Influence of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw 7.9) on the occurrence probability of future earthquakes on neighboring faults
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The Longquan-Shan fault and the Huya fault are two major neighboring faults of the Longmen-Shan fault zone where the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw 7.9) occurred. To study the influence of the Wenchuan event on these two active faults, we calculate changes of Coulomb stress on the Longquan-Shan fault and the Huya fault caused by the Wenchuan mainshock. Our results indicate that the Coulomb stress in the northern section (Zone A) of the Longquan-Shan fault is increased by 0.07-0.10 bars, that in the middle section (Zone B) by 0.04-0.11 bars, and that in the southern section (Zone C) shows almost no change. For the Huya fault, the Coulomb stress is decreased by 0.01-0.03 bars in the northern section (Zone A), 0.10-0.35 bars in the middle section (Zone B), and nearly 0.5 bars in the southern section (Zone C). The epicenter distribution of small earthquakes (ML ? 1.5) on the Longquan-Shan fault and the Huya fault after the Wenchuan earthquake is consistent with the distribution of the Coulomb stress change. This implies that the Wenchuan earthquake may have triggered small events on the Longquan-Shan fault, but inhibited those on the Huya fault. We then use the rate/state friction law to calculate the occurrence probability of future earthquakes in the study region for the next decade. They include the distribution of b-values, magnitude of completeness (Mc), the background seismicity rate, a value of A¦Òn and the duration for the transient effect (ta) in the study region. We also estimate the earthquake occurrence probabilities on the neighboring faults after the Wenchuan earthquake. Our results show that, the occurrence probability of future earthquakes in the Longquan-Shan has a slight increase, being 7 % for M ? 5.0 shocks during the next decade, but the earthquake probability in the Huya region is reduced obviously, being 5-20 % , 7-26 % and 3-9 % for M ? 5.0 shocks during the next decade in sections A, B and C of the Huya fault, respectively.

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