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        In this study,we carried out a comprehensive research including zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic composition analysis,and petrochemistry on the granite related to the Huangjinwa tin deposit in Pengshan Sn-polymetallic orefield,Jiangxi Province,China.SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb chronology indicated that the Pengshan granitic pluton emplaced at 128~129Ma.Chemical analyses show the Pengshan granite has high SiO2(SiO2=75.42%~76.46%),high alkaline(Na2O+K2O=7.93%~8.35%,K2O/Na2O=1.32~1.61)contents,low Mg and Ca(MgO= 0~0.07%,CaO=0.37%~0.69%),weakly peraluminous(A/CNK=1.04~1.11),enriched in LILEs such as Rb,Th,U,and HFSEs such as Hf and Nb,and depleted in Sr,Ba,Eu,P,and Ti.The rocks also display low total REE contents(∑REE=41.18×10-6~85.06×10-6)with strong negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu=0.05~0.11).The 104×Ga/Al ratios vary from 2.75 to 4.04,averaging 3.19.These characteristics indicate that the Pengshan granite is different from typical S-type or A-type granites.Overall,our integrated petrological and geochemical data suggest that the rocks are highly fractionated I-type granite.Zircon Hf isotope analyses show relatively homogeneous Hf isotopic compositions,with εHf(t)values from-0.6 to-4.5,which are higher than many of the granites in South China,and may indicate a significant involvement of mantle component in petrogenesis.The granite was likely generated via crust-mantle interaction during Late Yanshanian lithosphere extension events in South China.
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