (calculation) length of braces and a particular problem deserving attention for the horizontal beam design of V-and Λ-type (chevron) braces are discussed. Finally, the issue on the seismic design of concentrically-braced frames is discussed. It is pointed out that the effects of braces on the axial force of brace system columns and whether braces buckle or not under seismic action combinations should be considered, and recommendations are presented accordingly.
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