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  • 英文题名:On China National Economic Security in the Background of Economic Globalization
  • 作者:丁国声
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:国际政治
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:刘德斌
  • 学科代码:030206
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
    和“亚洲四小虎”为代表的亚洲经济奇迹的发生,也有上世纪 80 年代拉
    十年。1997 年,横扫东南亚的金融风暴带给一些国家的几乎是毁灭性的
     中国加入 WTO 是一个具有重要历史意义的里程碑,是中国在更深层
    优势;在 20 多年的改革开放中,中国企业积累了参与国际竞争的丰富经
As the economic globalization becomes historic trend of economic
    development, the economic security stands out gradually and becomes the
    world’s focus. How to objectively understand the economic globalization and
    the national economic security, especially how to lay down the China national
    economic security stratagem on the basis of the situation of China, and how to
    efficiently ensure the strategy of the China national economic security, have
    great theoretical and practical significance for China to improve the Chinese
    competition ability and develop peacefully in the world.
     The national economic security refers to that there is no threaten and
    infraction from both exterior and interior to the country’s economic
    development and economic profit. Concretely speaking, the financial market
    security, the national industry, import & export trade market security, the
    strategic materials, energy sources’security, and the economic information net
    security constitute the national economic security.
     The economic globalization, which puts on a false show of peace and
    prosperity in the process, is a two-edged sword to developing countries. Not
    only are there “the Four Asian Dragons”and “the Four Asian Tigers ”which
    represent the Asian economic miracles, but also the ten years’pain struggle in
    the economic plight due to huge debt crisis in Latin America and South
    America’s developing countries, suffered in 80s last century. Also in the year
    of 1997, the sweeping Southeast Asian financial storm almost fatally destroyed
    some countries’economy. One of the tasks confronting us is to analyze the
    potential problems of developing countries’economic security and make the
    corresponding policies in condition of economic globalization.
    Joining WTO is one of Chinese landmarks of great historic significance
    and a strategic measure for China to more deeply merge into the process of
    economic globalization. Meanwhile it also increases the negative influences,
    including the high risks of finance and debt, the increase of unemployment
    rate, the existing crisis of Chinese national industry under the impact of
    exterior economic power, as well as the loss of talented persons.
     It has both merits and drawbacks for China to protect the national
    economic security. The main merits are: China, a country of great economic
    power, has a lot of latitude; China will keep the cost of labor force at a low
    level in a long time, which will provide enough competitive superiority; China
    has accumulated rich experience in participating in the international
    competition in twenty years’reform and opening-up; meanwhile, China
    provides political guarantee for the long-term and stable development of
    Chinese economy with political stabilization and government’s actively and
    carefully pushing the course of reform and opening-up policy. The main
    drawbacks consist in: large-scaled SOEs, including the four main commercial
    banks, the unfinished reform of economic structure and comparatively weak
    international competition ability; China national financial system, where the
    high rate of bad debts and low rate of capital sufficiency exist, needs
    improvement; China doesn’t own enough talented persons to avoid economic
    risks, especially the financial risks in the opening international capital market.
    Therefore, it’s quite necessary for China to draw up and make perfect the
    national economic security stratagem.
     The national economic security stratagem is a general plan, ensuring us to
    successfully achieve developing objects of the national economy, which
    formulates the whole national economic security objects and measures to
    realize them, and has the functions of harmonizing the selection of whole
    economic policy, moving resources such as social capital, and promoting
    national economy development and social progress. The ultimate benefit of a
    country is to guarantee the national economic security
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    [5] [法]雅克·阿达:《经济全球化》,中央编译出版社 2000 年版,第 16
    [6] [德]乌·贝克、哈贝马斯等:《全球化与政治》,中国编译出版社 2000
     年版,第 27 页
    [7] 郑振龙:《大警示:冷观亚洲金融危机》,中国发展出版社 1998 年版,
     第 95 页。
    [8] 同上,第 96-97 页。
    [9] 同上,第 97 页。
    [10] [英]戴维·赫尔德著,杨雪冬等译:《全球大变革——全球化时代的政
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     合多边贸易谈判结果法律文本》,法律出版社 2001 年版,第 8 页。
    [12] 同注[7],第 1 页。
    [13] 王逸舟:《当代国际政治析论》,上海人民出版社 1995 年版,第 5 页。
    [14] [美]汉斯·J·摩根索,徐昕等译:《国家间政治——寻求权力与和平
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    [15] 对外贸易的依存度:是一国或一个地区的经济对国际市场的依赖程
    [16] 对外资本依存度的计算公式为:国际收支中外商直接投资(FDI)总
    [17] 张碧琼:《经济全球化—风险与控制》,中国社会出版社 1997 年版,
     第 93-95 页。
    [18] 苗迎春:《中国经济时报》,2004 年 3 月 15 日。
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    [20] 《经济日报》,2004 年 3 月 19 日。
    [21] 张幼文、黄仁伟等著:《2004 年中国国际地位报告》,人民出版社 2004
     年版,第 7 页。
    [22] 《经济观察报》,2002 年 11 月 26 日。
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    [24] 《21 世纪经济报道》,2003 年 7 月 16 日。
    [25] 《经济月刊》,2003 年 4 月 18 日。
    [26] 石玉波:“中国的水资源利用”,《中国水利科技网》。按国际公认的
     立方米为中度缺水,人均水资源低于 1000 立方米为重度缺水,人均
     水资源低于 500 立方米为极度缺水。
    [27] 金鑫:《中国问题报告》,中国社会科学出版社 2000 年版,第 306 页。
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     1961 年版,第 274 页。
    [29] 同注[25]。
    [30] 周凤起、周大地主编:《中国中长期能源战略》,中国计划出版社 1999
     年版,第 359 页。
    [31] 朱兴珊:“战争考验 中国石油安全”,《经济月刊》2003 年 4 月 18 日。
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