在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:3条,耗时:0.0220148 秒


1. A spatial individual-based model predicting a great impact of copious sugar sources and resting sites on survival of Anopheles gambiae and malaria parasite transmission
作者:Lin Zhu (1)
Whitney A Qualls (1)
John M Marshall (2)
Kris L Arheart (1)
Donald L DeAngelis (3)
John W McManus (4)
Sekou F Traore (5)
Seydou Doumbia (5)
Yosef Schlein (6)
G眉nter C M眉ller (6)
John C Beier (1)

1. Department of Public Health Sciences
; Miller School of Medicine ; University of Miami ; Miami ; Florida ; USA
2. Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
; MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
3. USGS/Biological Resources Division and Department of Biology
; University of Miami ; Coral Gables ; Florida ; USA
4. Department of Marine Biology and Ecology
; University of Miami ; Miami ; Florida ; USA
5. Malaria Research and Training Center
; Faculty of Medicine ; Pharmacy and Odonto-Stomatology ; University of Bamako ; BP 1805 ; Bamako ; Mali
6. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
; IMRIC ; Kuvin Centre for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases ; Faculty of Medicine ; Hebrew University ; Jerusalem ; Israel
刊名:Malaria Journal
2. Submicroscopic and asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections are common in western Thailand - molecular and serological evidence
作者:Elisabeth Baum (1)
Jetsumon Sattabongkot (2)
Jeeraphat Sirichaisinthop (3)
Kirakorn Kiattibutr (2)
D Huw Davies (1)
Aarti Jain (1)
Eugenia Lo (4)
Ming-Chieh Lee (4)
Arlo Z Randall (5)
Douglas M Molina (5)
Xiaowu Liang (5)
Liwang Cui (6)
Philip L Felgner (1)
Guiyun Yan (4)

1. Department of Medicine
; Division of Infectious Diseases ; University of California Irvine ; Irvine ; CA ; USA
2. Mahidol Vivax Research Unit
; Faculty of Tropical Medicine ; Mahidol University ; Bangkok ; Thailand
3. Vector-Borne Disease Training Center
; Saraburi ; Thailand
4. Program in Public Health
; University of California Irvine ; Irvine ; CA ; USA
5. Antigen Discovery Inc.
; Irvine ; CA ; USA
6. Department of Entomology
; School of Agricultural Sciences ; Pennsylvania State University ; University Park ; PA ; USA
刊名:Malaria Journal
3. Disease diagnosis in primary care in Uganda
作者:Martin Kayitale Mbonye (16) (18)
Sarah M Burnett (17) (18)
Robert Colebunders (18) (19)
Sarah Naikoba (16) (18)
Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden (18)
Marcia R Weaver (20)
Allan Ronald (21)

16. Infectious Diseases Institute
; Makerere University ; Mulago Hospital Complex ; P.O. BOX 22418 ; Kampala ; Uganda
18. Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine
; University of Antwerp ; Campus Drie Eiken ; S.4.10 Universiteitsplein 1 ; B-2610 ; Wilrijk ; Antwerp ; Belgium
17. Accordia Global Health Foundation
; Washington ; DC ; USA
19. Department of Clinical Sciences
; Institute of Tropical Medicine ; Antwerp ; Belgium
20. International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH)
; Department of Global Health ; University of Washington ; Seattle ; USA
21. Department of Medicine
; University of Manitoba ; Winnipeg ; Manitoba ; Canada
刊名:BMC Family Practice

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