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It is the issue for evaluating and predicting the stability of the dam, founation
    and abutment to investigate the analysis of coupled seepage and stress fields in the
    dam and its surrounding rock mass. In this dissertation, the systematic research
    methd is utilized, in which rock mass mechanics, seepage theory and structural
    mechanics are combined, theoretical anaiysis and engineering application are
    combined, and the dam and its surrounding rock mass are combined. The dam and its
    surrounding finite rock mass are the main research object. Based on the structure of
    the dam and rock mass, analysis of seepage through the dam and its surrounding rock
    mass is pefformed. With the hydrotatic seepage pressure and the hydrodynamic
    seepage pressure (seepage body force or hauling force applied on the fissure walls)
    being simultaneously considered, the multiple-level fracture network non-linear
    mathmatical model for coupled seepage and stress (or temperatur) fields in the dam
    and its surrounding rock mass is proposed. The 3-D finite element program and
    software for solving the couple model is developed. The above couple models and
    software are applied in the hydroelectric projects such as Xiaowan and Longtan
    Hydropower Station Project. The theories such as hauling force applied on the fissure
    walls, the multiple-level fracture network model for coupled seepage and stress (or
    temperature) fields, and the numerical method and softwar are newly established in
    this dissertation. It can be shown from engineering computation that, by means of the
    couple analysis, the total flow rate decreases and the hydraulic head distribution
    changes, and the maximum values of stress components increase by 10~20%. When
    the hydraulic gradient is sharp, the shearing stress increases obviously because of the
    hauling force applied on the fissure walls. Compared with the couple analysis, the
    stress values of single analysis is non-conservative. The higher the hydraulic
    conductivity the more obvious the effect of seepage on temperature, and the less
    obvious the effect of tomperature on seepage. When seepage flows from where the
    temperature is low to where the temperature is high, the temperature decreases and the
    Wdraulic head increases due to the couple analysis.
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