Degradation Features and Ecological Restoration Approaches of Peatlands in Ruoergai Plateau
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  • 出版年:2009
  • 作者:ZHANG Xiaohong;LIU Hongyu
  • 单位1:Nanjing Normal University
  • 单位2:Wetlands International - China
  • 出生年:1963
  • 语种:中文
  • 作者关键词:peatland degradation; restoration;blocking canal; surface flow
  • 起始页:243
  • 总页数:7
  • 经费资助:Under the auspices of the Global Environment Facility Funding( CPR/98/32 )
  • 刊名:湿地科学
  • 是否内版:否
  • 刊频:季刊
  • 创刊时间:2003
  • 主办单位:中国科学院;东北地理与农业生态研究所
  • 主编:陈宜瑜
  • 地址:长春市蔚山路3195号
  • 邮编:130012
  • 电子信箱
  • 卷:7
  • 期:3
  • 期刊索取号:P224.06 141
Peatlands are unique type of wetland with a special hydrological, soil and vegetation characteristics. It sup-ports its own values and functions in water conservation , L)iodiversity conservation and carbon storage etc. The purpose of this study aims to identify main causes of the peatland degradation and demonstrate a restoration project of high altitude peatlands in Ruoergai Plateau in order to protect regional biodiversity. The study made some trials integrated, some fieldsurveys and restoration approaches to protect peatland biodiversity. The results showed that the drainage of peatlands in 1970s of 20th century greatly made the peat drained and alterecl peatland hydrology afterwards, soil became desiccated and water capacity decreased, and local inverse vegetation succession and ecological deterioration are apparent;dam-ming and blocking canals have been taken to restore hydrological features of wetlands. The engineering restoration was proved workable and achieved expected results.

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