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     本文针对结构设计动态参数优化展开研究,以佛山中南机械有限公司的FWV-6A立式加工中心为研究对象,进行了整机动静态特性分析及优化设计研究。主要研究工作包括:整机参数化CAD/CAE建模、整机模态分析和模态测试、整机静力学分析、整机响应面模型建立,整机动静态多目标优化。首先,根据加工中心结构确定影响整机质量、动静态特性主要结构尺寸参数。在SolidWorks 2009建立整机的参数化CAD模型,基于ANSYS Workbench仿真模块转化为参数化有限元模型,并对整机进行动静态特性分析。其次,采用与有限元法相结合的模态试验分析方法,对整机动态特性进行了研究。模态测试时,利用单点(多激振点)激励多点响应模态试验分析方法来获取完整模态参数,引入相关函数分析测试信号的可靠性。通过模态试验结果和有限元计算结果对比分析,可知有限元模型建模比较合理,为加工中心的动态优化设计提供可靠的基础。然后,基于前面建立的整机参数化有限元模型,将试验设计、响应面法、抽样技术、多目标遗传算法和灵敏度分析法相结合,对加工中心以高动静刚度和轻量化为目标进行整机尺度参数动态优化,得到了在保证整机动静态性能不变的情况下,减重达6.5%的优化结果。
     最后,为了本文研究的有限元建模方法、响应面法、多目标遗传算法等的系统优化分析方法能被企业快速掌握,提高产品的开发效率,对SolidWorks和ANSYS软件进行了二次开发,把具体产品建模、设计分析、结构参数动态优化设计方法固化到软件中,开发出可靠、自动化程度高、友好图形用户界面的数字优化设计系统—AutoDAO 1.0,适合企业产品开发需要。
As elementary device in the automatic manufacture, NC machine tool and machining center are generally applied in defense and aerospace fields, and other economy fields, which have essential effect on safety of state and development of industries. To our country, the dynamic structural design method of NC machine tools is lagging, basically based on experience, analogy, the static approach of traditional design. NC machine tools having the properties of high manufacturing speed, high rigidness and high accuracy, can’t be in time designed in response to market requirement. Therefore, In order to meet rapid market demand with reasonable structure、high precision、low vibration、low-cost machining tools, the applications of advanced CAD / CAE technology and dynamic optimization technology for product design have become more and more important than ever before.
     Dynamic parameter optimization of structural design is focused on in this study. Considered the FWV-6A vertical machining center of Foshan Zhongnan Machinery Co. Ltd as the research object, research on analysis of holistic dynamic and static characteristics and optimal design of the machining center has been carried on, including building the parametric CAD/CAE model, analysis and test of the modal, static analysis, building response surface (RS) model, dynamic & static multi-Objective optimization. Firstly, according to the structure of machining center, finding out the dimension parameters which influence the mass and dynamic & static characteristics of the machining center. Building the model in SolidWorks 2009 and translating it into finite element model by ANSYS Workbench 11.0, then analyzing the dynamic & static performance of it. Secondly, its dynamic performance is analyzed by the model test method which is combined with finite element analysis. During the model test, integrity modal parameters are obtained via the single-input multi-output analysis method. The reliability of tests signals is also evaluated by the coherence function. According to the analysis of modal test and calculation result of finite element, the finite model is reasonable. It provides a reliable foundation for the dynamic optimal design of machining centre. Then, without changing the dynamic & static performance of the machine centre, aim to light weight and enhance the dynamic & static stiffness, the dimension parameters has been optimized, based on the finite element model built before, by the combined method of experimental design, response surface method, sampling technique, multi-objective genetic algorithm and sensitivity analysis. And the result is 6.5% of mass has been decreased.
     Finally, in order to make all the technology quickly be mastered and applied in product development, such as the finite element modeling, response surface method, multi-objective genetic algorithm optimization of systems analysis, etc, AutoDAO 1.0, which is a parametric optimal design system with a reliable, fully automatic, friendly graphical user interface, is developed based on the second development of SolidWorks/ANSYS Workbench, and it integrates the product modeling, design analysis, dynamic optimization of structural parameters.
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