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The development of distribution modernization relates to the overall economic efficiency and effectiveness. Realize the modernization of distribution can help to make efficient allocation of social resources, therefore, accelerating the distribution modernization is an inevitable trend.
     In academic circles, the research of distribution modernization is still in its early stage, further promoting and improving on the study of distribution modernization remains to be seen, in particular, to define clearly what constitutes distribution modernization, and how to evaluate the level of distribution modernization. Only when making correct assessment of the level of distribution modernization in our country, can we find the insufficient, targeted strategies and recommendations of modern distribution. Therefore, the establishment of a scientific system of distribution modernization evaluation system is the important foundation for the research of distribution modernization in China. There are three disadvantages on evaluation research now mainly in the field of distribution modernization in China. Firstly, the design of distribution modernization index need to making more deeply research. As some of the studies did not proceed from the theoretical basis of modernization theory and the distribution theory, leading researchers have different thoughts in the selection and the quality of indicators, which make the corresponding evaluation results are not the same. In addition, some researchers design a too complicated distribution modernization evaluation system, not only restrict the data acquisition, but also increase the difficulty of evaluation index system in the real extension, restrict the effectiveness and the efficiency of the evaluation of distribution modernization; Secondly, study on comprehensive assessment of distribution modernization remains to be seen. One is some research did not determine the weight, so cannot be applied in practice. The other is some research just to give a qualitative standard for evaluation of distribution modernization, unable to form an integrated index score. Thirdly, there is not much research on evaluation and applied distribution modernization.
     To complement these shortcomings, this paper through literature review, insight into the formation of distribution modernization factors, under the support of systems theory, distribution theory and modernization theory,we design the evaluation index system of distribution modernization, then using analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive method on the index system for the practical application. Specific reseach contents, can be broken down into the following five points:firstly, the paper reseach the related theories, explore the connotations and the elements of distribution modernization, form the basis for the further reseach. Secondly, through literature review, the paper analysis the dimensions of each subsystem and its dimensions; Thirdly, analysis of availability and representation of each indicator, establishing a higher operability of distribution modernization evaluation system; Fourthly,we analysis and compare a variety of comprehensive evaluation method, determine the appropriate method, turn the distribution modernization assessment index system into distribution modernization index; Lastly, on the basis of distribution modernization assessment index, we compare the development of distribution modernization of31provinces, then make some strategic analysis according to the characteristics of different types of provinces, hope to provide recommendations to raise the level of modernization of circulation by region.
     The research contribution in this paper is mainly reflected on the following aspects:(1) We built a higher operability of distribution modernization evaluation system. This paper by making the literature review on modernization, economic modernization and distribution modernization, combined with systems theory, economic modernization theory and the distribution theory, proposed the inclusion of distribution modernization. Underpinning the evaluation index system, the paper reflected the development of distribution modernization in a comprehensive manner. Then, we make up for the insufficient in data availability and weights operation of the previous evaluation system, laid the foundation for evaluation of development level of distribution modernization in China.(2) Synthesis in a physical sense of distribution modernization index. This paper use analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive method to avoid dimensional effects between the different types of indicators, into the evaluation index system of the original index. Distribution modernization index has a clear physical meaning, therefore easy to visually analyze and compare the levels of distribution modernization development in various parts.(3) This paper collected the data of the indicators, evaluate the present situation of distribution modernization in different provinces in China. Then, we use clustering analysis divided the31provinces into4types. Since all kinds of area have different distribution modernization development characteristics, we introduced the adaptation of the strategic development priority, so as to give the central government and local government a useful reference in making distribution modernization plan.
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