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Overview of Formative, Process, and Outcome Evaluation Methods Used in the VERB Campaign
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Cross-sectional analysis of a population cohort. Data were collected annually; this paper reports on 1-year outcome data following a mass-media–led intervention to increase physical activity among children aged 9–13 years. The groups initially reached by the campaign and those that understood the campaign messages were identified. Analysis was carried out using logistic regression.


Nationally representative cohort of 2729 children aged 9–13 years (tweens).


National mass-communications campaign (VERB™) from June 2002 to June 2003, using television, print, and radio as the primary communication channels. In addition, there were promotions in communities, in schools, and on the Internet.

Main outcome measures

Prompted and unprompted awareness of the VERB campaign and understanding of the key campaign message.


After 1 year, tweens' unprompted awareness of VERB was 17.3%; prompted awareness was 57%; 25.6%had no awareness of VERB. Prompted awareness did not differ by child's age, gender, or ethnicity but was associated with being from a middle- or high-income household, having a parent who was a college graduate, and being active on 7 or more days the previous week. Unprompted awareness was significantly associated with being a girl, being aged 12–14 years, being white, being from a moderate- or high-income household, having a parent with a college degree, and doing 7 or more sessions of physical activity during the week before the survey. The variables associated with high levels of understanding of the campaign message were similar to those for campaign awareness, except there were no differences in campaign understanding by age, and a significant association was found between campaign understanding and parental approval of physical activity.


Measuring initial campaign impact identified the magnitude of immediate effects on population target groups achieved through a mass-media campaign. Campaign planners used the information to develop new messages and adjust media purchases in subsequent years of the VERB campaign.div>div>
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American Journal of Preventive Medicine

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American Journal of Preventive MedicineVolume 34, Issue 6, Supplement 1June 2008, Pages S230-S240
Lance D. Potter, David R. Judkins, Andrea Piesse, Mary Jo Nolin, Marian Huhman

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This article summarizes the methods used in the outcome evaluation of the VERB campaign. The outcome evaluation was designed to measure the awareness and understanding of VERB among the target audience of children aged 9–13 years (tweens) and to determine the effect of VERB awareness on psychosocial and behavioral outcomes. Cohorts of tweens and parents were interviewed annually via a telephone survey (Youth Media Campaign Longitudinal Survey). The first cohort (baseline) was surveyed in 2002 prior to VERB advertising and was repeated annually through 2006. A second cohort was surveyed in 2004–2006. A third, cross-sectional sample was surveyed in 2006. Each cohort consisted of a nationally representative sample of tweens to enable generalizability to the nation as a whole. Propensity scoring was used to control for confounding influences. The outcomes were analyzed for dose–response effects (i.e., whether higher levels of awareness led to stronger effects) and overall awareness effects (i.e., the difference between tweens unaware of VERB and all tweens in the U.S.). Secular trends in tweens' physical activity during the life of the campaign were also examined. This article also discusses weighting and imputation, alternative analyses used to assess the adequacy of the propensity methods, and the challenges involved in media campaign evaluations.div>div>
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Overview of Formative, Process, and Outcome Evaluation Methods Used in the VERB Campaign

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