建立了结构安装调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)减振装置的力学简化模型,基于Den Hartog给出的经验公式设计参数,提出了一种可以直接测量结构与TMD之间作用力(称为等效阻尼力)的半实物实验新型测试系统.该系统可测试TMD的力学特性,重现在真实环境荷载激励下海洋平台的响应.介绍了该实验系统的原理及等效阻尼力的测量方法,并在正弦位移输入下,对实测的等效阻尼力与计算值进行了比较,发现两者数值大小近似相等,验证了该系统的可行性.
A mechanical simplified model for structure attached by tuned mass damper (TMD) was established. Based on empirical formula given by Den Hartog,for the purpose of determining the force (called equivalent damping force) generated between TMD and structure,a new testing system,which is the combination of half-simulation with half-experiment,is designed and carried out. This system can test the characteristics of TMD and reproduce the response of platform under the real environmental excitations. The principle of the system and the testing method of equivalent damping force are introduced. Under the sine excitation,by collecting the data of load cell,and comparing with the calculated values,it is found that the two results are almost the same. Through the experiments,the feasibility of TMD testing system is confirmed.
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