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Now the problem of white pollution caused by the synthetic polymer materials becomes more and more serious, and the oil prices continue to rise for the petroleum resources are being exhausted gradually. Therefor people begin to play more and more attention in reasearching and exploitation of biodegradable and renewable resource. Natural polysaccharide for it plentiful and widely existed in nature has got people's attention. And compares to the the synthetic polymer materials, the natural polysaccharide has many advantages such as biodegradable, renewable and non-toxic. But for their stiff molecules and close chain packing via numerous inter-molecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds, it is extremely difficult to dissolve in most common organic solvents, so the application of natural polysaccharide has been restricted in a certain extent. Now reasearching and exploitation of the real solvent of natural polysaccharide has aroused more and more people's attention.
     In the present study, firstly we synthesized the ionic liquid AMIMCl according to the previous article, and used 1H-NMR to confirm the product is the right product. Through the POM to observe the dissolution process of Xanthan gum, guar gum, Carrageenan and KGM respectively, and it proved all the polysaccharides can dissolve in AMIMCl. The structure and crystal type of the polysaccharide before and after regeneration has been characterized by FTIR and XRD. The result shows that the ionic liquid AMIMCl is the real solvent of these polysaccharides, but the structure has been a little destroyed in the process of dissolution. Used DSC and TG to research the thermal property of the KGM before and after regeneration, and found that both the decomposition temperature and the thermal stability had a little decline.
     Secondly, the homogenous acetylation of KGM in AMIMCl has been accomplished in our laboratory. Through FTIR,1H-NRM and 13C-NRM to analyse the structure of KGM before and after reaction, and found out that the reaction has taken place successfully. When the reaction time is 0.75h, temperature is 80℃and the the molar ratio of acetic anhydride/hydroxyl group is 6:1, the DS could reach to 2.15 in the absence of any catalysts. The solubility of the native KGM and the products with different DS in the three solvents, DMF, DMSO and THF, was aslo been studied, and found out that the DS has a great influence in the solubility.
     Finally, the benzoyl KGM was synthesised to improve the chain rigidity of KGM. The structure of the native KGM and the benzoyl KGM were investigated by FTIR and 1H-NRM and 13C-NRM, it is indicated that the benzoyl KGM was synthesised successfully and the DS was measured to be 2.45. A series of benzoyl KGM/AMIMCl solutions with various concentrations were prepared, and the liquid crystal phase could be obsevered after the concentration to be 16wt%through the POM and refractive index. The steay viscosity and dynamic rheological properties of the benzoyl KGM/AMIMCl solutions with various concentrations were tested through the rheology measurements.
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