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In this article from the layout and restructuring of state-owned Economicconnotation, the theoretical basis of the industrial layout of the state-owned economyand structural adjustment, based on the reality of industrial layout of the state-ownedeconomy and structural adjustment, as well as state-owned Economic Distributiondeterminants and distribution of state-owned Economic The theoretical analysis of itsevolution. The the lifeline with non lifeblood On that, if standing on the point of viewof the interests and development of the country as a whole, industrial layout of thewhole country can be divided into the lifeblood of the field of industry and thelifeblood of related industries. Scholars believe that the field of competition andnon-competition field theory by market forces to improve and promote the state-ownedeconomic system, and strengthen the function of the state-owned economy to continueto enhance the strength of the state-owned economy. Holding area of the field ofcompetition and non-competition theory is that the distribution of state-ownedEconomic orientation should be concentrated in non-competitive areas. Profitableareas of loss field theory to decide the distribution of the trade-offs of state-ownedEconomic profits and losses should take advantage of this simple and fundamentalmarket standards. Compensate for market failure theory that the state-owned EconomicDistribution in insufficient role of industry in some market failure or market regulationshould focus on, said the distribution of state-owned economy industry should focuson the natural monopoly industries or public goods with positive externalities provideindustries. Any social and economic reforms carried out must rely on economic theoryto complete, industrial layout and structural adjustment of state-owned economy alsoneed some theoretical guidance.
     This paper analyzes the reform and opening up, the state-owned economy in thedistribution and development of the three industries and industrial sectors, in order toreveal the evolution of trends and characteristics of the industrial layout of China's state-owned economy. Before the reform and opening up, China's national economy,all walks of life, various departments almost entirely by the public sector of theeconomy, particularly the state-owned economy, and the state-owned economy in theeconomic recovery and development, and to enhance and consolidate the socialistmodernization plays an absolutely dominant role; accompanied The forward made andthe deepening of China's reform and opening up policy, economic and institutionaltransformation are maturing, the state-owned economy, stimulating the rapid growth ofthe national economy as a whole has also played a crucial role.
     This article using the panel data of20industries in the manufacturing1999-2010,the establishment of the panel data cointegration model, empirical test of naturalmonopoly, the industry externalities dominant industry, industry spillover effects onthe distribution of China's state-owned Economic Factors Affecting An EmpiricalAnalysis. The state-owned economy is a form of expression in the public sector of theeconomy. The biggest difference is that the state-owned economy and privateownership economy two kinds of ownership of property rights is different. Propertyrights of state-owned economy is a national, personal property rights of privateownership economy. It is property rights is different is the state-owned economy andprivate ownership economy there are many differences in their pursuit of economicobjectives and economic efficiency. The state-owned economy of industrialdistribution theory refers to the distribution of state-owned economy in variousindustries and sectors, it contains two important aspects. First, the spatial distributionof state-owned Economic structure, which is state-owned economic sectors in specificdistribution which industries. Second, is the established industry proportion of theeconomy. General selection of the total assets or total investment of state-ownedeconomy accounted for the proportion of the industry's total assets or total investmentto reflect. The adjustment and optimization of the distribution of the state Economicliving in the most important position in the entire industrial structure adjustment,which is vigorously improve the overall control of the state-owned economy, the keyinfluence. Industrial layout of the state-owned economy is not necessarily the focus ofthe state-owned economy of structural adjustment would be difficult to achieve thedesired goals. China's economic reform is at a critical period of China's economictransformation, and the complexity of the regional economic system more so that the overall rationality of the economic adjustment process in the past one-sided to chasethe rapid growth of the economy, ignoring China's economic resources configuration,various regional projects redundant construction, the regional industrial structure existsdisorders coexist and convergence problems. Do a good job in industrial restructuringof state-owned economy is the key to solve the above problems. Natural monopoly andindustry spillover effect is not significant factors affect the distribution of state-ownedEconomic and industry externalities, the dominant industry, the impact of China'sstate-owned Economic distribution is very significant of. And this effect was positive,which reveals when the external role of the industry is becoming increasingly obvious,and the stronger leading role, then, the proportion of state-owned economy of thisindustry will be greater.
     29In this paper, the Chinese manufacturing industry data, estimates the changesof the the1999-2010industry performance. On this basis, the establishment of a panelthreshold model, analysis and testing of nonlinear correlation between the distributionof industries and industrial performance of the state-owned economy. China'sstate-owned enterprises in the traditional planned economy under the conditions ofbirth and running. China has repeatedly explore the reform of state-owned enterprises,but productive large-scale system reform after the reform and opening up. Majorstate-owned enterprise reform in China has experienced the devolution of power tochange their operational mechanism, establishing a modern enterprise system as wellas the strategic restructuring of the four stages. From the early1980s, the countrybegan to expand the operational autonomy of enterprises, the implementation ofreform initiatives "devolution of power". Countries and the competent authorities todevolve more power to the enterprise, and the implementation of various forms ofcontractual management, to get as much benefit from the economic responsibility tothe asset management responsibility, so that business owners and workers, in order tomobilize the enterprise and personal enthusiasm of both. In1992, the countries todevelop regulations for state-owned enterprises to change their operational mechanism,to further the implementation of the autonomy of the enterprise, and comprehensivelypromote the reform of state-owned enterprises operating mechanism, so that the reformof state-owned enterprises into a new stage. Beginning in1994, the central target modeto establish a state-owned enterprise reform is to establish a modern enterprise system. An outstanding progress in the reform of this stage is the first time touched theownership of the enterprise, the enterprise property right system reform unequivocally.September1997Fifteenth focus on doing a good job the entire national economy,grasp large and small, and deregulation of the strategic reorganization of state-ownedenterprises ". The two strategic adjustment proposed by the report of the15th to focuson enhancing the dominance and competitiveness of state-owned economy, andcomprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of the national economy as awhole, and to enhance the comprehensive national strength and internationalcompetitiveness. Formed after the reform of China's state-owned economy, thedistribution of industries is to improve the performance of China's industrial problems?Academia and not form a unified understanding. New understanding of an importantrole in stabilizing the economy and enhance industrial competitiveness of state-ownedcapital-depth study of the distribution of industries and industrial performance of thestate-owned economy whether certain characteristics of great significance for solvingthe economic and social problems of our country is currently facing. Formed after thereform of China's state-owned economy, the distribution of industries is to improve theperformance of China's industrial problems? Academia and not form a unifiedunderstanding. From the results of the regression equation coefficient estimates, thedistribution of state-owned Economic efficiency of industrial technology, showing apositive impact, but significantly negative, indicating that exists between thedistribution of state-owned Economic efficiency of industrial technology." inverted U"type relationship.
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