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4. Medulloblastoma subgroups remain stable across primary and metastatic compartments
作者:Xin Wang (1) (2)
Adrian M. Dubuc (1) (2)
Vijay Ramaswamy (1) (2) (3)
Stephen Mack (1) (2)
Deena M. A. Gendoo (4)
Marc Remke (1) (2)
Xiaochong Wu (1)
Livia Garzia (1)
Betty Luu (1)
Florence Cavalli (1)
John Peacock (1) (2)
Borja L贸pez (1)
Patryk Skowron (1) (2)
David Zagzag (5)
David Lyden (6)
Caitlin Hoffman (1) (7)
Yoon-Jae Cho (8)
Charles Eberhart (9)
Tobey MacDonald (10)
Xiao-Nan Li (11)
Timothy Van Meter (12)
Paul A. Northcott (13)
Benjamin Haibe-Kains (14) (4)
Cynthia Hawkins (15)
James T. Rutka (7)
Eric Bouffet (3)
Stefan M. Pfister (13)
Andrey Korshunov (16)
Michael D. Taylor (1) (7)

1. Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program
; The Hospital for Sick Children ; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
2. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
3. Division of Haematology/Oncology
; Hospital for Sick Children ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
4. Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics Laboratory
; Princess Margaret Cancer Centre ; University Health Network ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
5. Departments of Pathology and Neurosurgery
; NYU Langone Medical Center ; New York ; NY ; USA
6. Departments of Pediatrics
; Cell and Developmental Biology ; Weill Medical College of Cornell University ; New York ; NY ; USA
7. Division of Neurosurgery
; Hospital for Sick Children ; 555 University Ave ; Ste 1503 ; Toronto ; ON ; M5C 1X8 ; Canada
8. Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences
; Stanford University School of Medicine ; Stanford ; CA ; USA
9. Departments of Pathology
; Ophthalmology and Oncology ; John Hopkins University School of Medicine ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
10. Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Program
; Emory University School of Medicine ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
11. Department of Pediatrics
; Brain Tumor Program ; Children鈥檚 Cancer Center ; Baylor College of Medicine ; Houston ; TX ; USA
12. Department of Pediatrics
; Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine ; Richmond ; VA ; USA
13. Division of Pediatric Neurooncology
; Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology ; German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) ; German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) ; Heidelberg University Hospital ; Heidelberg ; Germany
14. Department of Medical Biophysics
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
15. Department of Pathology
; Hospital for Sick Children ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
16. Clinical Cooperation Unit Neuropathology
; German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) ; Heidelberg ; Germany
刊名:Acta Neuropathologica
5. Bevacizumab treatment induces metabolic adaptation toward anaerobic metabolism in glioblastomas
作者:Fred Fack (1)
Heidi Espedal (2)
Olivier Keunen (1)
Anna Golebiewska (1)
Nina Obad (2)
Patrick N. Harter (3)
Michel Mittelbronn (3)
Oliver B盲hr (4)
Astrid Weyerbrock (5)
Linda Stuhr (6)
Hrvoje Miletic (11) (2) (7)
Per 脴. Sakariassen (2)
Daniel Stieber (1)
Cecilie B. Rygh (8)
Morten Lund-Johansen (11) (9)
Liang Zheng (10)
Eyal Gottlieb (10)
Simone P. Niclou (1) (11)
Rolf Bjerkvig (1) (11) (2)

1. NorLux Neuro-Oncology Laboratory
; Department of Oncology ; Centre de Recherche Public de la Sant茅 ; Strassen ; Luxembourg
2. NorLux Neuro-Oncology
; Department of Biomedicine ; University of Bergen ; Jonas Lies vei 91 ; 5019 ; Bergen ; Norway
3. Edinger Institute
; Institute of Neurology ; Goethe University ; Hospital Frankfurt ; Frankfurt am Main ; Germany
4. Dr. Senckenberg Institute of Neurooncology
; Goethe University ; Hospital Frankfurt ; Frankfurt am Main ; Germany
5. Department of Neurosurgery
; University Hospital Freiburg ; Freiburg ; Germany
6. Matrix Biology Group
; Department of Biomedicine ; University of Bergen ; Bergen ; Norway
11. KG Jebsen Brain Tumour Research Center
; University of Bergen ; Bergen ; Norway
7. Department of Pathology
; Haukeland University Hospital ; The Gade Institute ; Bergen ; Norway
8. Department of Biomedicine
; Molecular Imaging Center ; University of Bergen ; Bergen ; Norway
9. Department of Neurosurgery
; Haukeland University Hospital ; Bergen ; Norway
10. Cancer Research UK
; Beatson Institute ; Glasgow ; Scotland ; UK
刊名:Acta Neuropathologica
6. Morphological brain lesions of pediatric cerebellar tumor survivors correlate with inferior neurocognitive function but do not affect health-related quality of life
刊名:Child's Nervous System
8. Reply: PCR assay for pathogen detection in ventriculostomy-related meningitis in neurosurgery patients: unanswered questions?
9. Stimulation frequency determines the distribution of language positive cortical regions during navigated transcranial magnetic brain stimulation
刊名:BMC Neuroscience

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