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        Lower Jurassic is the main stratum for oil exploration in Sichuan Basin.Research on its tectonic-depositional environment and evolution of prototype basins lays an important foundation for oil and gas exploration.Based on the analysis of peripheral tectonic environment,tectonic subsidence and basin-mountain coupling process,and research of sedimentary facies,the teetonic-depositional environment of Early Jurassic in Sichuan Basin and adjacent areas is dynamically reconstructed by integrating the evolution of peripheral orogenic belts with sedimentary filling evolution,and then basin properties and evolution law are also explored.Tectonic dynamic conditions have experienced intense and weak extensional activities alternatively in the Early Jurassic Sichuan Basin.The tectonic subsidence has undergone fast,slow and stable development period.The deposition stage of Zhenzhuchong Member,Ziliujing Formation is an intense extension period,during which a stable down-warped deposition began in the Late Triassic fault-depression basin.During the weak extension period of Dongyuemiao Member,Ziliujing Formation the uplift of basin edge and basement subsidence slowed down,thus promoting the large-scale deposition of lacustrine facies with relatively stable lithofacies and lithological characteristics.The deposition stage of Ma'anshan Member,Ziliujing Formation is another intense extension period.The enhanced basin-ridge and basin-mountain coupling accelerated the development of braided river and large fan body with coarse clastics in western and northern edges of Siehuan Basin.Moreover,the deposition stage of Da'anzhai Member,Ziliujing Formation is the weakest extension period,in which orogenic belts were not active;as a whole,basin depression rate was far greater than the accumulation rate of terrigenous clastics,and thus led to formation of the largest lake basin in the Early Jurassic Sichuan basin.It is considered that the Early Jurassic Sichuan Basin and adjacent areas is a large intracratonic depression basin under weak intracontinental extension.The depocenter moves northward and northeastward during the four deposition stages,which is controlled by the intermittent activities of peripheral orogenic and epeirogenic belts,slow and fast depression of lake basin,and local paleo-highs and paleo-depressions.This evolution process has a significant influence on oil and gas accumulation in Sichuan Basin.
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